By emerging Information Revolution and development of network world in which we are living today, though there are disagreements about the forms and consequences of this revolution and basically the characteristics of network world among the scholars, there is at least consensus in just a single case. And that, like other previous great technological revolutions in human history (e.g. Neolithic and Industrial revolutions) is the great and numerous changes in structures, concepts and social relations. We believe that the systems related to public culture and the concept of academia are changing and we will be confronted them in completely new forms. This trend has started now and probably will accelerate in next few years, and the less resist obstacles of the pre-Information revolution world, including political, managerial and social barriers, which are based on the previous structures, and the more they weaken, the sooner new structures will be replaced.Looking back into the experiences of the previous revolutions, we can find that this recent revolution is faster than the previous ones, though the changes are gradual, in spite of the fact that the Information Revolution took place not too long after the Industrial Revolution comparing to the old ones, and its effect became evident much sooner.Our aim, in this article, is to sketch the public culture, concentrating on education in the academic system in forthcoming years.However, although an important part of these changes have already begun, they have not found a large spread. The article argues that the general structures of information society intend to increasingly raise cultural capital but, at the same time, there are two problems that should be considered. First, the tensions and dangers resulting from this increase of cultural capital will grow because of reinforcing the potentials, and the potential for harsh and uncontrollable violence will increase in real and virtual communities. Second, this forces the academic field to build more concentration in a limited elite level which is, in turn, manifested in the academic level, but in the opposite pole. This may cause some kind of polarization and intense eliticism in the society which is accompanied by increasing contradiction in cultural and economic capitals, creating and reinforcing some authoritative orientations and destroying or severely decreasing democratic achievements.