Inequality is originally based on the differences that the society considers in treating individuals, and the reasons for making such differences lie in factors such as social class, race, ethnicity, sex and religion which are socially defined. The abstract and mental feelings of the members of the society and their perception of inequality are more important than the concrete and objective inequality and the important condition for its emergence is social comparison which brings relative deprivation and the feeling of inequality. This research aims to analyze the amount of social inequality and the feeling of inequality as well as the factors affecting them. The present paper is a survey (with regard to controlling the conditions of the research) and also is an explanatory study. The research population includes all citizens of Isfahan who are 15 years old or above at the time of the research and the sample includes 696 cases. The data was collected using a questionnaire. For data analysis, multi-variable regression and structural equations modeling were used. The results indicate that the coefficient of determination for social inequalities is R=.61.In addition, based on b value, luxurity, need satisfaction, age, religion, rationality, propaganda and generalized trust affected social inequality respectively. Also, the coefficient of determination for the feeling of inequality was R=.69 and based on b value, materialistic values, individualism, formal trust, religion, rationality, need satisfaction, social closure, feeling of belonging, luxurity affected the feeling of inequality respectively. In sum, the results indicated that the actual level of social inequality is average (2.7) and the feeling of inequality is high (3.2) among the participants.