Aesthetics, nowadays, is regarded as a branch of philosophy which studies Beauty and art. This research is about aesthetics from Mulla Sadra's viewpoint. In the works of this philosopher, Beauty in general means possessing all the good properties. The special definition of beauty, which includes only sensible objects, is possessing the factors of order, good combination, moderation, and so on. According Mulla Sadra's viewpoint the origin of beauty is absolute beautiful, although their interpretations are different. Creating pleasure and love and wonder are some of the consequences of beauty on the rcipient soul. According to him, beauty is an objective thing, although it may have a stable existence in conception. According to Mulla Sadra, some of the origins of art are manifestation of some of God's names, inclination to beauty, love of beauty, revelation, relation with transcendental world, imitative image and so on. Imitative image is According to Mulla Sadra, imagination is the first origin of the work of art.. Mulla Sadra believes in the imaginary world to which people relate through sleep and mystics through divine inspiration. People and mysticy can realize what they have observed in that world into art and create works of art. This Muslim philosopher has also discussed poetry as a kind of work of art.