Energy security is one of the most prominent issues in the International Relations. Energy security returns to ensure and stable of supply energy (oil and gas). The politician aim use to achieve energy is three issues. First, the acquisition of threat and risk-free energy sources is possible. Second, these resources have logically diversity geographical resources and transmission routes and third, the flows of oil and gas supply points are generally stable and not likely to change their governments, long-term and long. So, codification of energy diplomacy with emphasize on role of energy is located on the policy of various politicians. In this context, two factors make important issue in subject of energy security.Firstly, doubled requires industrialized countries to energy resources and in contrast, increased per capita energy consumption in India & China.Secondly, from the perspective of western countries, energy resources are located in region with unstable political regimes. Therefore, according to link economic growth and energy demand and supply, energy security becomes the most important issues in states foreign policy. Accordingly, different countries have chosen various policies for safe and uninterrupted access to energy resources. Russia which is one of most important countries of global energy producer has taken the following policies: 1. Diversity of supply resources 2. Diversity of region supply 3. Enhancement of energy transition instructure 4. An active participation in international energy markets, international financial markets and regional organization to gain international energy investment.