Housing today in our country has become strategic goods. In one hand settlements and rural habitats are productions units. Rural housing has an important contribution in promoting human security and social justice. On the other hand, being susceptible due to their lack of technical standards and exposure to natural hazards, the construction and retrofitting their degree is important. Today, rural housing continues to function far beyond the functions of housing in urban areas. Accordingly, the maturity and rural houses in addition to providing common functions can be necessary for rural development. Therefore, considering the status of rural housing is a major rural development programs, especially in developing countries. Functions predicted in the constitution for the government in providing adequate housing, and the need to make resistant residential units to natural disasters, develop rules, regulations and standards necessary to monitor the standards shall require that the government intervention in rural housing construction processes. Accordingly, in Iran and especially after the Islamic revolution this intervention is made with the aim of improving the quality of government and industry resistance. Considering the importance of rural housing and the role that government can play in this regard is essential. Government's actions in this field should be evaluated with the understanding; status quo, challenges, strengths and difficulties ahead, areas to improve rural housing and consequently the provision of rural development. This article is trying to policies and programs review during the third and fourth plans and identifying their obstacles. Descriptive research method in this article is analytical; review results of the assessment made that in the year 2000 after the government developped comprehensive sanitation and housing projects, new approaches in rehabilitation rural of housing and credit allocation of annual budget, rural housing construction have been declared. However, during the third and fourth plans more quantity than quality has been recognized. On the other hand during the late fourth plan, the technical standards acquired an important step towards increasing strength of rural buildings, but due to the lack of technical supervisor and scattered villages, these standards are seldomly applied.