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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    3 (39)
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The present research aims to identify effective factors on the reduction of social cooperation with the purpose of attracting social cooperation in directing city zones (zone number 3 in Shiraz).The methodology of this research was based on documentary and survey methods. The statistical sample of this research contains people 18 years old and over who live in zone number 3 in Shiraz, of whom 385 individuals were chosen as the sample of this research using Cochran method. To collect data, a research made questionnaire (analysis of effective factors on social cooperation in directing city zones) was utilized. The findings show that the effectiveness rate of cooperation, trust in executives and organizations, training, residency, education, motivation, and the role of the person in the family are preventing factors of social cooperation in directing the city zones (zone number 3 in Shiraz). Therefore, if responsible authorities are fond of removing the obstacles of social cooperation in directing the city zones (zone number 3 in Shiraz), they should think about above mentioned obstacles and decide on these items for their long term goals.

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    3 (39)
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In this paper, drawing on Coleman's concept of social capital and Bourdieu's concept of cultural capital, the effects of different components of family social and cultural capital (i.e. family expectations of student' s academic aspirations, family involvement in student's academic activities, …) on academic achievement of high school students were studied.Using a questionnaire, data were gathered on the academic performance of 393 students who were selected (on the basis of cluster sampling) from different boys and girls high schools in the city of Isfahan in the academic year of 1385-86 (2006-7). Research findings showed that the coefficient of direct effect of capital (which included social and cultural capital) on academic achievement was 0.43 and that its difference from zero was statistically significant. Therefore, the major hypothesis of the study that family social and cultural capitals have a positive influence of academic performance was supported.

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    3 (39)
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Citizen’s participation in decision- making and urban affairs is one of the important issues in societies. So this study aims to explain some of the sociological and psychological factors that are influential in citizen’s social participation in urban affairs.Research method of this study was survey and to measure independent variables (social satisfaction, social verify, assessing participation consequences, belief in participation, participation experiences and improvement motivation) and dependent variable (social participation rate), we selected 700 heads of family from Isfahan’s seven municipality zones that was based on multi -stage sampling. These respondents had been chosen as the final sample and filled out prepared questionnaires.Statistical methods included one way ANOVA, Multiple regression and Path analysis. In order to measure the path coefficient, such as total casual effects, indirect effects, standard path coefficients and multiple correlation coefficients for structural equations, we used the Lisrel Method. All of the statistical tests and data were analyzed by SPSS16 software.Results show that most of Isfahan citizens have ae high rate of participation in urban affairs. The other variables such as participation consequences, participation experience and improvement motivation have been influential in citizen’s participation behavior. On the whole, according to the path analysis, the power of the independent variable in explaining the variable of the dependant variance was 63%.The rest of that, 37%, refers to the effects of other variables that were not studied here.

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    3 (39)
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Today, one of the most important functions of universities is to create knowledge in order to fulfill the needs of the society and promote the status of knowledge and the quality of instruction through it. Generally, it can be said that intellectuality is the most important and the most valuable property of educational centers such as universities and is the main key to development. Naturally, for the materialization of knowledge creation in universities as one the most important issues of the third millennium, there are different factors at work and among these factors, institutional culture and its effects on knowledge creation have been investigated in this study. The population of this study included all the faculty members of the University of Isfahan (476 cases) of whom 142 cases were selected based on Cochran formula. A questionnaire was used for data collection and the method employed in this study was survey. For analyzing data and testing the hypotheses, both descriptive statistics (Percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Pearson r and regression) were used. The findings reveal that institutional culture has effects on the amount of knowledge creation of the faculty members and among the variables, "orientation towards social behavior" which is one of the dimensions of institutional culture, has had the most effects on knowledge creation. Accordingly, revised coefficient of determination reveals that 20% of the variance of the dependent variable (knowledge creation) has been due to variables functioning on regression model. The rest of the variance is due to other variables not investigated in this study.

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    3 (39)
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Attempts to find out social aspects of the body, have formed the main trend of research and debate for sociologists in recent decades. Body is a phenomenon that can be socially built so its construction and functions are matters of social and cultural beliefs. In this study, the relationship between social capital and body management has been investigated through survey method. For data collection, in this descriptiveanalytic study, questionnaires have been used. The sample contains 235 Tabriz University students which have been selected using stratified sampling. The findings show that there is positive and significant relationship (in the %99 confidence level) between body management and social capital. And there is also a significant relationship (in the confidence level of 99%) among body management and social norms, trust in groups and institutions and interpersonal relationships and trust. Regression analysis results show that of the independent variables, interpersonal trust, gender and age have been able to explain 17.2 percent of the variance of body management (dependent variable).

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    3 (39)
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Inequality is originally based on the differences that the society considers in treating individuals, and the reasons for making such differences lie in factors such as social class, race, ethnicity, sex and religion which are socially defined. The abstract and mental feelings of the members of the society and their perception of inequality are more important than the concrete and objective inequality and the important condition for its emergence is social comparison which brings relative deprivation and the feeling of inequality. This research aims to analyze the amount of social inequality and the feeling of inequality as well as the factors affecting them. The present paper is a survey (with regard to controlling the conditions of the research) and also is an explanatory study. The research population includes all citizens of Isfahan who are 15 years old or above at the time of the research and the sample includes 696 cases. The data was collected using a questionnaire. For data analysis, multi-variable regression and structural equations modeling were used. The results indicate that the coefficient of determination for social inequalities is R=.61.In addition, based on b value, luxurity, need satisfaction, age, religion, rationality, propaganda and generalized trust affected social inequality respectively. Also, the coefficient of determination for the feeling of inequality was R=.69 and based on b value, materialistic values, individualism, formal trust, religion, rationality, need satisfaction, social closure, feeling of belonging, luxurity affected the feeling of inequality respectively. In sum, the results indicated that the actual level of social inequality is average (2.7) and the feeling of inequality is high (3.2) among the participants.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (39)
  • Pages: 

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This study investigates the relationship between the new media (ICT's) and high school students' delinquency in Abadeh county. In this study, delinquency includes vandalism and other delinquenty behaviors, which is spreading fast in adolescence age. The research methodology is based on survey in which 500 male and female students were randomly selected. The related data was collected by self-report questionnaires.Findings show that the mean use of ICT in males is higher than females but the mean use of old media are not significant. Most of ICT's have positive relations to juveniles' delinquency but some of old media have negative relations. The final model shows that ICT's could explain 12 percent of total delinquency, 12 percent of vandalism and 14 percent of other delinquent behaviors.

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    3 (39)
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This research was based on the culture of poverty and social disorganization theories, using a survey method.The sample of the study included 330 beggars and 1000 non-beggars shiraz. The research findings revealed that 64/4 percent of the beggars aged lower than 20 years and most of them were mentally and physically healthy. Most of them live in the suburbs of the city where the culture of poverty is prevalent. The results of multiple regression implied that there is meaningful relationship between the factors of "being religious, "marital status", "levels of education", "being rural or urban", "occupation" and "social class" of the participants and their attitudes toward the phenomenon of begging. It also shows that the factor of "degree of religion" explained the maximum amount of the dependent variable (tendency to help the beggars). variance (18/3%)

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  • Issue: 

    3 (39)
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Present research investigates hope for future among young people. This research with regard to kind of research method is the type of co- relational research in which two methods of documentary and survey (questionnaire) were used to reach the purposes of research. Statistical population of research includes young people who are between 15 to 30 years old consisting of sons and daughters who inhabit in Qom city. Size of sample according to Cochran formula is calculated 400 persons. Results of research showed that 15 percent of respondents are not very hopeful about future, whereas 31 percent of respondents are very hopeful about future. About 54 percent of them are somewhat hopeful about future. Obtained results from regression analysis for identifying factors effecting on rate of hope for future among young people showed that at first variable of feeling of acceptability in comparison with others entered in equation. This variable had beta coefficient about 0.27 and next regression equation including Need fulfillment (with coefficient of 0.20) feeling of relative deprivation (with coefficient of 0.15), feeling of security (with coefficient of 0.12), being faithful about religion (with coefficient of 0.10) and feeling of justice (with coefficient of 0.07) irrespectively. So regarding the direction of coefficient of feeling of relative deprivation, the kind of its effect on hope for future is the decreasing kind and if feeling of relative deprivation is increased, rate of hope for future will be decreased. But effect of other variables on hope for future is the rising kind. Total of explained variance by entire of above variables is about 0.41.

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