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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases worldwide and factors such as genetic, environmental and psychological factors play an important role in the maintenance of emotional and mood problems Caused by the disease. There are many variables which relate to this issue and influence on it. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating the relationship between neuroticism, illness perception, social support and Cognitive Emotion Regulation with depression among patient of asthma to answer this question, are these psychological variables able to predict meaningfully the depression of these patients. The research method is descriptive in multi-variable correlational design (step by step regression)., to do so 120 patient with asthma were selected using at-hand sampling and were studied; they completed the perception social support questionnaires (1988), Beck depression inventory (1996), Cognitive Emotion Regulation inventory (2001), Illness perception (2006), Big five personality trait scale (1986). Depression had a significant and positive relationship with illness perception (P<0/001), negative cognitive emotion Regulation (P<0/001) and neuroticism (P<0/001). Positive emotional regulation had a negative relationship with depression (P<0/05). Based on the results illness perception, could predict 37 percent of depression in patient with asthma. So it seems that a high level of awareness and understanding of the disease have been effective in increasing symptoms of depression.

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In previous researches, attachment style, defense style and resiliency have been studied in patients with physical illness. The main problem of the present study is investigation these variables in multiple-sclerosis patients. The purpose of the present study was to compare attachment styles, defense styles, and resiliency between patients with M. S and healthy subjects. In a descriptive and causal-comparative research, one hundred patient with M. S (52 Man, 48 Woman) and one hundred healthy peoples (52 Man, 48 Woman) that selected conveniently, were asked to complete the Adult Attachment Inventory (AAI: Hazan & Shaver, 1987), the Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ: Andrews, et al, 1993) and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC: Connor & Davidson, 2003). The collected data has been analyzed by Multivariate analysis of variance. The results showed that the study groups were significantly different in attachment styles, defense style and resiliency. That is, MS patients showed more insecure attachment style and immature defense style and less resiliency than healthy subjects.

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According to the Cloninger’ s biosocial model of personality, there is a relationship between neurotransmitters and different aspects of personality. The previous studies have shown that antidepressant medications affect these neurotransmitters, and subsequently lead to some variations in the temperamental aspects of personality, particularly the aspects that underlie depression. Given that different drugs have dissimilar impacts on the neurotransmitters, their effect on the corresponding aspects of personality is not the same. The aim of this study is providing a comparative analysis of the personality dimensions of female individuals with depression, who were treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) medications based on the Cloninger’ s model of personality. The collected data from 86 women in accordance with the Temperament and Character Inventory revised version (TCI-R) were analyzed in two matched groups by multivariate analysis of variance method. The patients under the SSRI medications exhibited higher harm avoidance (P<0. 05), while the TCA group demonstrated higher reward dependence (P<0. 05). It is worth stressing that high scores in harm avoidance significantly affect the occurrence and recurrence of the depressive disorder, and reward dependence is highly related to the severity of the state of depression. Consequently, it can be concluded that the patients under TCA medications were in a better state in the personality traits associated with depression.

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Test anxiety is a major problem in dyslexic students, which can lead to problems in mental health and their academic failure. Considering the high prevalence of test anxiety in dyslexic students and also the fact that most stress and anxiety tests are due to lack of coping skills and lack of time management, the purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of time management training on stress reduction and test anxiety of these students. The present study was a quasi-experimental study with pre-test and post-test design with the experimental and control group. The statistical population of this study include all male students aged 5 and 6 with dyslexia in public schools of Rasht in the academic year of 2015-2016. 30 of them were selected according to the conditions of entry into the research and convenient method and assigned in two experimental and control groups randomly. To collect data in this study, the test anxiety questionnaire (Abolghasemi, Asadi, Najjarian, Shokrzekan, 1996) and Perceived Stress Questionnaire (Cohen et al., 1983) were used. The time management training program was taught to the experimental group during 8 sessions, while the control group did not receive training in this area. Analysis of data using covariance analysis showed that there was a significant difference in the level of modification in stress and test anxiety in the post-test stage between two groups (p<0. 0001); this means that time management training has been able to reduce the level of stress and test anxiety of dyslexic students. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that when dyslexic students can manage their time correctly, they can actually have proper planning for themselves in the education process and thus, their academic self-efficacy increases and their stress and anxiety are reduced.

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ASADI A. | SHEIKH M. | Takhtaei M.

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focus of attention is widely used as a training method. This method helps to improve skill performance. The optimal focus of attention has always been a basic question for many researchers. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different focus of attention instructions on muscular endurance of expert kung Fu athletes. In a semi-experimental design with repeated measurements 16 expert athlete of kung Fu were selected via available and purposeful sampling. They tried to perform the wall sit test under 4 different conditions internal focus (Attention to keeping the knee at 90 angle), the external near (focus on standing like a chair), external far (Attention to a computer screen displaying a chair) and control (without attention instructions). Within-group variance analysis results with repeated measurements showed that the control condition was meaningfully better than three other conditions (p<0. 001). There was no difference between different distances in external focus (p=0. 27). However, participants in both external conditions acted better than internal focus. Therefore, it can be said, the attention instructions interfere in optimal performance of expert athletes.

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As developmental psychologist cease to perceive adolescence as a period of turmoil and adopt the Positive Youth Development (PYD) perspective, pschometrically sound measurement tools will be needed to assess adolescent positive attributes. The present research aimed to study psychometrics characteristics of positive youth development questionnaire in students. The present study was descriptive and correlation studies' type. For this purpose, 400 students (200 boys and 200 girls) were selected by multistage cluster sampling method & answered positive youth development Geldhof et al (2014) and Illinois bullying (2001) scales. For data analysis, was used from factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha coefficient and Pearson correlation methods. Factor analysis result showed that this scale was saturated with five factors. In addition, Pearson correlation results indicated that the positive youth development with discipline (r=0. 32) academic achievement (r=0. 31) and bullying (r=-0. 45) significant relationship p≤ 0. 01 there. Also positive youth development questionnaire reliability using Cronbach's alpha for the total scale was 0. 81 and for each of the subscales, including competence 0. 50, confidence 0. 86, character 0. 52, caring 0. 63 and connection 0. 79. Results indicated that positive youth development in the Persian version of the questionnaire can be used as a valid instrument in psychological research.

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Jalilvand M.A. | ROSHAN R.

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The present study aimed to explore the relationships between flow, mindfulness, and self-talk, in Iranian athletes. 112 participants with experience in competitive sports completed an questionnaire comprising the Iranin Dispositional Flow Scale, the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire-short form, and the Automatic Self-Talk Questionnaire for Sports. Results confirmed the moderate, positive connection between flow and mindfulness (r = 0. 44). Moreover, linear regression analysis indicated that mindfulness appeared to significantly predict flow (F = 50. 395 [1, 211], p < 0. 001). Furthermore, negative-and positive self-talk correlated moderately with both flow (r =-0. 52 and r = 0. 59, respectively) and mindfulness (r =-0. 45 and r = 0. 23, respectively). Additionally, self-talk (negative and positive combined) significantly predicted flow and mindfulness, accounting for 51% and 22% of the variance, respectively. Investigating potential win differences in terms of dispositional flow, mindfulness, and self-talk, was a secondary aim of the present study. Significant differences were found for every variable of interest; in this sample, win appeared to demonstrate higher levels of flow, mindfulness, and positive self-talk, and lower levels of negative self-talk, in comparison to failed.

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Mental toughness is one of the most important efficient psychological characters between elite athletes and efficient factors understanding have much importance. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and mental toughness in elite and amateurs Taekwondo athletes. Present study research method was correlation and causative-comparative Participants were 140 taekwondo athletes (70 elite and 70 amateur athletes) that they chose based on random sampling from Iranian Taekwondo populations. This population completed the scals of emotional intelligence Schutte et al (1998) and mental toughness sheard & et al (2009). The data was analyzed by anova, Pearson correlation and multiple regressions. The results showed a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and mental toughness, Also results of Anova test showed that there was a significant difference between elite and amateurs of taekwondo athletes in both emotional intelligence and mental toughness. In addition, elite taekwondo athletes got higher scores finally; regression analysis showed that emotional intelligence indexes predict 57 percent of mental toughness variance (P<0. 001). In general, emotional intelligence is a predictor factor in mental toughness. Therefore, designing and implementing the effective training programs can help to boost and develop mental toughness.

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Research show that learning disorder is very common in primary school pupils. Moreover, the use of incompatible cognitive emotion regulation strategies is comorbid with other disorders in all age groups. The purpose of the present study is to compare cognitive emotion regulation strategies in children with learning disorder and normal children. This study is categorized as a descriptive study and of casual-comparative type. 50 primary school students in two groups with and without learning disorder were selected using availability sampling method. To collect data (information), the emotion regulation strategies questionnaire-student version-(Garnefski, 2001) with nine subscales was given to 25 students with learning disorder which were studying in specific primary school and 25 normal pupils. The questionnaire assessed in this study was proved to be valid and reliable. Statistical analysis outcomes in dependent t-test indicate that there is no meaningful difference between normal students and pupils with learning disorder in using cognitive emotion regulation strategies. On the other hand, the study of the two groups of students suggests that the group with learning disorder shows a significant difference in using incompatible strategies variables. The difference was meaningful at P<0. 05 level. The mean of emotion regulation styles in students with learning disorder is significantly different from that of normal students (P=0. 017). This means that students with learning disabilities have more incompatible cognitive emotion regulation strategies campare with regular students and the self-blame subscale is the reason of the meaningful difference between two groups.

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