Culture is an inseparable part of people’s lives in any society. By culture, it is meant a universal, and at the same time, particular system its tenors are established in the consciousness of every individual of that society.This system is the origin of practices, behaviors and insights of the members of the given society in every field and even influences the most ordinary moments of their life. Therefore, many social behaviors are usual in its members’ view points, but as soon as they have relationship or are faced with people of other societies, these usual facts cause misunderstanding and some other problems.On the other hand, today "globalization" has a cultural aspect and in addition to economic and political relations, it seems necessary to have relation with "cultural discourse" in different fields. This cultural discourse has even become intra-social. Here the societies are meant which have become multicultural due to the changes happened in the late 20th century. You can find many examples among European countries, including Germany and Austria.It is obvious that language as the most important medium of mass communication has vital role in this universal system and is said to be a mirror whereof any word can reflect and represent a nation’s culture.While introducing the well-known theories of language and culture, this article stresses paying attention to the cultural differences in teaching foreign languages, and offers some solutions to overcome the difficulties in language teaching from a cultural view.