Designing Health messages is an interdisciplinary issue which stems from health communication area. What actually follows in this article is a review of TV health messages Framing effects from the audiences’ point of view. The Important question of the research is that how media products and its health related programs and messages lead in behavior changes in individuals and groups? In this study, health messages refer to direct or indirect messages (in the forms of movies, TV series and other shows) which discuss people’s personal and social health, including healthy lifestyles, preventions and disease treatments. Various Types of Health Messages include framing health messages, loss and gain framed health messages and one-way & two-sided messages. To measure attitudes of Tehran’s above15-years old inhabitants toward health messages and TV health related programs, the survey method of research has been chosen and after designing the questionnaire, distributing them among the 600 inhabitants of Tehran, the gathered data were processed by computer statistic software (SPSS). The most important result of this research is that documentary programs & visual reports about health issues, have the strong role in attracting the audience’s attentions. Also, the resource which gains the greatest rate is professionals, experts & experienced professors. From these two results, it could be concluded that from Audiences’ point of view the best pattern for presenting health messages on TV is documentary programs & visual reports by presence of professionals, experts & experienced professors.