Land is one of the most effective factors in agricultural sector production. The existence of small ownership units is a limiting factor in the productivity and production return in agricultural sector, due to the lack of effective application of technology, machinery and agricultural factors of production.The goal of this paper is to examine factors affecting farmers' participation in land consolidation project implementation in Shirvan-and-Chardavol county. In this study the data were collected by a questionnaire, and descriptive and inferential statistics were drawn in the form of univariate and multivariate analysis. The results indicated that farmers' level of education and their awareness and understanding of land consolidation are the most important factors that influence owners' tendency to participate in the project and the high cost of implementation is the main impeding factor. In order to enhance farmers' participation in the project, the study recommends informing the farmers through mass media, organizing them in rural organizations, and extending credit and financial facilities to them.