Rail transportation system especially subway in accordance to its important role, will have considerable responsibility of trips of Tehran citizens in near future. One of the important items of Transit Oriented development plan that shall be observed with basics of transportation is to create required changes in functions of lands surrounding subway. Railroad transportation stations are not ordinary stations rather they are place for different activities that can have added value, influence surrounding environment and change the type and compound of continuous spaces. In fact planning for anticipating spaces and civil elements will result in organizing spaces surrounding subway stations, improving civil identity of such spaces, better profitability of such spaces, improving the quality of civil environment, increasing usage of subway, more security and comfort, saving time and energy, decreasing environmental pollutions and increasing positive economical effects. The goal of present research is investigating the pattern for offering land in surround of subway station with addressee based point of view in lands surrounding Sadeghiyeh subway station. For doing so after studying and investigating the opinions and approaches for integrating the functions of lands and civil transportation, by using the technique for gathering information via questionnaire the preferences of people for using from lands surrounding subway station from view point of offering land and trip request in 4 levels have been studied. The results of questionnaire show that in case of establishing diverse activities in surround of subway station 93% of respondent people preferred to use the subway by paying public transportation fee instead of their personal cars. The studies generally show that railroad transportation is not enough for development in isolation rather we need powerful forces of market and policies for public support in this field.