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The present study is to identify the potentiality of the landslide occurrence in Badranlou Basin with the area 300. 37 Km2. To prepare the risk map of landside, firstly using conducted studies, a total number of 69 landslides were identified in this basin which covers about 243900 m2. Then, factors affecting landsides in the basin were investigated and eight factors including features of lithology, land use, the steep slope degree, the steep slope orientation, average annual rainfall, distance from waterways, distance to faults, and distance from residential centers were selected as effective factors. These factors were prioritized using expert ideas and the ANP, and then the maps related to factors affecting landside occurrence were prepared. By merging the maps related to the factors to which the coefficients calculated based on priority and valuing were applied in the ANP, at last the map of the landslide risk in Badranlou Basin was prepared and the studied region was classified into three classes in terms of landside occurrence accordingly, %30. 43 of the region is faced with moderate-level risk, %37. 68 of them with high-level risk, and %31. 89 of it is faced with very high-level risk. After that, to evaluate the conducted zoning, the comparison of the final zoning map with the map of dispersion of landslides was conducted and the results indicated that 21 landsides occurred in area 75600 m2 in the landside points with moderate-level risk, 26 landsides occurred in area 91800 m2 in landside points with high-level risk, and 22 landsides occurred in area 76500 m2 in landside points with very high-level risk. Furthermore, the results indicated that the most important factors affecting the occurrence of landsides in the basin includes the degree of steep slope, lithological features, distance from waterways, and average annual rainfall.

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Soil erosion and sediment yield are one of the most destructive phenomena that was cause a lot of damages in different regions. In order to combat with increasing sediment loads, informed of the nature and sediment sources in watershed scale is essential. Soil conservation projects and for effective sediment control strategies, need to knowledge of sediment sources throughout a catchment environment. The main aims of this study are to apply tracers to determine relative contributions of sediment sources with six mixing models and to use Monte Carlo-mixing model that estimates contributions of sources to associated the uncertainty estimation in sediment fingerprinting in the land uses(rangelands, forests, cultivation and gardens)and geology information(Razak, Kashkan, Bakhtyari, Quaternary, Pabedeh Gorpi and Asmary) of Tange Bostanak catchment, in Fars province. Multivariate discriminant function analysis was subsequently used to identify the best composite fingerprint incorporating a number of these tracers. Four tracers(C, Cu, Si, Ti) verify ability to discriminate between land use source categories and four tracers(Nd143/144, Cu, Si, Ti) verify ability to discriminate between geology information’ s source categories. The application of six commonly used mixing models(Collins, MCollins, Landwehr, MLandwehr, Motha, Slattery) to Monte Carlo Simulation identified all outputs remained in the acceptable range of contributions defined by the Monte Carlo uncertainties. Mean relative contribution (percentile 5%, percentile 50% and percentile 95%, respectively) of sediment samples resulting from the Monte Carlo mixing model uncertainty approach. The best explanatory parameters provided by the Collins model based on GOF index(99. 3)was best model for land uses and the best explanatory parameters provided by the Modified Collins model based on GOF index(99. 98)was best model for geology information. The relative contributions from areas of range lands with 58. 76%(42. 5%-75. 65%) and Asmary inrormation with 53. 63%(46. 7%-60. 11%) are highest, respectively. Pabedeh Gorpi and Bakhtyari information’ s with 0. 24 and 0. 27 are the lowest relative importance, also gardens and range lands with 3. 73 and 3. 5 are the highest relative importance, respectively.

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Introduction: Land use change has a significant impact on water resources. At a watershed scale, land use change can increase runoff, flooding, and nonpoint source pollution and can degrade downstream water bodies. Thus it is important to assess the potential hydrologic impacts of land-use change prior to watershed development. To evaluate the hydrologic impacts of LULC change, many hydrological models have been developed. Some of these models mentioned above require many types of data inputs and parameter estimation that are usually not readily available for land-use planners. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a much easier to use model to evaluate hydrological effects of the land-use changes. The Long-Term Hydrologic Impact Assessment (L-THIA) model is developed by Purdue University as a tool to assess how land-use change affects annual average runoff in a watershed. The model uses only readily available data, such as daily rainfall, land uses, and hydrologic soil group. The objectives of this paper are: 1) to derive LULC classification maps of the study area; 2) to quantitatively assess the effects of LULC change on direct runoff using the L-THIA model. Materials & Methods: Study area The Ziarat River Basin is located between 54° 23' to 54° 31' E longitude and 36° 36' to 36° 43' N latitude. It has an area of 9923 hectares. The basin has experienced dramatic urbanization in the past decade, resulting extensive land use changes. Therefore, it is important to assess hydrologic response to land use changes for future land use planning and management purposes. Model description: L-THIA has been developed as a straightforward analysis tool that provides estimates of changes in runoff, recharge and non-point source pollution resulting from past or proposed land use changes. It gives long-term average annual runoff for a land use configuration, based on actual long-term climate data for that area. L-THIA results can be used to generate community awareness of potential long term problems and to support physical planning aimed at minimizing disturbance of critical areas. Recent concern over urban sprawl has focused on several land use change issues, including the failure to account for hydrologic aspects of land use change that can result in flooding, stream degradation, and erosion. L-THIA is based on computations of daily runoff obtained from long term climate records, soil data, CN value and land use of the area. Discussion of Results: Database preparation In order to investigate changes in land use, land use maps were generated from Landsat images in 1994 (TM) and 2015 (OLI). The images were geometrically corrected and Ortho-rectified using Ground Control Points and Digital Elevation model. In next stage, Training samples were collected for image classification, using field works, digital topographic maps and interpretation of false color composite. Finally, Image classification was done using supervised classification maximum likelihood. Based on this method, five land use category such as agriculture land, forest, city, grassland and water bodies were defined. Also, the digital soil data were reclassified into hydrologic soil groups A (Sand, loamy sand, or sandy loam); B (Silt loam or loam); C (Sandy clay loam) and D (Clay loam, silt clay loam, sandy clay, silt clay, or clay) according to rules of hydrologic groups classification for the L-THIA application. Once the land use and soil grids are prepared, the Curve Number can be calculated by using the Calculate the CN option from the L-THIA menu. The comparison between the land-use map and the CN layer was determined that most of the areas with curved number of 80 located in agricultural and urban land uses. After, the generation of CN layer, the L-THIA model was used to estimate annual depth and volume runoff using daily rainfall data with different LULC maps of 1994 and 2015. Conclusion: Land use change is the most important human intervention in hydrological cycle of each watershed area. This paper investigates the hydrological effects of land use change in Ziarat basin in north of Iran, based on the Long-Term Hydrologic Impact Assessment (L-THIA) model. This is a hydrological model that requires the meteorological data, land use pattern and soil hydrology map. In this way, the Landsat satellite images of TM (1994) and OLI (2015) sensors; and techniques of remote sensing, such as supervised classification and Image difference were applied to identify and monitor the land use changes. The Classification results show five land use types, including residential areas, agricultural lands, rangelands, forests and water areas. The result of land use changes indicate an increase in the area of residential (96. 3%), and agricultural (37. 8%) lands, and a decrease in the area of rangelands (6. 35%), forests (1. 2%) and water surfaces (4. 2%). Besides, the land use change during the last 21 years, has led to a 14. 2 mm increase in the average amount of runoff depth, of which the portion of residential areas and agriculture lands were 37. 26 and 28. 91 percent, respectively. The results indicate that the L-THIA model have a good ability to assess the effects of land use and land cover change in the depth and volume of runoff. This model could provide the possibility of identifying accident prone areas, flood zones and flood management by spatial distribution map of runoff.

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One of the factors that cause change and transformation in different parts of the Earth have been the phenomenon of erosion. South Central Alborz Green River Hablerood areas between 53 ° 52 12degrees up 9 minutes and 35 degrees East longitude and 17 minutes to 35 degrees north latitude and 58 minutes. With a rain Simulator device type comforts with intensify 4 minute precipitation in three repeat. With the continuation of the domain. The amount of runoff, sediment and units lithology to collect bottles and samples for weighing the amount of sediment and runoff, soil conservation and watershed management research institute. Map of the potential production of special deposits for the entire basin. Then create special deposition map using GIS software with the intersection of the command in the sub basin map in geographic information system environment, fitted. The number of 15 parameter were studied that Morphometric and environmental grain on erosion and sedimentation, and has been selected. Shown and 0. 738 after full implementation in the 10models. this is the coefficient increased 0. 820 show dented this entry is that the slope, vegetation, environment and units lithology the most impact in the shows continue, the results showed that a significant level of regressive model No. 1 has been sig = 0. 017 but retrograde 10-level model 95 percent with a significant sig = 0. 000. In the results, standard coefficients (Beta) and the level of being meaningful, the model shown in the first stage run slope, vegetation and lithology variables with coefficients. 340, 065 096. . . and all the variables entered into the models between the detected which suggests the importance of these parameters. After the implementation of the model at the stage of being a significant witness 10 slope, basin environment variables, Po six vegetable and lithology the coefficient of the resultant islets. 825,-450,-.-643.

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This study aimed to identify factors leading to slope instability,Maps preparation,determine potential areas mass movements and risk zoning in the Upper Basin Komanaj Chay.That is one of the important basins in the northern city of Tabriz,by Using logistic regression models and artificial neural network done.This basin due to topography,tectonics,geology,stratigraphy,and the climate is prone to a variety of slope instability,this phenomenon always occurs.According to the study variables such as altitude,slope,aspect,type of formation,distance to fault,distance from the river,land use,distance from the road,as the independent variable And distribution of unstable slopes as the dependent variable using logistic regression models and artificial neural network was analyzed.The results showed that the most important factors in the occurrence of slope instability in the basin are as follows:Elevation,distance from the river,lithology,faults,slope and aspect More than 50 percent of instability range in height from 1850 to 1520 in the study area dip 32-17 degrees,at a distance of 200 meters from the canal and 500 meters from the fault occurred.According to the results of a very high percentage of areas the risk of neural network and logistic regression models respectively 5.6 and 8.3 percent is the mainly areas close to the drainage network which includes the lithology of these areas are located in areas with lower resistance.Statistical methods logistics showed a lot of reflects of faults and lithology in this areas is based Landslide.Evaluation ROC indicator showed that the model was assessed using logistic regression model is 0.894 and neural network models is 0.826.In fact,both models show a high value and suggest that mass movement and slope instabilities observed a strong relationship with probability values derived from logistic regression models and artificial neural network model.The results of this study can be useful risk management slope instabilities and control is deteriorating factors.

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Introduction: Urbanization has profoundly transformed natural landscapes throughout the world, which inevitably has resulted in various effects on the structure, function, and dynamics of ecological systems at a wide range of scales. For example, land transformations associated with urban expansion can significantly affect biodiversity, energy flows, biogeochemical cycles, and climatic conditions at local to regional scales. With accelerating urbanization throughout the world, therefore, it is becoming increasingly important for large-scale ecological research and applications (e. g., natural resource management, land use planning, and biodiversity conservation) to consider these most dramatic land transformations and their ecological consequences. Urban green spaces are fundamental ecological elements in urban structure that formed and transformed in city along time. Green spaces such as parks and sports fields as well as woods and natural meadows, wetlands or other ecosystems, represent a fundamental component of any urban ecosystem. Green urban areas facilitate physical activity and relaxation, and form a refuge from noise. Trees produce oxygen, and help filter out harmful air pollution, including airborne particulate matter. Therefore, sustainable green spaces can provide and enhance the ecological services and urban environment quality. In recent decades, landscape ecology approach has provided a theory and practical framework for assessment of landscape elements spatio patterns. One the most important tools are landscape metric that can quantify the pattern of landscape. In this study, we integrated gradient analysis with landscape pattern metrics to quantitatively characterize the urban green space patterns of Sabzevar urban area, Khorasan Razavi, Iran. We aimed to address several questions: 1) how do different green space types change with distance away from the urban center? 2) How green space sustainability change with distance away from the urban center? 3) What is a relationship between landscape metrics and sustainable properties? The gradient based landscape metrics analysis is now widely used to study the landscape pattern change in respond to urban area. 2. Material and Method: Study Area City of Sabzevar is one of the cities of Khorasan Razavi province in Iran. It is located in west of Khorasan Razavi in north-east of Iran. The area of this city is 23322 he square kilometer (figure 1). 5500 square kilometer of the total area of Neyshabuor is desert and 3425 square kilometer of this city is heights. It is a part of central plateau climate and it is an arid climate and desert location. Data and Method: For this study, methodology of research basically involves four steps: (1) to provide a patch layer in vector format (i. e., a polygon layer) was used to measure the composition and configuration of land cover features. It was created based on integrated land use map and calculating and extracting the K-Mean algorithm. (2) Land cover of study area was classified by land use map and combined with land cover map. Fragstate v. 4. 2 software was used in order to calculate metrics. (3) Landscape metrics were used in order to study quantitative features of vegetation cover, green spaces changes, relations of landscape structure and ecological sustainability. (4) To analysis relationship between sustainability and landscape metrics, gradient analysis was used form center away in two aspects: north-south and west-east. Combining gradient analysis with landscape metrics, we attempted to quantify the spatial suitability of urban green spaces. Landscape Metrics: To select and application the landscape metrics, previous studies have introduced landscape metrics according to objectives and methodology of research. Although, a series of landscape metrics, have been developed to characterize the spatial patterns of landscapes and to compare ecological sustainability across the landscapes. However, the number of metrics can be used in evaluating the ecological sustainability, but not all landscape metrics can easily be classified as representing landscape composition or landscape configuration. For example, mean patch size and patch density of a particular patch type reflect both the amount of a patch type present (composition) and its spatial distribution (configuration). 3. Conclusion: Our study has demonstrated that the sustainable level and spatial patterns of urban green spaces can be quantified using a combination of landscape metrics and gradient analysis. The results from our study can adequately address the four research questions we defined earlier in Introduction: How does different green space sustainability change with distance away from the urban center? Results showed that green space sustainability decrees with moving from center in two aspects. In landscape levels, semi-public green spaces involved the highest sustainability. Also, Correlation analysis between landscape metrics and sustainability showed TE has the most R2 (0. 97) and MESH has the fewest R2 (0. 05). Therefore, urban green space developed along the streets and urban networks, which increase the edges of green patches. However, green spaces have the least amount of continuity; it is necessary the ecological approach in planning and design of green ecological networks. The changes in landscape pattern along the transect have important ecological implications, and quantifying the green space gradient, as illustrated in this paper, is an important first step to linking pattern with processes in urban ecological studies.

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Over exploitation of natural resources during recent years has led to the intensifying of desertification phenomenon and hence serious determination is required to deal with it. This study aims to identify the adverse factors in desertification intensifications in Shekarouye using IMDPA model in order to undertake preventive and managerial measures. To this end, four criteria of soil, vegetation, climate and water were selected each having further sub indicators. Weighted average of each criterion’ s sub-indicators and the four criteria, respectively led to the composite value of each criteria and total desertification intensity. Total desertification value was classified into four classes of negligible to low, moderate, severe and very severe and the related maps were prepared. Results showed that vegetation criterion with the value of 2. 66 (very severe) and water criterion with 1. 9 (moderate), respectively were the most effective and negligible criteria in intensifying desertification. Water electric conductivity with 3. 11 (severe) and water sodium absorption ratio with 1. 1 respectively had the highest and lowest impact on desertification. Total desertification measured 1. 6 (moderate). Of the total desertification area 20310. 45 ha (56. 81%) and 15436. 78 (43. 18%) respectively fell into the moderate and negligible to low classes.

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Awareness of sedimentation and erosion rates in catchment areas and effective factors. The most important concerns and challenges for geoscientists, especially geomorphologists. Morphometric parameters of drainage network have yery determinant role in the rate of sediment uield in catchment. In this research, in order to evaluate the correlation of morphometric indices of drainage network at annual sedimentation rate, a digital elevation model (DEM), digital topographic maps, geological maps, and statistics and information on the discharge of 15 drainage basins in northeastern Iran were used. And calculated the geomorphometric indices such as: Drainage density (Dd), drainage frequency (FD), drainage (T), fault density (Df), length of drains (BL), branching ratio (Rb), number of hierarchical anomalies (Ha), hierarchical anomalous index (Δ a ), The density of the hierarchical anomalies (Ga), concentration time (Tc) and erosion-sensitive units (E) for each of the basins were calculated in the software Arc GIS 10. 5. The annual sedimentation rate was calculated using the Ciccacci et al. 1987 method for each basin. The model was validated with sediment data (regional water organization) and the gauge-sediment curve. Then the Pearson correlation coefficient and the relationship of the mentioned indices were calculated using SPSS 17 software, with annual sedimentation rate in ton / km2. According to the results, the Tc, A, E, Ha, BL, Δ a indices have a significant correlation with annual sedimentation rate of 0. 274, 0. 286, 0. 118, 0. 179 and 0. 177 respectively, respectively. There was no significant relationship in other indices. The results of the research show that the method of Ciccacci et al. 1987 is not a suitable method for estimating annual sedimentation rates in research basins. And other factors have the greatest impact on the annual precipitation rate, precipitation intensity, soil condition and land use in annual sedimentation rates of these basins, which should be considered.

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This investigation, have hydropolitic significant for Aras River that have frequent and more lateral migration. In this study is used many equation, for example, Ω ، Ự ω , وΈ … . Equation, for estimating of bank erosion and sediment dynamics. Output of estimating is analyzing and then maps is produced by using of GIS technique. The results of study suggested that rate of channel changing is vary in river course. Wide changes of river course is maximum at near of Jolfa and Poldasht, in other parts is minimum. Wide changing of course is show that lateral migration is high and alluvium is thick and broad. Cut power of river is increased when radial of curves is more. This event is occurred where that wide changes is high. The results also show that is increased rate of sediment when cut power is increased. Sadly lateral migration rate Iran orientation is increased at 30 decade recent. This result show that gradually is decreased area land of Iran.

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Introduction: Geomorphology usually described as essential to the past, present and future prediction of nature's processes and estimate pace of environment changes. On both sides of Zanjan-Rud plains extended that covered with quaternaries alluvial sediments. The area appearance is a in a way that rivers on upstream of both sides should lead to higher elevation. But in parts of the southwest of Zanjan-Rud plains part front Mountain rivers water south of Zanjan parallel with the front part of the heights of the mountains leads to the Ghezel owzan. Rivers chaotic behavior resembles the appearance of the area so that Disneyland has created forms that look like they emphasized their dominance Neotectonic processes. Land forms created in another part of the basin are not similar to works of the old lake terraces. Although at first sight this Landforms evidence of the activities area so that SATARI Neotectonic (2017) is known which formed the basis of the Neotectonic landforms and introduced analyze the indexes of the terms tectonically active basins has morphotectonic but Land forms is not the tectonic. the result end Although the possibility of tectonic activity is also According to faults in the area but the main factor in the formation of landforms function of changes in the Quaternary river to Neotectonic activities. Such conditions cause chaotic behavior quotation was Zanjans Talkheh-Rud does apply during the Quaternary. Materials & Methods: First this chaotic behavior Study, the area Intended was determined from DEM 30 * 30 areas. For the past topography simulation was Digital Contour lines the equilibrium by Pixel to code software, and in different parts without equilibrium of Contour elevation lines, reconstituted on the basis of equilibrium line elevation. The phenomenon Direction captured of deviation and the river is now flowing in them was removed, in Table specifications latitude and longitude in Surfer software and specification X, y, Z reconstruction topographic, entered its output in software Global mapper and the spatial possible Rebuilding for past River Basin rivers. With longitudinal and transverse profiles and topographies of waterways in the direction of the current and was obtained previous simulations differences in altitude are and the rate of erosion. Referring to the field work and correct errors of interpretation and analysis was performed. Discussion of Results & Conclusions: Field studies indicate that evidence of deviation in bondage or topographic maps have been reflected as follows: 1-changes the direction at an angle of 90 degrees or greater along the rivers. 2-There are coarse-grained alluvial deposits in the river upstream, elementary and middle part is the source of the water, sediment and the final or the coastal route, sometimes in the midst of the water, and they are of record sediments. 3-A basin over time almost is stream symmetric. it means a left bank and right in time is equal and symmetrical. Tectonic may be due to disruption of such a situation; but when one side has no river stream a basin as a significant and insignificant area of study changed in the river. Stream Shorter towards the other side of the river indicate redirection of the river. 4-The heigh difference is inevitable in the coastal river basins; but when the difference in altitude along the channel length less and not diagenesis alluvial deposits in the river water sharing is indicative of a change to the track previous. 5-Contours with deep pulses or deep sinuses between a smooth contour and downstream to a simple sinus uniform lithology of a change of control over the area due to regressive erosion base level changes due to the redirection of the river. With the changes of the base level of Ghezel owzan, retrogressive erosion dominant and shed on a river with very small area of basin along Zanjan-Rud to Ghezel owzan. and could be a part of divert northern slopes of the mountains south of Zanjan-Rud and lead to Gezel owzan. And create a new river that termed Talkhe Rud. A 110-square-kilometer alluvial fan testator chaotic behavior and alluvial plain series fans interlocking type which no upstream basin has any control on it. Shorter length of stream at one side of the river, the difference of high Elevation difference between river dividing line water on both sides existence of alluvial sediment not digenesis in Water dividing line, rivers 90 degrees direction change contours With deep pulses within and downstream of the smooth curve are simple sinus to a change of river courses.

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In this research, a 55 km length of Maroon River that falls in Behbahan district was studied by time interval method for morphological changes. In a 16 years interval, landsat 7 ETM and landsat 8 OLI satellite images were used for years 1999 and 2015 respectively. Maroon River bed was digitized in ARCGIS 9. 3, and then some geometric parameters were extracted using AutoCAD by intersecting circles to river curves. These parameters were analyzed statistically for years 1999 and 2015. Geometric method applied for 4 sections in order of change detection in the study area. Results show some changes in river length and also increase in meanders in some section. These sections that have more changeability were analyzed based on land use, soil and lithology maps. Those sections that have more erodible formation and flood plains that covered by inceptisols soil class are more changeable. So, changeability of river bed may be linked to soil type. Stream power may be a cause of river bank erosion. Third section laid in conglomerates and alluviums, so this may be the reason of its changes.

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Heavy precipitations and severe floods are one of the most important hazards affecting many parts of the country, including the northwest of the country, and it causes extensive damage to farms, gardens, houses, urban facilities, etc. In this research, the atmospheric conditions accompanying the occurrence of flood events in the northwest of the country on April 14, 2017 are studied. For this purpose, the data of sea level pressure, geopotential height, vertical velocity, zonal and meridional components at pressure levels of 850, 700, 500 and 300 hpa, as well as specific humidity in pressure levels of 1000 and 850 hpa(12 hours before the flood event) were obtained from European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts with a. 075-degree spatial resolution and the desired maps were drawn and the following results were obtained. The presence of severe gradient of pressure in the sea level in the northwestern region of the country and the high humidity in the lower atmosphere as well as the presence of western troughs at all levels of the troposphere exacerbate the meridian flows, and cause the subsequent formation of jets at a pressure of 700 to 300 hpa on the northwest region of Iran. On the other hand, extreme ascent, due to the severe vertical shear of the horizontal wind and the presence of a great deal of moisture, especially in the lower layers of the atmosphere, have created cumulonimbus clouds from a pressure level of 850 to 370 hpa, with lightning strikes at a pressure of 850 to 600 hpa. All of the above conditions have caused the instability and flooding and extreme precipitations in this region of the country.

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AFZALI HAMID | TORAHI ALIASGHAR | tavakoli sabour seyed mohammad



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Classification of high-dimensional hyperspectral data with many spectral bands for the derivation of good accuracy is an important problem in hyperspectral remote sensing. The most of classification algorithms are based on spectral information. Here, in order to achieve an high classification accuracy, we can use the spatial information of data. Integration of hidden morkov random field that optimize spatial information by minimizing energy functions, with support vector machine that is an powerful method for classification of hyperspectral data, can improve classification accuracy in final classified map properly. The purpose of this study is to improve the classification accuracy with a limited of training samples by combination of support vector machine algorithm and hidden morkov random field. In this study, tow hyperspectral dataset from Hyperion and AVIRIS sensors has been used. After the applying radiometric corrections like correcting embedded lines and remove bad bands, atmospheric correction Hyperion dataset done by FLAASH method and AVIRIS dataset by IAR algorithm. MNF transformation was used in order to dimensionally reduction and the endmembers were extracted from PPI band and then in order to spectral classification, used from SVM method. Finally, to improve classification accuracy in the final classified map, hidden Markov random field (HMRF) was used. So that after the extracting of Components from PCA and MNF Transformations, computing of some statistic parameters of classes in SVM classified map in order to use in inputs model and so configuration of iterations, SVM-HMRF model was applied. The results show that the proposed model (SVM-HMRF) has improved overall classification accuracy in both of data sets. For example, the improved classification accuracy on some of land uses, were around 25 percent. Also regions of final classified map is much more homogeneous and salt and pepper nose drastically reduced.

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Environmental crisis and the consequence loss of natural resources are the main reasons in which force the managers to think of the ways to manage risks and solve environmental tensions. One of the most problematic environmental issues in saad-abad region located at Sarakhs city, IRI, is the moving sands which attack residential centers, roads and the infrastructures. Therefore, environmental systems respond to the moving sands by nebkhas which balance the imposed pressure caused by wind erosion. Thus, nebkhas are considered as a significant factor to maintain the equilibrium among the forces created from environmental resistance powers and degrading moving sands imposed on residential systems. However, the most suitable plant species must be identified in order to manage the nebkhas to gain the aforementioned goals. The aim of this study is to identify the most suitable plant species in nebkhas in order to evaluate the amount of moving sands fixed in the study area using AHP model through morphometric characteristics.

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Drought is a random characteristic of natural phenomena, drought about by the irregular deficit or shortage of available water, affects injuriously the plant growth and reduces their yield. Drought is not a physical but a biological phenomenon and should, be defined separately for each plant species and environment. To estimate the intensity and frequency of drought will help to reduce the injurious effect of drought. In this study we used the water-budget methods and Thornthwaite’ s aridity index and its standard deviation for Tehran city of Iran during 1951-2013 to show the frequency and intensity of drought effects in this place. The precipitation water evaporates as fast as it comes with the result that there is no accumulation of any moisture in the soil at any time of the year. The capital city of Iran, i. e., Tehran during its study period (1951-2013) experienced a total of 32 different types of droughts. The result shows during this period this place is faced 32 times different type of drought on the five time disastrous and from the years of 2000 its severity and intensity is increased so far 2011 and 2012 the station is affected disastrous drought.

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Seeking new sources of groundwater as a source of drinking water in the world due to increasing demand for this vital world is necessary and inevitable. In recent years due to excessive interpretations of these resources the plains are dropping in a way that the depletion of aquifer is more than feeding it. And it causes a negative balance and positive feedback and finally leads to collapse of system. Factors such as population growth, the need for food, the need to improve health and social welfare, industrial development and the protection of ecosystems is increasing water demands every day. That's why the choosing an appropriate and effective, yet professional approach, in order to solve problems faced by water resource management, is necessary. Identify underground water resources, identify areas with high potential and improving the removal of these resources are the most important goals. The study area is the catchment area of NURABAD MAMSANI of about 756 square kilometers is located in Fars Province in the northwestern part. In this study, the Shannon entropy were studied using 9 raster layer of the area to locate potential sources of underground water basin. And the results of the study showed that the lowest sensitive areas located in the Central Plains that it will take approximately 64% of the areas. And more sensitivity is related to the southern plain which is equal to 2% that is covered 16 kilometers of the area. Results of Shannon entropy model using (ROC) curve showed that the amount of AUC is 85% which is a high and acceptable amount.

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