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Researchers’ views vary on Tazkerat-ol Olyaa’s sources. Some believe that Attaar has taken many of his ideas from Hojviri’s book of “Kashf-ol Mahjoob”. Some have introduced “the Dissertation of Qosheiriyeh” as the main source of Attar, and some believe that there are some direct word-by-word translations taken from Solami’s “Tabaghaat-ol Soofiyeh”, found in Tazkerat-ol Olyaa. However, what has not been attended to is how Attaar has made use of Mostamli Bokhari’s Sharh-e Taarrof which is considered the first mystical work in Persian. This book, considering its comprehensive mystical discussions, has priority over Kashf-ol Mahjoob and the Dissertation of Qosheiriyeh. This study intends to determine the significance of this book (Sharh-e Taarrof) among Attaar’s sources by comparing some excerpts taken from Tazkerat-ol Olya and Sharh-e Taarrof. Hence, some examples are provided to reveal how Attaar has been influenced by Kashf-ol Mahjoob and by the translation of the Dissertation of Qosheiriyeh in order to depict a clear picture of the influence and the position of “Sharh-e Taarrof”.

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There is no single and universal definition of postmodernism to be found in reference books and literary sources, agreed by all theorists and applicable to all types of postmodern stories. Most theorists emphasize that this concept cannot be pinned down by a broad and all-inclusive definition. Seeking comprehensive definitions is certainly indicative of a rational approach; yet postmodernism, which challenges modern rationality, is in principle against single and universal definitions and instead favours plurality and paradox. Nevertheless, there are links and inter-connections in the various theories of postmodernism which bring certain aspects of postmodern thinkers’ ideas close to each other. The blurring of the distinction between imagination and reality in postmodern stories is one of these common ideas, a typical instance of which can be found in the contemporary Iranian author Ali Khodaee’s short story “Warm Me Up throughout Winter”. Reading this story according to Brian McHale’s theory of postmodernism and then citing similar concepts introduced by Barry Lewis and David Lodge will illustrate how close the ideas of these three thinkers are despite their differing terminologies.

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All the thinkers believe that the life and existence of any scientific field is dependent on research and investigation, because research is a crucial factor in the development and intellectual foundations of human sciences, conducted according to the circumstances, temporal and spatial necessities. Any scientific research requires various research methods that can help the researcher to carry out the research in a rule-governed manner and step-by-step to achieve the desired scientific results with more certainty and more quickly. The writer believes that such a methodical quality has not been presented in Persian Literature so far, because of the three following factors: firstly the type of definition, secondly the area of functions in literature, and thirdly disbelief to the overlapping of interdisciplinary research methods. Therefore, this study is aimed at accomplishing and serving the same very important purposes.

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This study examines the growth and the development of derivative words and their affixes in the primary school bilingual students. Linguists believe that if the typology of the first and second languages is close together, learning a second language is faster. Farsi and Turkish are agglutinating languages whereas Arabic is an inflectional one. Therefore, it is expected that Turkish speaking students who learn Farsi as a second language at school, learn and use the derived words more than Arabic speaking pupils whose second language is Farsi. In this study, the basic vocabulary is used. Examination of the results reveals that there is no significant relationship between the development of the derived words and their affixes as a result of increase in the level of education and the typology of the examined languages in the aforementioned bilingual students’ knowledge of vocabulary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Surrealism with its greatest goal to reach the truth and metaphysics through mental and spiritual affairs, is a phenomenon which has a background not more than a century in Europe. The principle and system of Surrealism, including escaping from reason and writing spontaneously, propounds its achievements as an unconscious courier and absolute truth which can be observed completely and extensively in mystical literature though with deep and fundamental differences. Persian mystics, in a state of trance and enthusiasm have left propositions and writings which reveal no or trivial involvement of human mind or itellect.  Most of these words are known as “Shathiyyat” or paradoxes which can be considered a rich source of Surrealist texts. These paradoxes can be seen in the works of great mystics such as Rumi, Baha Valad, and Shams Tabrizi.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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According to Russian formalists and French structuralists, the basic element in each poem is its structure. Thus, structuralists’ reviews mostly focus on the surface structure of the poem to investigate its linguistic dimensions and discover its structural innovations. Accordingly, literary forms are based on language forms that pave the way for literary analysis. In this regard, the language of poetry is one of the components in the symbiosis of linguistics and literature. The analysis of phonetic structure, which includes rhetorical embellishments or aesthetic elements of the text, is an assured path in investigating such symbiosis. In such analysis, literary creation is studied on the basis of a hierarchy which consists of three levels: phonetic, lexical, and syntactic. Ahmad Azizi is one of the contemporary poets of Islamic Revolution whose poetry represents the selection and combination of various linguistic features in the speech chain. Such selections and combinations create a special kind of music in the phonetic structure of poem which is the consequence of words and the arrangement of syntactic structure of sentences. This study gives an aesthetic analysis of the phonetic structure of Ahmad Azizi’s book entitled "Revelation Shoes" and examines some of its features.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study reveals how the late Seyyed Ahmad Fardid enjoyed the notions of Hafiz and Heidegger. Fardid in his study addressed him as “Hakime Onsi” and with emphasis on specific ontology of Hafiz, which lies in the depth of Iranians’ mentality, refers to Heidegger who is an existential thinker likewise with the advantage of his deep thoughts and analysis of thought current in the West attempts to integrate the semantic richness of Hafiz’s reflections with the extensive thoughts of Heidegger so that the people of our homeland can appropriately define one of the possible achievements of our cultural relations with the modern era. The study indicates how Fardid through reading the major works of Heidegger like “the universe and time” or “what is metaphysics? translates and interprets them to the language and literature of Hafiz in order to open up novel views and perspectives.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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