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Necessity of operating transition strategy from charging to giving responsibilities and matters by mayors in metropolises, optimized contribution view on service and constructional activities, but response to the way of utilization from citizen contributions caused description of all known and unknown aspects of citizenship contributions in creating and maintaining day markets. These include fruit and vegetables, meat and protein in Mashhad, along with evaluation of all the processes and effective features contribution manner of citizens and their contraction with mayor. Results of the present paper which are written based on analytical-descriptive and research method using second analysis and survey study, show that: 1-Amount of referring and purchase of Mashhad metropolis citizens increased from 45% in 1385 to more than 65% by now, undoubtedly, one of the main causes of which, is paying attention to citizen needs by municipality and civil managers and responsible, and preparing the way for contribution of citizens in orientation process, creation and utilization of day markets. 2. Based on survey observation in recent year compared to 1385, citizen contribution in standardization process of civil services especially in day markets lead to optimizing services of these markets (diversity of supplied products, increasing quality and health of products and even optimizing physical body indices of markets) (Citizen contributions are in the form of mental and technical aids, financial aids, contribution in performance and contribution in investment).

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In the present study, we attempted to explore and analyze effective factors on attraction of citizens to Esfahan urban parks. This paper aims to “assess the effect of determinant factors of citizens’ behavior such as employment, sex, age and the type of transport available for families on the time of use of urban parks, and the availability and attraction of citizens to them. The method of research is “analytical-descriptive and survey” which was carried out by completing 300 questionnaires in 8 urban parks in Esfahan. In order to analyze resulting data from questionnaires and to assess the interaction among studied factors, “ANOVA”, “Phi and Cramers V”, “Kendall's tau-c”, “Tukey” and “Pearson Chi-square” tests were used. The findings show that the relationship between owning private car and availability to urban parks and the relationship between age and employment condition and attraction type of parks are significant. In contrast, individuals’ age varies significantly with attraction type of parks.

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This study aims at recognizing growth poles and their formations in Iran. It also considers the influences of growth poles on regional inequalities. The method of the study is descriptive-case study. Results of the study indicate that policy of growth poles in civil planning of Iran especially after third civil planning made the overwhelming of macro-industrial investment in metropolitan and immigration to these cities and formed new growth poles. Tehran is the first growth pole and Mashhad, Esfahan, Tabriz and Shiraz stand in second position and cities having 500-1000 thousands and the center of provinces stand in third position. Because of centrality and officials and political organizations, most people shift to metropolitan and have high opportunities of finding jobs. Thus, an analysis of indices of research in 2006 shows that these growth poles gradually trickle down and have had weakness on peripheral regions. This process has made a kind of divergent effect on special structure of development of the country and it produces social development core-periphery pattern, thus, only with presenting equal opportunity mechanism and strengthening small and average cities and systematizing regional development, it is possible to reach an appropriate special structure.

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Housing today in our country has become strategic goods. In one hand settlements and rural habitats are productions units. Rural housing has an important contribution in promoting human security and social justice. On the other hand, being susceptible due to their lack of technical standards and exposure to natural hazards, the construction and retrofitting their degree is important. Today, rural housing continues to function far beyond the functions of housing in urban areas. Accordingly, the maturity and rural houses in addition to providing common functions can be necessary for rural development. Therefore, considering the status of rural housing is a major rural development programs, especially in developing countries. Functions predicted in the constitution for the government in providing adequate housing, and the need to make resistant residential units to natural disasters, develop rules, regulations and standards necessary to monitor the standards shall require that the government intervention in rural housing construction processes. Accordingly, in Iran and especially after the Islamic revolution this intervention is made with the aim of improving the quality of government and industry resistance. Considering the importance of rural housing and the role that government can play in this regard is essential. Government's actions in this field should be evaluated with the understanding; status quo, challenges, strengths and difficulties ahead, areas to improve rural housing and consequently the provision of rural development. This article is trying to policies and programs review during the third and fourth plans and identifying their obstacles. Descriptive research method in this article is analytical; review results of the assessment made that in the year 2000 after the government developped comprehensive sanitation and housing projects, new approaches in rehabilitation rural of housing and credit allocation of annual budget, rural housing construction have been declared. However, during the third and fourth plans more quantity than quality has been recognized. On the other hand during the late fourth plan, the technical standards acquired an important step towards increasing strength of rural buildings, but due to the lack of technical supervisor and scattered villages, these standards are seldomly applied.

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National and regional urban systems are always evolving over the time. There are a two-way relations between them where imbalance in one of them impacts another. Given that the dispersion of settlement points in the field of territory and the lack of cohesion in the spatial structure of the country is one of the main features of Iranian urban system, the examination of urban hierarchy is thus very important in order to identify the links and differences in the whole regions of the country. This paper examines the structure of the urban hierarchy and its evolutionary trend in Ardebil Province. For this, we have used up-dated and existing data to measure and assess the structure of the urban hierarchy in the study area. The analysis indicates that imbalance in urban hierarchy of the region has been one of the outstanding characteristics of Ardebil urban system over the past thirty years. Some reasons of this assymetry can be summarized in the excessive injection of the facilities and resources to Ardebil without the existence of specific plan; especially this trend was intensified when it was selected as the centre of the Province. In addition, geographical position of the city in urban system and remoteness of other cities in the region have impacted this problem.

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Rural areas encountering natural hazards, particularly flooding, have proved to be highly vulnerable due to the close relations between these areas and their surrounding natural environments. The structure and non-structure based methods of flood risk management should be used to decrease the adverse effects of the hazards. These methods that are applied before, at the time, and after flooding can play an efficient role in preventing the rise of damages. In our country, we use flood management processes only after the occurrence of a flood, yet the actions are very slow and inadequate. Thus, it can be concluded that the process of flood risk management is faced with some challenges and as long as we have these challenges in hand one cannot expect to reduce the detrimental effects of flooding. The present study investigates these challenges in the river basin of Khoshkerood in Talesh County. We used field-descriptive survey as a research methodology and applied library and field work methods to gather the required data. The tools of questionnaire and SPSS Software were also used to analyze the information. In analysis, our sample population was selected by a simple random sampling of 50 people from headmen of households in Jokandan Vill. The results indicate a poor public participation and the lack of readiness of the rural people against the flooding and the people also believe that the risk management organizations in charge do not perform their functions efficiently to inhibit and halter the hazards.

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Informal settling is one of the phenomena that have been created because of financial and social problems in the rapid growth of the cities and migration of rural settlers to cities mostly in the third world countries. Informal settling, as a result has turned to be not a local, but a national issue, and the related policies should work in a national level. This article has studied the theoretical approach of the issue and the formation of informal settling in Iran, and the town of Tohid in Bandar Abbas. It then suggests the ways and proposals for treating the issue. The research method is descriptive analytic and its findings are:1-The adjustment of informal settling needs national related policies.2-The settling of the issue in each region and area needs local policies and priorities that have been experienced in many regions.3-The rate of success of the above mentioned policies needs the support of the government and urban management.

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The probability distribution of thunderstorm occurrence in Tabriz indicates the irreversibility of their occurrence chiefly, in short time return periods and therefore, thunderstorms and their resulting secondary features is regarded to be a permanent hazard in Tabriz. Different atmospheric instability indices are used for thunderstorm evaluation. In this paper the Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE), Convective Inhibition Energy (CIN), Showalter Index (SI), K Index (KI), Total Totals Index (TTI), Lifted Index (LI), Soaring Index (SI), Severe Weather Threat Indicator (SWEAT) and Perceptible water (PW) indices are used for evaluation of 25 April 2010 occurred thunderstorms in Tabriz. The applications of instability indices demonstrated that all indexes confirm occurrence of sever atmospheric instabilities which are in thunderstorm scale from severity point of view. The results of application of instability indexes showed that Showalter Index From amongst all indices is the best index in Tabriz sample weather. Also, intensification and movement of atmospheric instability and vertical convection in three 650, 700 and 750 Hpa levels on May 5 prove that the occurrence of thunderstorm, 18 mm rainfall and hail in these days cannot only cause instability in the local air Azerbaijan spring convection the instability and severe thunderstorm occurrence of new air mantle and synoptic factors have been conducted.

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In order to recognize weather types, in this research 7 variables were studied in Zahedan synoptic station from Farvardin, 1st, 1358 to Esfand, 29th, 1382. Cluster analysis on the standardized matrix of data (stnd9088, 18) and linking days on the basis of Ward method showed that, Zahedan has 6 weather types (WT) including: 1. Moderate WT, 2. Cold and calm WT, 3. Warm and dry WT, 4. Hot, dry and windy WT 5- Very cold WT 6- Very cold, Low rain and foggy WT. Based on this research results, hot, dry and windy WT is the most dominant, durable, cold and calm WT is short-lived weather types of Zahedan. For every type one day was selected as the representative day. Monthly and yearly frequency of each type was estimated. It was found that the yearly frequency of types has changed since three decades ago.

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In geomorphology, there are several discussions from theoretical approach and among these subjects; it can be emphasized on morphogenesis succession and its modeling in that subject. In different categories the course of ergodicity is one of the most important subjects. This filed which has been adopted of physical thermodynamic science also in geomorphology is under study. Simply the importance of this subject is referred to historical modeling, because one of the most imperative phenomena in biologic, geologic, and also geomorphologic fields is time and its relationship with changes and successions. Phenomena in astronomical time are not appropriate for description, while there is not suitable time substitution in their relation. Ergodicity theorem was stated in physics for the first time and then formulated by mathematics. Ergodic hypothesis in which observation on a member of an ensemble during the time is the same as the average of the ensemble at definite time was became from 1960 became as analogy in experimental sciences. At first in biology as allometry and then in chemistry and geology it attracted the scientists and gradually influenced in geomorphology by some idioms like geographical cycle and unifomitarianism. Some of geomorphology researchers around the world attempted to interpret this theorem quantitatively. However, in Iran there is a little consideraction on it and this paper is trying to explain the dimensions of ergodicity. Its analog face in geomorphology provides a background to start the quantitative researches in Iran. The relationship between evolution, repetition, palimpsest, waves, the origin of phenomena and fractal geometry with ergodicity are subjects that have been considered in this research. After explanation of physical dimension and ergodic mathematical equations, and ergodic evolution of gullies at Khoor-Biabanak district we studied its accuracy whit an emphasis on it. It is obvious, with attention to this fact that the subject is very new, a broad opportunity is resulted which causes the ergodic literature in geomorphology to become enriched.

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The main aim of this study is the trend analysis of the reference crop evapotranspiration (ET0) at Hamadan (Nodjeh) station. For this purpose the information of this station was used in the period of 1951-2005. The amount of ET0 was estimated using the Penman-Monteith (PM) approach. For trend analysis two methods which are a) fitting a straight line on time series and calculating the slope of trend line using the least square method, and 2) Mann-Kendall test and calculating the slope of trend line by Sen's estimator method were used.  Stepwise linear multiple regression analysis was also used for the purpose of sensitivity analysis of ET0 to meteorological parameters. Results show that lowest and highest (7.2 mm/day) ET0 occurred on January and July, respectively. The slope of trend line was positive for all months (except January and February). In the warm six months of the year slope of trend line was statistically significant at 1% level. The largest positive slope of ET0 trend line observed at July, which is statistically significant at 1% level. Results of sensitivity analysis showed that in the hot months of the year the wind speed and maximum air temperature are two main important factors which influence the ET0.

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