Safety is a fundamental right and it is a prerequisite for maintaining and improvement of people welfare and health. There are various personal characteristics that affect people's perception of safety. Among them, sexuality is considered to be the key factor. Fear of urban spaces causes demission and damages citizen rights.Space safety depends on surrounding land uses and it is necessary to think about a scheme that decreases harmful influences of private and isolated land usage.Studying related theories, due to the novelty of topic and lack of the native pattern, studies based on world successful experiences (performed on London, Toronto, Dar e sallam, Coventry) have been analyzed. Also in addition to define dependent variables such as land usage and activity, necessary indices have been derived including legibility of space, access to aid services, space surveillance, acquaintance level of space and obtaining night safety.The main hypothesis of the research is if there is direct relationship among land usage and activity level with women safety in public space.Having participative approach, we used likrat spectrum in the questionnaires.The selected zone for operational studies is central district of Tehran located in the south of Imam Khomaini Street which contains various land usages and activities.In other to analyze women safety sense exposed to main land usage, first of all, homogeneous land usages with similar functions are categorized in form of a map due to location. Then the average of women safety is calculated by using T test in each zone. In order to prove the main hypothesis of the research, the relationship between decreasing and increasing diversity of land usage and study zone activity with women safety is evaluated by using Chi-Square test. The results show that the hypothesis is true and Beta test signifies that diversity of activities is more effective than land usage in improvement of women safety in studied space. Besides, conclusion and suggestions are presented.