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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Azerbaijan´ s water challenges and threats, highlights the necessity of paying attention to water management. The present article addresses the following question: what are the serious obstacles for the implementation of water management in the Republic of Azerbaijan? This question is formulated against the backdrop of the following given: water crisis in republic of Azerbaijan is rooted in the shortage of economic water rather than tangible water. The hypothesis is that reemphasis on the role of government, lack of attention to the system of water co-management, lack of integrated management of water resources based on watershed divisions as well as inappropriate water infrastructures are the four main obstacles. In order to compensate the existing shortcomings, the Republic of Azerbaijan has chosen the approach of partnership with international institutions especially European Union, and is less dependent on its own scholars and scientific researches. Using explanatory – analytical research method and documentary methodology, the authors try to tell why the research findings provide an answer to the research question.

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ADAMI ALI | Ainehvand Hasan

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Many of Scholars of International Relations believe that the twenty first century should be entitled as Eurasia Century, since maritime and land dominance over this region, could change the future of power equations in the structure of international system. Eminent geostrategic situation as well as abundant natural resources, is the driving force for transregional countries´ attempt to influence in the region. The United States is one of the countries that follows the expansion of its multilateral influence in Eurasia. In the frameworks of expansionism and interventionism concepts, the United States allows itself to interfere in a region thousands of miles away. From the prism of American strategists, through an anti’ hegemonic alliance against US, China as Russia, can prevent the implementation of American provision for the international order. During more than last two decades, China and Russia have used their potentialities in order to make a strategic alliance; to configure a balance – oriented order; and to prevent the intervening of transregional powers. Although both countries have a common theoretical vision towards the United States’ hegemony, the mentioned alliance has not still implemented. Against this background, the following question is aroused: Why a strategic alliance is not configured between China and Russia, considering their common strategic goals? What restrictions and considerations are the obstacles to the implementation of the mentioned alliance? In order to answer the questions mentioned above, the hypothesis is that Russia and China’ s different historical looks towards Eurasia, as well as the nature of their bilateral relation with the United States and their different relation backgrounds, lead to different priorities of national interests are among the main reasons of non-implementation of an anti – hegemonic alliance against the Unites States.

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Strategic culture is the consequence of historical experiences. Since these experiences are different in each country, therefore different states have different strategic cultures. The other fact is that there is a deep relationship among strategic culture, strategic behavior and geopolitical codes. Ukraine also has its certain strategic culture against its historical experiences, political strategy and geography. In order to explain and understand strategic decisions and geopolitical codes in Ukraine, adequate attention should be paid to structural circumstances and causes of international politics, as well as rules, intentions and goals and their background. The main question of the present article is about the impact of strategic culture on geopolitical codes of Ukraine’ s foreign policy? Ukraine’ s strategic culture includes vulnerable social structure, ethnic – linguistic gap, as well as geopolitical and geostrategic features such as Atlanticism accompanied by an attempt to get free from Russian dominance, being the subject of rivalry between Russia and European Union, geo-economic dependence. These features have a deep impact on Ukraine’ s strategic decision making and behavioral model in foreign policy arena and international environment, preventing the provision of geopolitical codes that lead to its foreign policy interests. Bearing in mind that strategic culture paves the ground for understanding geopolitical codes for each actor, the necessity of understanding Ukraine’ s strategic culture, also becomes understandable. The authors use analytical – explanatory method to find the answer for the literature’ s question.

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South Caucasus is one of the most important regions in studying separatism phenomenon. The significant factor in scrutinizing separatism movements in South Caucasus is that although there have been many separatism inclinations during post – soviet years, but not all of them have been successful and from this perspective, there are significant differences among them. In order to scrutinize the causes of the mentioned issue, the theory of ethnic bargaining is used to assess separatism in the framework of reciprocal relations of ethnic groups, host state and lobby state and the access of ethnic groups to bargaining instruments. Therefore the present article addresses the following question: Why some of ethnic groups have been more successful in gaining political independence? What have been the causes of success or failure of the ethnic groups in their separatism process? In order to answer the above – mentioned question, the following hypothesis is delivered: The more ethnic groups possess instruments for bargaining with the central government, the more assets they gain, the more radicalized become their requirements. Possessing two important factors and territorial containment and foreign protection, the ethnic groups would lead towards separatism even using violence. Using explanatory – analyzing method and referring to library and governmental and international documentary resources, the authors attempt to provide the hypothetical answer to the mentioned question.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In the framework of geopolitical rivalries between Russian and West, Kremlin has defined it’ s near abroad in the area of its strategic and vital interests. It has also used the region’ s unsolved territorial disputes such as Kharabakh crisis as an instrument for stabilizing its influence in the Republics of USSR. Meanwhile the Kharabakh crisis as the most serious security issue in South Caucasus has lasted for more than two decades and the study of regional developments indicates a situation of neither war nor peace. Even the possibility of re-strengthening the dispute is still remained. Against this backdrop, the present article attempts to answer the following question: What opportunities and challenges would the strengthening of Kharabakh crisis bring along for Kremlin? From one hand, insecurity in energy transit routes from Caspian Sea to western markets establishment of Russian forces in Kharabakh in the framework of peacekeeping operations are among the most important opportunities for Kremlin. From the other hand, the possibility of a conflict with Turkey, as Azerbaijan’ s alliance, as well as West’ s influence in Caucasus are among the most important challenges for Russia. Using explanatory – analytical method and geopolitics theory, the author tries to scrutinize the possibility of mentioned challenges and opportunities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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چالش ها و تهدیدهای آبی پیش رو جمهوری آذربایجان، ضرورت توجه بیشتر به مدیریت مطلوب آب در این کشور را آشکار می سازد. محور اساسی مقاله حاضر نیز پاسخ به این پرسش است که «عمده موانع پیش روی تحقق مدیریت مطلوب آب در جمهوری آذربایجان چیست؟ » این پرسش مبتنی بر این مفروضه است که بحران آب در جمهوری آذربایجان بیش از آنکه به کمبود آب فیزیکی مربوط باشد در کمبود آب اقتصادی ریشه دارد که ناشی از عدم مدیریت صحیح تولید و تخصیص آب در این کشور است. فرضیه ای که در این مقاله به آزمون گذاشته شده این است که «تاکید بیش از حد بر نقش دولت، کم توجهی به نظام مدیریت مشارکتی آب، عدم مدیریت یکپارچه منابع آب مبتنی بر تقسیم بندی حوضه های آبریز و زیرساخت های نامناسب آبی، چهار مانع اصلی تحقق مدیریت مطلوب آب در جمهوری آذربایجان به شمار می آیند. » مقاله حاضر از نوع توصیفی-تحلیلی بوده و از روش شناسی اسنادی و نقلی بهره برده است. تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات جمع آوری شده نیز به شیوه علی (پس رویدادی) بوده که طی آن پژوهشگران، عدم تحقق مدیریت مطلوب آب در جمهوری آذربایجان را به مثابه معلول (متغیر وابسته) مورد بررسی قرار داده و با مراجعه به گذشته به کشف علت (متغیر مستقل) پرداخته اند. یافته های مقاله نیز ضمن تایید فرضیه مقاله، موید این واقعیت است که جمهوری آذربایجان برای جبران این کاستی ها، راه مشارکت با نهادهای بین المللی و به ویژه اتحادیه اروپا را در پیش گرفته و کمتر بر پژوهش های علمی و نخبگان فنی داخلی تمرکز داشته است؛ روندی که کمتر با معیارهای مدیریت مطلوب آب هم خوانی دارد.

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Water has a vital role in all aspects of human life. It is used for developing all areas including agriculture, industry, and human development. Potable water resources are very rare and unevenly distributed. The importance of water resources management is more highlighted in drylands or semi-arid lands. Central Asia is one of the drylands that the water shortage has impacted on its agriculture. The present article addresses the following question: Does correct and appropriate consume of water lead to sustainable development in Central Asia? The water shortage and uneven distribution of water resources, region’ s economically dependence on agriculture and the vital role of water for development, as well as lack of intergovernmental cooperation for water resources management, are the main obstacles for the implementation of development, sustainable development and creation of opportunities for future generations. Using explanatory – analyzing method and referring to library and governmental and international documentary resources, the authors attempt to provide the hypothetical answer to the mentioned question.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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