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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Large part of Iranian women are housewives and they play an important role in maintaining the family and upbringing the children, So it is important to realize about quality of their lives and their perception towards housework. By applying qualitative approach and concentrating on data which is collected by semi deep structured interview from26 housewives aged 23 to 58 in Tehran, present research tries to understand the perception of women about housework based on their narratives and their lived experiences. Concluding points of depth interviews reveal that how housework is embedded in culture and social context and it is only explainable by its social background. The way women consider the housework will allow for more theoretical conceptualization. The result of present research shows that women’s satisfaction of doing housework is linked to their satisfaction of marital life and their relationship in marriage. It is also possible to conclude that older women considering housework as a part of their femininity and their natural duties. And those women who are more influenced by ideology of motherhood are less critical of doing housework. In the contrary, younger women become conscious of how housework is related to gender roles and gender inequality. Younger women do believe that unpaid housework should be considered as real work even though it is not structured or organized.

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Designing Health messages is an interdisciplinary issue which stems from health communication area. What actually follows in this article is a review of TV health messages Framing effects from the audiences’ point of view. The Important question of the research is that how media products and its health related programs and messages lead in behavior changes in individuals and groups? In this study, health messages refer to direct or indirect messages (in the forms of movies, TV series and other shows) which discuss people’s personal and social health, including healthy lifestyles, preventions and disease treatments. Various Types of Health Messages include framing health messages, loss and gain framed health messages and one-way & two-sided messages. To measure attitudes of Tehran’s above15-years old inhabitants toward health messages and TV health related programs, the survey method of research has been chosen and after designing the questionnaire, distributing them among the 600 inhabitants of Tehran, the gathered data were processed by computer statistic software (SPSS). The most important result of this research is that documentary programs & visual reports about health issues, have the strong role in attracting the audience’s attentions. Also, the resource which gains the greatest rate is professionals, experts & experienced professors. From these two results, it could be concluded that from Audiences’ point of view the best pattern for presenting health messages on TV is documentary programs & visual reports by presence of professionals, experts & experienced professors.

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The increasing leisurization and consumerization of lifestyles in metropolises have huge impacts on gender identities. A combination of local and global conditions alongside the physical features of urban sites, produces diversity and fluidity in gender behavioral patterns. Drawing on a tradition of cultural studies and reviewing the urban experiences of young girls and women in Tehran, the present paper aims to show the different impacts of leisure and consumer spaces on feminine identifications. The results show that the girls’ gender displays within the city are variable and conform with a pattern ranging from more autonomy and agency in consuming space to passivity and caution. Social differentiation and physical transformations in Tehran together with the emergence of new lifestyles have produced new behavioral templates which could be called “thin femininities”. Thin femininities which require equalitarian and challenging spatial participations, will inevitably change feminine values and involve important connotations both for their rights to the city and the way they understand it.

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Social capital is one of the key variables in social explanations. Hope for the future, particularly among young people, has paramount importance and social capital has an important role in raising the hope for the future. This study carried out to investigate the relationship between social capital and hope to the future among students of Yazd University. This survey study is practical in terms of content, cross-sectional, and extensive. The statistical population was all of Yazd University students in the academic year 2014-2015, who 374 people of them were selected and studied through stratified random sampling method. In this study, instrument was questionnaire and validity of the data collection tool was ensured through a content validity and the high Cronbach's alpha for the variables shown in the utility reliability of the research instrument (there was more than 0.7 regarding all the constructs). Data were analyzed by SPSS and Amos software's. The results showed there is not a significant difference between hope to future based on sex and field study. But there was a positive and significant relationship between social capital and hope to the future. Also, there was a significant positive relationship between the social trust, social norms and social network with hope to the future.

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Rentier states, has been faced with serious political and economic problems. In these countries, A major part of their revenues not from taxes but from the sale of natural resources extracted is provided. And some certain theories for the study of political economy of that countries came into existence. These are called Rentierism theories. These theories focus on the outcomes and harmful effects of Rentierism. These Effects and Outcomes returns to different fields of economy, politics and society. These Effects and Outcomes included not only the global market volatility that undermines the national economy but also unusual empowering rentier state/government. In this study Rentierism dimensions has been identified as a counterpoint to good governance dimensions. And the pattern of good governance has been identified as a democratic alternative of Rentierism. The governance pattern was investigated in six countries that rely on rent to varying degrees. These research was conducted with comparative-historical method, based on World Bank data. The results showed that Rentierism theories has serious limitations, because a more-rentier government does not always act in such a way as undemocratic and with bad governance, and conversely a less-rentier government, does not always act in such a democratic and with good governance. Finally, offered some suggestions for the development of Rentierism theories.

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There have been a lot of typologies on Islamic trends. Most of them were from the part of western writers who tried to connect Islamic thoughts to the westerly right and left factions and because of that they couldn’t properly distinguished Islamic trends from western attitudes. They have used labels and titles that are alien to Islamic attitude. Abdullah Saeed and Tariq Ramadan, two Muslim writers, used a different way to express the variety of Islamic religiosities and have tried to provide a precise definition of the Islamic attitude by correcting the deficiencies of western typologies. Through expressing typology of these two writers and by providing examples, instances and necessary reasons as well as comparing these two typologies, this paper intends to criticize them.The method of this article is a comparative one. Based on the criteria and characteristics of a successful and useful typology, the typologies of Abdullah Saeed and Tariq Ramadan were compared to show their mistakes, shortcomings and wrong generalizations. Not matching of the most typologies instances with existing realities of Islamic countries, often confuse the audiences, while Saeed and Ramadan, in their typologies, have abandoned these factions or have acceptably distinguished them from the Islamic religiosities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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غیاثوند احمد

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دین در جامعه ایرانی با توجه به شرایط تاریخی، اجتماعی و سیاسی آن، از جایگاه بالایی برخوردار است. پژوهش در حوزه ارزش ها و رفتار دینی مردم، در جهت درک تحولات و از سویی پیش بینی تغییرات آن، متضمن انجام مطالعات مستمر در طی سال های مختلف می باشد. مطالعه حاضر به روش تحلیل ثانویه انجام پذیرفته و سعی دارد یافته های حاصل از پیمایش های ملی مختلف طی سال های 1353 تا 1390 را مورد تحلیل قرار دهد. بنابراین با عنایت به داده های پژوهش های قبلی موجود، دو بعد رفتار و باور دینی در چهار سطح فردی، جمعی، سیاسی و اجتماعی مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. در این مطالعه برای تحلیل رفتار و باور مردم ایران از دو رویکرد سکولار شدن جامعه با تکیه بر نظرات «پیتر برگر» و نیز تعبیر کارکردی و عملکردی دین از نظریه «لوهمان» استفاده شده است. در مجموع یافته های حاصل نشان می دهد که چندان تفاوتی مبنی بر افزایش یا کاهش چشمگیر در رفتارها و احساسات دینی فردی مردم ایران مشاهده نمی گردد. به عبارتی، جامعه دچار نوعی «تثبیت کارکردی» شده و از این حیث افراد جامعه همان قدر مذهبی اند که در گذشته بوده اند. بنابراین تلقی سکولارشدن جامعه، قضاوتی ناصحیح است. البته تفاوت در میزان دینداری جوانان با بزرگسالان و مسن ترها را می توان ناشی از اقتضائات سنی آن ها دانست. در سطح باورها و رفتارهای جمعی، عیلرغم عدم وجود داده هایی مبنی بر مقایسه آن با دهه های گذشته، ولی در مقایسه با آنچه در اوایل انقلاب و دوران بعد از آن ملاحظه می گردد، نوعی «تغییر کارکردی در حوزه رفتارها و باورهای دینی جمعی» را می توان استنباط نمود. در واقع کاهش در رفتارهای دینی جمعی آن هم از نوع رسمی بیشتر بازتاب تغییرات دوران و کارکردهای خاص خود، به ویژه در زمان انقلاب و دوران جنگ است که نوعی نمونه آرمانی «دین دوران» را بر اذهان و آرمان های مذهبی به یاد می آورد. در نهایت مقایسه رفتارها و باورهای دینی سیاسی و اجتماعی نوعی «قطبی شدن عملکرد دین» را در دو حوزه سیاسی و اجتماعی نشان می دهد. به عبارتی نوعی «سیاست زدایی از دین» یا «سیاسی شدن دین» و نیز «اخلاق زدایی دینی» یا «اخلاقی کردن دینی» را شاهدیم. ازاین رو، تعبیر سکولارشدن در این دو حوزه برداشتی دوگانه است.

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