Due to rapid changes in technology, and changes from local to global environment, cities have to compete with each other to being an attractive tourist destination. Today tourist satisfaction of tourism product quality at a destination is one of the determinant factors to successful in competitive world of tourism industry, which influences on goods and services consumption at holiday, reputation, trust, and future behavioral intentions (say positive things about destination, revisit, and recommending). In this regard, the purpose of this study is to evaluate tourist' satisfaction of the quality of tourism product and future behavioral intentions in El-Golu Park of Tabriz. The research is based upon descriptive-analytic and correlative methods. The study population (N) was domestic tourists in Golu Park of those two-hundred were the sample of the study (n). Moreover, the survey was distributed among the participants in convince method. Furthermore, the data was analyzed using SPSS version 22.0. The results indicated that; (1) there are not significant differences between tourists on attractiveness, interest to recreation, and safety of the Park based on Mann-Whitney Test and Independent Samples T-test, (2) based on the One Sample T-test, tourists are satisfied of facilities, accessibility, attraction, prices and image perception of the park, and (3) analysis of simple linear regression showed significance and positive influence of tourist satisfaction on the say positive things about destination, recommending, and decision to return. At the end, future researches should studied the relationship among the image of the destination, socio-demographic characteristics, nationality, ethnicity, length of stay, creativity, and communication and information technology with the future behavioral intentions.