The purpose of this paper is to examine the phenomenon of "pilgrimage of Imam" and understanding Iranian pilgrims. In examining pilgrimage, four dimensions can be identified: rituals pertaining to the fashion of performing the pilgrimage (practical dimension), beliefs that underlie these actions (belief dimension), social conditions and the individual’s (pilgrim’s) perceptions about this act. The purpose of this paper is to examine and understand the action of pilgrimage from the viewpoint of the actor (the understanding of the actors).We explored the meaning of this action using qualitative research method and grounded theory method. The research data have been obtained through in-depth interviews and the observation method was also used as an auxiliary technique.The findings of this study revealed different patterns of piety. Also it reaches the effect of Iranian’s piety pattern as a key factor in forming each individual’s vision towards pilgrimage and ultimately his/her understanding of pilgrimage. In fact, data analysis has recognized a pattern of piety and pilgrimage in two general categories which includes seven subcategories: Ideological, traditional, intellectual, pseudo-intellectual, ritualistic, ceremonial, and newly emerged. This typology is conducted on the basis of differences of pilgrim’s vision towards religion, pilgrimage, the Imam’s pilgrimage and the effect of these different visions in the act of pilgrimage.