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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objectives Older age and its associated biopsychological disorders exert socioeconomic costs. Therefore, the importance of preventing and treating these situations is important for researchers and authorities. Therefore, the present study investigated the effects of omega-3 supplementation and functional exercises on the psychomotor performance of aged women. Methods & Materials This was a semi-experimental study with a Pre-test-Post-test design. In total, 47 aged women were recruited based on convenience sampling method from the Sports and Health Consultation Center of Qazvin Sports and Youth Department. The subjects were randomly divided into functional exercises, omega-3 supplement, exercise+supplement, and placebo groups. The functional exercise protocol consisted of 8 weeks; 3 sessions per week (each session lasted 50 min). Food analysis was performed to control the possible effect of nutrition on the obtained results. Psychomotor performance was measured using the Vienna universal system. The obtained data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance. Results The attained results suggested that exercise and omega-3 could improve all psychomotor performance test scores (P≤ 0. 05). Furthermore, functional exercises and supplement group demonstrated a significant improvement in the tests after the intervention, compared to the control group (P≤ 0. 05). Conclusion The exercise and omega-3 program could improve psychomotor performance, leading to improved quality of life. Consuming omega-3 and functional exercises are highly recommended for improving the psychomotor performance of aged women.

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Objectives Marriage in old age is recommended as a way to improve the quality of life and reduce the loneliness of elders; however, studies disregarded measuring the satisfaction of elders who married in old age. Therefore, the present study aimed to determine the marital satisfaction among elders who were married during old ages. Methods & Materials This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Sanandaj City, Iran, in 2015. The convenience sampling method was used. The research participants were 190 people aged ≥ 60 years who were married in old ages. The required data were collected by Evaluation and Nurturing Relationship Issues, Communication, and Happiness (Enrich) Marital Satisfaction Scale. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS, descriptive and analytical statistics, and Independent Samples t-test. Results The Mean± SD age of study participants was 67. 37± 11. 24 years. The Mean± SD marital satisfaction score was 36. 95± 3. 70. More than 60% of the elders who got married in old age reported high and very high marital satisfaction; only 3. 7% of them reported low marital satisfaction. The obtained data revealed no significant gender difference in marital satisfaction. Conclusion A high marital satisfaction was reported by the studied elders. These results can be beneficial to encourage single elders to get married in old age.

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Objectives Death anxiety as an important issue in the elderly’ s life can negatively affect health and prevent them from having an effective aging period. The present study investigated the relationship between death anxiety, and gratitude and perceived social support in the elderly. We also estimated death anxiety in the elderly according to the level of gratitude and perceived social support. Methods & Materials This was a descriptive correlational study. The statistical population included all bedroom independent elderly of the Kahrizak Charity Hospital in Tehran Province, Iran (N=515), including 309 women and 206 women. Applying stratified random sampling method, 220 samples were selected. The research tools were Templer’ Death Anxiety Scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and Gratitude Questionnaire. Inclusion criteria were obtaining a score of ˃ 22 in the short cognitive status examination, the age of ˃ 60 years, primary school education, the lack of emotional disturbances like depression, and a minimum one-year residency at the center. The questionnaires were self-reporting and the study participants were informed about the study design by written consent forms. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS using Pearson’ s correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. Results The obtained results revealed a negative and significant relationship between gratitude and death anxiety, as well as perceived social support in the studied elderly (P<0. 001). Additionally, the regression analysis results indicated that social support and gratitude could predict death anxiety in the elderly (P<0. 001). Conclusion Due to the fact that the variables of gratitude and social support are significant predictors of death anxiety, by creating relevant capacities, we can reduce death anxiety in the elderly.

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Objectives Considering the importance of assessing living standards in society, the present study aimed to design a living standards questionnaire. We also assessed the validity and reliability of the developed questionnaire in the Iranian elderly population. Methods & Materials This was a methodological study. Initially, by reviewing the relevant theoretical and empirical bases like questionnaires in English, 45 questions were selected for developing living standards questionnaire. Then, the content and face validity of the questionnaire were evaluated using the comments of 10 university experts. Moreover, its structural validity (factor analysis by varimax rotation) was investigated. After determining the validity of the scale, the questionnaire was completed by 150 elderly people aged ≥ 60 years. The internal consistency reliability of it was investigated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and split-half reliability. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS. Results The Mean± SD age of samples was 63. 74± 2. 99 years. The content validity of the questionnaire was equal to 0. 85. In the structural validity assessment, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value was obtained as 0. 853, and three factors (living facility, housing situation, and household expenditures) together explained 56. 8% of the total variances. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was equal to 0. 859 for the total scale and the Gutmann split-half coefficient was calculated as 0. 859. Conclusion The obtained results revealed that the living standards questionnaire was a valid and reliable scale in Tehran's elderly population.

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Objectives Noncommunicable diseases are the leading causes of death and disability, globally. Moreover, the aging population is growing in the world. These issues are among major public health challenges; thus, this study aimed to determine the prevalence of noncommunicable diseases risks factors among the elderly of Birjand City, Iran, in 2014. Methods & Materials The present cross-sectional study was conducted among 400 elderly who were selected through random cluster sampling method. Data collection was carried out using the World Health Organization STEPwise approach to noncommunicable diseases surveillance (STEPS) instrument. Furthermore, physical assessments included measuring height, weight, waist and hip circumference and blood pressure by trained health experts. Then, the obtained data were analyzed by Chi-squared test, t-test and one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Results From 400 elderly who participated in this study, 200 persons were male and the Mean± SD age of study participants was 70± 6. 4 years. The prevalence of smoking was 10. 7%; 49% were overweight or obese, and 34. 5% had hypertension. The prevalence of abdominal obesity and physical inactivity were 63. 5% and 55%, respectively. In addition, the inadequate intake of fruits, vegetables, fish and dairy products were 73. 8%, 67. 8%, 95%, and 74. 5%, respectively. The prevalence of smoking in men, and the prevalence of obesity and overweight, physical inactivity and abdominal obesity in women were significantly higher (P<0. 01). However, there was no significant gender difference in the prevalence of hypertension (P=0. 14). Conclusion The achieved results indicated a high prevalence of noncommunicable diseases risks factors among the studied elderly. Given the importance of the growing elderly population, planning for appropriate interventions aimed for healthier, longer and higher quality lives in the elderly should be considered by health officials and policymakers.

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Objectives Healthcare providers have different attitudes toward old people; such an attitude can impact providing effective services to them. Thus, the current study aimed to determine the attitudes of Occupational Therapy (OT) students and alumni towards the elderly. Methods & Materials A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted on 125 students and alumni of OT with a Mean± SD age of 22. 4± 1. 24 years (70 women, 55 men). The subjects were selected using convenience sampling method. Data collection tools were Kogan’ s Attitude Toward Old People (KAOP) scale and a demographic data questionnaire. For statistical analysis, the Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney U test were used. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS at the significance level of P≤ 0. 05. Results The mean score of attitudes of occupational therapists toward elderly was 151. 448; i. e. an intermediate attitude. The highest scores regarded to the subjects with a PhD, subjects with ≥ 5 years of practical experience, and those working in the psychiatry field. The mean scores of subjects with an experience of caring for the elderly and those without such experience were the same (mean=151). There was a statistically significant relationship (P<0. 05) between attitude score and educational grade of the subjects; however, there was no significant relationship between attitude score and practical experience, working field and the experience of providing care to the elderly (P>0. 05). Conclusion The attitudes of occupational therapists towards the elderly tend to be positive; however, because of their high contacts with old people, this attitude score is not enough. the obtained results can be used as a basis for developing programs of attitude promotion towards the elderly in future studies.

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Objectives Obesity is directly associated with an increased risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. The current study aimed to examine the effect of aerobic training at moderate intensity on some biomarkers of breast cancer in overweight postmenopausal women. Methods & Materials Twenty-four overweight postmenopausal women (Body Mass Index [BMI] Mean± SD =32. 01± 5. 3 kg/m2) with the Mean± SD age of 55. 44± 4. 4 years were randomly divided into the experimental (n=14) and control (n=10) groups. The experimental group received 10 weeks of aerobic training (3 sessions per week at an intensity of 65%-75% of Maximum Heart Rate [MHR]). The controls did not participate in any exercise training. Sex hormone-binding globulin and insulin levels, insulin resistance, body fat percentage, and vo2 max were measured at the beginning and after training. The obtained data were analyzed by analysis of covariance, using SPSS. Results No significant difference was observed in sex hormone-binding globulin, insulin, insulin resistance, and body fat percentage after 10 weeks of aerobic training; however, a significant difference was found in vo2 max between the two groups. Conclusion Short-term moderate-intensity aerobic training appears to have no effects on some biomarkers of breast cancer, such as sex hormone-binding globulin, insulin, and insulin resistance in overweight postmenopausal women. Therefore, further studies are recommended to evaluate the effectiveness of training programs with different intensities and durations.

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Objectives Diabetes is a chronic disease that is increasing in the world. This disease is spreading due to the population increase, aging process, lifestyle changes, inactivity, and inappropriate nutrition. The Nationwide Program for Prevention and Control of Diabetes is already underway for controlling this disease and its adverse effects, including the associated disabilities and immature mortality rate, economic costs, and improving the sufferers’ life quality. This study aimed to investigate the effects of this program in Iran. Methods & Materials This was a cross-sectional study with a Pre-test-Post-test design. In total, 100 elderly patients newly diagnosed with diabetes were selected through convenience sampling method from Isfahan City, Iran. The required data were obtained using questionnaires on demographic and health data, as well as patients’ knowledge, attitude, and practice. The data were gathered before and three months after the patients’ entrance into the program. Results Of the total 100 patients participating in the study, 41% were male and 59% female; 42% retirees, 53% housekeepers, and 5% employees, of whom, 5% were males. Majority of them (44%) aged 60-64 years, and only 3% aged 80-84 years (minority). A total 88% of them lived with others and 12% lived alone. Moreover, 47% were illiterate, 15% were educated above diploma, 11% held a primary school degree, 6% had a junior high school degree, and 21% had a high school diploma. In addition, 77% of the patients suffered from this disease for 0-10 years, and 9% for 20-29 years; 55% had hypertension, 44% were overweight, 28% were obese, 53% had abdominal obesity, 71% suffered from hyperlipidemia, 66% reported a history of diabetes in their immediate family members, 4% were current smokers, 16% reported a history of smoking cessation, 3% were current alcohol drinkers, and 3% used to drink alcohol in the past. The patients’ knowledge (median score) increased from 7 before initiating the program (Pre-test) to 10 after the completion of the program (Post-test) (P<0. 001, z=-7. 61); their attitude (median score) improved from 8 at Pre-test to 10 at Post-test (P<0. 001; z=-6. 84). The Mean± SD Pre-test and Post-test scores of the patients’ practice were 35. 60± 6. 38 and 41. 91± 5. 23, respectively (P<0. 001; t=-11. 95). Conclusion The obtained results indicated the importance of the studied program for the prevention and control of elderly patients’ diabetes by improving their knowledge, attitude, and practice. It is recommended that this program be implemented in all health centers of the country.

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Objectives Spiritual health is an important dimension of health in humans. It coordinates individuals’ forces, and ultimately, their overall health. There are Many challenges to this concept in older people. The current study aimed to analyze the concept of spiritual health in the elderly. Methods & Materials We used Walker and Avant’ s approach. We searched for the studies using the following keywords: “ elderly people, elderly person, spirituality, spiritual health, spiritual wellbeing, elderly, older adult, and geriatric” . We reviewed the literature in accordance with the study inclusion criteria, consisting of Persian and English Language studies published from 1996 to 2016; a total of 32 articles related to the concept were analyses. Results Spiritual health is a dynamic and multidimensional concept in older people's view. Some of the spiritual health attitudes in the elderly were the love of supreme power and mental balance. With respect to the afterlife, antecedents were having abilities, faith, trust, and commitment to morals and their consequences, nearness to God, peace, a higher quality of life, and providing social support to others. Conclusion The conceptual definition of spiritual health can help healthcare providers better understand this concept and conduct the interventions and evaluations of health promotion efforts to help the elderly.

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Objectives The present study investigated the relationship between physical factors affecting the motivation for life among older people in nursing homes. The research may present some solutions for nursing homes to improve the morale of residents in terms of spaces’ designs. Methods & Materials A total of 150 researcher-made questionnaires were non-randomly distributed following quota sampling among older people, nurses and administrative staff in the private nursing homes in Shemiranat, Tehran Province, Iran. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS. Moreover, exploratory factor analysis was used to detect and name the factors that increase motivation for life in older people. Additionally, the correlation between the factors was examined using Pearson’ s correlation coefficient. This was a descriptive analytical study and the required data were collected through documentation and field survey. Results The relationship between personal peace and education as well as encouragement with a correlation coefficient of 0. 48, was the strongest finding. The next strong correlation was observed between personal peace and environmental comfort with a correlation coefficient of 0. 39. A correlation coefficient of 0. 33 was also detected between personal peace and the sense of ownership. Conclusion Special design directly increased motivation for life in the studied older people; the effect of the physical environment cannot be separated from psychological aspects in this group.

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