On based on imamieh jurisprudence - on the basis of quoted causes - and considering to the maked laws in this case, remarriage of a woman who has childrens from her first husband, cause divesting her guardianship of her childrens. for this, the woman is forced to deprive herself of remarriage to not lose her guardianship of her childrens this situation sometimes causes psychotic, social and economic irreparable results for a woman. Whereas divorsed man remarriage don’t divest his guardianship of his childrens. This essay, with regarding to jurisprudencial and juridical works about the guardianship arguments, says in this case, on the one hand expediency of child and on the other hand ruling conditions of man and woman life sould be regarded. For this merely mother remarriage shouldn’t be caused to divest her guardianship. In the end of this essay, we give some suggestions to reform the pertaining laws.