Rab’e-Rashidi dates back to more than 700 years ago when Khajeh Rasididin Fazlollah Hamedani, the minister of Ghazan Khan, the seventh ruler of the IIkhanid dynasty (llkhanate), established a big academic center in Tabrizin north-western Iran. Designed originally as university town, this scientific and educational complex was equipped with a big paper factory, a massive library, an educational treatment center (Dar-ol-Shafa), Quran Center (Dar-ol Quran), residential facilities for teachers, student’s quarter, a big caravansary and other facilities during the IIkhanid era.There are only a few archeological-remains left of this huge complex. The original plan of Rab’-e-Rashidi has been a subject of several hypothetical reconstructions. This paper proposes a new arrangement with special reference to its document of endowment (waqf).