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This article is an attempt for evaluation of climatic aspects of rural traditions and new houses in Kahnamo (Osku-Tabriz). The vernacular architecture of Kahnamo has been grown up through times and in terms of using climatic and environmental aspects. Vernacular materials have been responsible for their habitants' demands. Thus, knowing these experiments despite contribution in sustainable development can be used in re-construction of dwellings and architectural spaces in the region. This article is a resaerch with survey method. For selecting the sample group imporbable sampling method was used. In this study 15 types of traditional and new dwellings of rural Kahnamo have been choosen, and then their response to climate have been evaluated in terms of using Mahoony indicators, climatic aspects and bio-climatical charts. Findings of this article indicate that vernacular architecture versus new houses has been so successful, due to optimized use of climatic aspects and natural sources. Thus their expriments and construction techniquces can be used in new cliamatical designs.

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The Sofi-Chay Basin with 310 km2 areas has located in south of east Azerbaijan province and north of Maraghe city. In this region annually many landslides occur and cause more damages for setelment, roads, agriculture and economy; therefore main reason for study of this region is selected. Landslide occurrences in this basin accumulate more sediment behind Allavian Dam. We have applied Geographical Information System and Anbalagan models in research. In this work, each factor affected landslide occurrence such as geological structure, lithological structure, lithology, relative height. Slope, land use and underground water are mapped. In next step slope stability maps were obtained from adding up each unit weight. We overlaid lithology maps with slope instability map. This work showed that major landslides have occurred in quaternary deposits and contact point of Andsite and clays or lahars pomice. Consequently, study area was classified in 5 groups: very high hazardous, high hazardous, medium hazardous, low hazardous, free of hazards. Hazard zoning map showed that, 19 present of area is in no-hazard zone.

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The chill wind index is represented to demonstrate relationship between human discomfort due to the joint effect of wind and temperature. Parts of Iran, such as Northwestern sometimes experience very extreme cold weather and frost associated with violent winds which can be detrimental to human health and other flora and fauna. Therefore, the main objective of this study is evaluating of the chill wind index as one of the significant indices of body comfort and finding the synoptic patterns which are related to this index in the Northwestern of Iran. To do so, the climatic data for the January, February and December months of a 26 years statistical period (1980-2006) were extracted from the synoptic stations of Northwestern of Iran and data include pressure, temperature, wind speed components (U&V) in different levels and in hourly scale which were extracted for sample days with the highest chill wind index from NCEP/NCAR. Composite maps of temperature advection, pressure, wind vector and speed in middle levels and lower levels (850Hpa) and sea level were generated by GRADS software. Also, for calculating the chill wind index the Sipel-Passele’s equation was used. The results illustrate that chill winds mostly happened under the two patterns: Deep trough and blocking. Cold advection in both patterns is provided from three sources: High pressure in Northern Africa and Southern Europe, Deep trough over the Siberia (north of the Black Sea) and weak high pressure over the southern part of the Black Sea.

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The aim of this paper is city development strategies preference using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. In this research city development strategy preference for Esfahan metropolis was categorized in six main criteria including physical organizing; spatial form, dynamism of urban economic, social livable, environment, sustainable accessibility and good governance. Each of these criteria was categorized in several sub criteria. Results of indicated that sub criterion of spatial equality with weighting mean 0.1 was determined in first rank, sustainable income with weighting mean 0. 6 were in second rank, urban tourism development with weighting average 0.7 and air pollution decreasing with weighting mean 0. 6 were in next ranks and finally vision statement of future city gained fifth rank. Ultimately have been discussed strategy planning.

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One of the most important spaces which are among the various destinations, is considered and visited by tourists is cities. Among them densely populated and historical cities attract more tourists. A long time ago, city spaces include the most attractive spaces, because cities are the most attractive and complete settlements of human and involve the main centers of economical, scientifically, recreational, medical and so on. Specially, historical-cultural cities have lots of opportunities for tourist based on ancient and inherited sources, for this reason, they are attractive places for tourists.The method of this research is descriptive, survey and is based on the content analysis and its purpose is investigating cultural and historical spaces of Urmia City and also the opportunities and limitations exist at this part of the city that can have an effective role in planning and managing the tourism of this city.Findings of this research show that the tourism space of the city and mostly covers the central part of the city. This part of the city in spite of appropriate situation and its vicinity to administrative, services and commercial centers and in spite of having urban institutions and equipment's, there are some specific problems such as oldness of urban transportation system, low quality of tourism services and facilities. Recommended that raising the standards of tourism services, providing tax credits to private sector for investment in tourism sector, establishing centers of information and advertising and finally, by Urmia City, can help to develop tourism and the dynamics of tourism space of this city.

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Geographical space and space values play an important role in the behavior of countries and create different behavioral patterns such as cooperation, interaction, competition and disputation. This research is intended to examine the role of geographical space of Central Asia in Powers Rivalry. The research methodology adopted is descriptive- analytic and the data- gathering procedure is library and field finding. The finding of the current research based on library and field finding reveals that the geographical space of Central Asia and the values of this space are influential in the rivalry of powers in this region. The most important geographical values which are the subject of rivalry are: Geographical Situation, Energy Resources, Energy Transmission Lines, Human Structure and the Consumption Market of Central Asia.

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Frequency of cloudiness effects on the climate in the southern coasts of Caspian Sea are through increasing humidity, precipitation and cooling. The clouds format in different synoptic patterns and special thermodynamic and dynamic conditions. In this research, sea level pressure levels patterns were studied and compared in convective, nonconvective and heavier precipitation events in the Southern coasts of Caspian Sea. For this aim, on the basis of daily precipitation and with regard to 25 and 50 percent probability, precipitation events were divided into 2 groups of heavy and super heavy precipitations as well. Clouds synoptic indexes were grouped into two classes of convective and nonconvective clouds. The results show that there are 16 slp patterns in heavier precipitation groups. In general, Black Sea high pressure and Siberian high pressure generated heaviest and the most cover in convective and nonconvective precipitation events respectively.

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The height datum usually establish based on the tide gauges data. In practice the mean sea surface topography is used as a zero height datum for leveling networks. The separation between the geoid and mean sea level is the sea surface (SST) topography which cases the bias in height datum establishment. Also, the SST is the important parameter in oceanography for studying the current circulations. In this research, the mean sea level estimated based on the TOPEX/Poseidon satellite altimetry data during the 1992 till 2003. Then a new sea surface topography model computed based on the recent geoid model from the GOCE satellite in Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. The range and mean parameters of the combined SST model is estimated about ±1.4 and -0.3 meter, respectively.

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The regional climate behavior as the function of different variables influences the climate in the region. Identifying key elements of a constructive climate in each region can determine the potential of the region's climate to be effective. Using modern methods such as multivariate statistical methods for recognition of climate behavior can achieve more reliable results. Component analysis is mainly based on family of vectors, particularly for reducing the volume of data it is a mathematical method. Using the components can change the time and where about of the climate variables in displaying few components.In this study with the aim of climate components analysis, data from 19 synoptic stations and 22 climate variable of the provinces of Kermanshah and Kordestan have been used. Method used in this study, is the principal components analysis. Results of the analysis of selected climatic variables in Kermanshah and Kordestan provinces showed that first 6 components in 91% of the data diffractions are explained. These components include: temperature (37%), precipitation (20%), humidity and temperature variations (14%), sunshine hours (9%), stormy days and days with dust storm (5%).

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Tourism in general and sports tourism in particular, having a clear industry feature, is considered as a source of income in some countries. Obviously, in order to exploit this area of the sports industry, managers and practitioners require careful planning at the strategic and operational level. That is the subject rarely considered in the province Mazandaran. The purpose of this study, is to identify and prioritize strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, subsequently, strategic planning for sports tourism in this area based on SWOT analysis. For this purpose, 89 people including senior managers of the province's sports executive, managers, guides and individuals familiar with tourism affairs, sports specialists and experts also sports management to a non-random example research were selected who completed voluntarily adjusted questionnaires related to research subject. Results of binomial test showed that the 13, 29, 20 and 23 variables were identified respectively as the factors strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Data analysis using the Friedman test showed favorable climatic conditions and transportation systems were respectively considered as the most and least important of strengths. The lack of holding good quality competitions and international sports tournaments in the province and sport tourists' security are considered respectively as the most and least of weaknesses. Also a favorable background of native-local sports festival here and high risk taking power to enter the industry are considered respectively as the most and least important opportunities. In a similar manner, lack of effective supervision on sport tourism development and a comprehensive plan for designing, constructing and maintaining sport places and spaces are considered as the most important and least important threats. Overall results showed that through planning desirable strategies after identifying these four areas of sport tourism, development can be realized in the field.Some of these strategies include: Utilizing the capabilities of indigenous human resources, communicate uninterrupted with cities and neighboring countries to conduct events, tournaments and..., develop and prosper water sports in the athletics and universal areas, create appropriate procedures to avoid spreading invasive and cultural contrasting, create strategic economic approach to market stability and prosperity, given the need to compete with regional and international competitors with long-range plans, stablish for media the perspective to support sports tourism, revenue funding to develop this industry through income locations, encourage private sector investment in this sector and not confrontation of government through its development projects, trying to create harmony between the various institutions involved, to determine having the advantages of coordinating macro policies to develop this section and to request parliament lawyers in order to develop clear and strong legal policies.

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Climate change, temperature increase and rain fluctuations are considered as important ecological issues on which a lot of studies have been in recent years.The increase in average global temperature and rain fluctuations and both of these variations, which are a part of all climate theories, act as indicators of climate change. Climate changes in a region can be traced through the examination of average temperature and precipitation variations.Estimates suggest that the average temperature of earth will show an increase of 0.7 to 2 degrees centigrade up to the year 2030.The severe effects of damages resulting from rain fluctuations are not only because of dry periods, but also on occasions which excess rain will cause destroying floods. Elnino will have harmful effects on national economy of different countries Lanina has also different effects on different parts of the earth. The damage caused by Elnino during 1982-1983 has been estimated to be around 8 to 13 billion dollars.The present paper investigates the climatic parameters of temperature and precipitation of Qazvin plain and the effects of Enso on them using the sequential correlation analysis (SCA) and the common statistical methods. The results show that there is a meaningful sequential correlation between some components of temperature and precipitation of Qazvin plain and the Enso phenomenon, so that when Elnino happened, annual and Autumn precipitation were more than the long term average but the average annual temperature and different seasonal temperatures were less than the long term average. on the contrary in the year when Lanina occurred, annual and Autumn precipitation were less than the long-term average but annual temperature and different seasonal temperatures were more than the long term average.

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The surveys regarding behavior and attitude of people in urban areas indicate that all cities of the world have always faced a type of political, economic and cultural government and in the meantime they have been changed and sometimes they have maintained the existing attitude for a longtime. Shaharreza was not exceptional and after the Islamic revolution it has hosted two groups which included Lors of Apadana region and Qashqais of Vardasht region. By the settlement of these two groups in the city, the structure of its population has been changed and consequently the interference of three cultures in the city has made a unique behavioral geography which has created lots of social and economic problems. In this abstract, we would like to survey the role of environmental understanding of the attitude of residents of Shahrerza with respect to Qashquais residents of the city. In this research the cluster sampling is used and the Cochran formula for evaluating the sampling size was employed. The number of sampling sizes was defined to be 260 persons.The data were analyzed and processed in SPSS by using Pearson, and also descriptive statistics. In this research, the effects of three social classes, network of social relationships and the rate of life satisfaction in forming attitude and its type were surveyed. The results of this study showed that social class, networks of social relations and life satisfaction in people with attitude is a positive correlation. Therefore, by improvement of social class, reinforcing the social relationships and increasing the rate of life satisfaction, their attitude with respect to non-native people can be corroborated.

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