America wasn' t directly interested in attending in different areas because of two reasons after the ending the Vitnam war in 1970s. At first this presence imposed heavy expenses that they have to personally pay and secondly preventing from creating an ugly feature of them in the world. In order to achieve these goals the American tried to obtain their interests by using of their allies and the regional studying course in its universities was created at the same time.The first assessment of this politic was performed in Persian Gulf area in Niksun doctrine framework and it is known as the Dustun politic. The first column of this politic was Iran as an army power and the second column was Arabia as the financial power. But, we can see a new procedure in United States' politics after the victory of Islamic Republic of Iran, starting Iraq war against Iran and making the raid to Qweit and problems such as September eleventh.In other words USA tries to divide these expenses among their allies in the area and by using the international organization make its actions in the region lawful. So the purpose of this research is studying the quality of these actions and the American Solitary stabilization of global leadership, instrumental using from international organization and making their actions lawful together with providing their national interests.