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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: There is no difference in clinical characteristics of headache between old individuals and younger’s. However, differential diagnosis of migrainous aura and transient ischemic attacks may be difficult in old people who frequently have vascular risk factors. Old people have less headache than the young’s. Chronic tension headache is the most common primary type of headache in the elderly. Chronic paroxismal hemicrania and headache due to giant cell arterities are specified to the elderly, Secondary headaches; e.g headache due to cervical spondylosis and brain tumors is more common in the old people than young. Old people poorly tolerate headache drugs, i.e. Ergotamine, Triptans and Tricyclics. Trigeminal neuralgia is often seen in the elderly and is resistant to medical therapy in the old people. Headache could be the main manifestation of depression in old people. Headaches secondary to disorders of internal medicine; i.e. hypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have importance in the elderly. Subarachnoid hemorrhage is considered in every old person with sudden onset explosive headache especially in cases with decreased consciousness and neck stiffness. Old individuals use a collection of different drugs due to suffering various diseases and commonly have drug induced headaches. Neuroimaging should be performed in a geriatric patient with new onset sever headache without medical disorder or consumption of drug induced headache. Some of the old people suffer of multiple types of headache.

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Objective: To investigate the effect of Romberg exercise on balance improvement in elderly persons, 70 elderly persons with the history of two or more falling during recent 3 months were selected from Kahrizak nursing home in Tehran (38 as cases and 32 as controls).Materials & Methods: Romberg exercise was done in case group every day (45 minute per day and one time each day) for 3 months. Among all persons, 28 persons in case group and 21 persons in control group were followed for 6 months and incidence and frequency of falling were assessed during this time.Results: The Incidence of one or more falling in case and control groups was 31.3% and 47.6% in men and 57.9% and 27.3% in women, respectively. We found no significant relation between gender and the incidence of falling (P=0.460). Also, no significant relation was found between age and incidence (P=0.554) and frequency of falling (P=0.144) in elderly persons.Conclusion: Although the effect of Romberg exercise on improvement of balance disturbance and falling was not demonstrated, it needs additional studies with larger sample size and longer follow-up.

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Objective: The increase of life expectancy, in spite of its satisfactory and hopeful impressions, has resulted to some problems and difficulties, in the last years of life, particularly with regard to the health, illness, and costs of services of elderly populations.In literature focused on epidemiologic transition, the change on patterns of disease widely discussed. But there is a lack for a detailed analysis to clarify the priorities of providing and consuming services in relation to a specific cronic illnesses and socio-economic and demographic characteristics of service users. For this purpose, and in order to identify the indications of epidemiologic transition, case studies and surveys are needed. The present study mainly focus on this goal to identify which services are used by which groups of elderly population, and on what costs?Materials & Methods: This study conducted in Damghan city in Semnan province. All patients over 60 years old, covered by Medical Services Insurance Organization (MSIO), hospitalized in Damghan>s hospitals (2 hospitals), during year 2006, selected as study population. Medical records of the study population reviewed and analysed.Results: Findings revealed that heart disease and blood system disfunctionning, was the major cause of hospitalization.Conclusion: The most frequent surgeries conducted for Catarakt , and the highest cost belonged to psychology and psychiatrist services.

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Objective: Sleep is one of the essential needs for human and every disorder in during of sleep causes psychological problem and decreased person>s ability. Although sleep disorders occur in every of ages. Elderly person usually has very problem for satisfied sleep. The aim of this study was to estimate prevalence of sleep disorders and confront methods of those in elderly persons in Semnan city.Materials & Methods: This is a descriptive analytical research. 200 elderly residents of Semnan were selected through rundomical sampling. Sleep disorders was assessment with questioner and interviewer that include of sleep disorders (Dissomnia, Parasomnia) and confront methods (Behavioral, Cognitive, sleep hygiene and drug therapy).Results: Data indicated that prevalence of dissomnia was 67% and prevalence of insomnia was 61% that the most problem were in all stage of sleep (early, intermittent and end). Prevalence of Parasomnia was 29% that more of those (14%) had night terror. In the part of confront methods of sleep disorders, 57% used of behavioral therapy. The most of that (25%) were concentration of the limb before the sleep and 95.5% of them comprehension of cognitive methods. The most of that (26%) were comprehension of effect of age on sleep. 100% of them orientation of sleep hygiene and the most of that (39%) were orientation with 4 choose of sleep hygiene. 20% of them used of drug therapy. Conclusion: Finding above indicate that high prevalence of sleep disorders in elderly in Semnan, need supervised and widespread program for promoting awareness among population about sleep disorders and confront methods of those.

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View 5602

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Objective: The developing issue of oldness in industrious and the third world countries requires so much precision.Oldness, as one of the most important periods of life, constitutes part of the human's life and is of great significance particularly in the family life of everybody. The aim of this study focuses on some effective parameters in the quality of adults' situation in their family to improve maintenance and elevation of their situation and to recover and promote their lifestyle in their family. Materials & Methods: This research is carried out randomly by gathering information and data through interviews and questionnaires in a statistical society which was made of adults over 65 years old in the family among 200 individuals of a statistical society.Results: after analyzing the data, it was defined that there is a meaningful relationship between all of the independent variables in this research and the dependent variable of the aged's situation in the family and by putting emphasis on 2 variables of development and religionist of the family; it was proved that these variables are very effective. It was seem from the results of regression multi-variables, two - independent - variables & dependent - variables, that 47.2 percent of the changes in dependent - variables is covered by 2 other variables & the variable of family development is more important.Conclusion: The result show that different factors & parameters like age, education, health, cooperation, economical status, type of the family & religionism of the family & the aged impress the aged's situation in the family & type of the family is more important. So, by recognizing & studying these factors & parameters & by programming properly, we can prevent & decrease the current & subsequent problems of the old people & improve their situation in the family.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Ageing of population is a new phenomenon that has occurred in recent center especially in developed countries and it has named as "papy Bomb” In developing countries also there are some problems due to Family pattern changes and transition to Nuclear Family.Materials & Methods: In Iran, elderly population is increased during two decade and elder lies plus 60 years from 5.43% in 1986 are increased to 7.27% in 2006.Results: The total population of Iran was more than 70 millions in 2006 and there was more than 5 million elder lies plus 60 years. Conclusion: The Augmentation of elderly population in Iran is one of our motivation for investigation and assessment of status between the elder lies lives in institutes and whose lives in Community - dwelling.

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Objective: Motor sequence is central to much of human intelligent behavior. It is well known that such sequential skills involve chaining a number of primitive actions together. Cognitive aging is the part of aging that cause decrease cognitive ability of elderly such as learning. The purpose of this research is comparison of implicit learning in youth and elderly.Materials & Methods: In the first phase of research we design soft ware of serial reaction time task. This software registers errors and Response Time (RT) in response to sequential stimulus. We compare youth (N=15) and elderly (N=l5) in two groups. Task defines in 10 blocks that the first and the sixth block were random and the other blocks were sequential.Results: ANOVA for compare response times and errors in different blocks and paired T Test for compare regular and irregular blocks and independent T Test for compare youth and elderly is used. Result show that in youth RT decrease in regular and irregular block but in elderly RT decrease only in regular block. RT and errors in elderly were lower than youth.Conclusion: In elderly implicit sequence learning occurs. And accuracy of this learning is more than youth. Based on this finding implicit learning is a proper method for motor learning in elderly especially in accurate movement.

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Objective: The purpose of this article is to review investigate the relation between religion and religion belief with successful aging (mental health). Depression and anxiety is obvious among age's successful aging and religion is defined. The role of religion in successful aging is showed. The vocabulary of successful aging suggested by ballets and ballets in 1990. Airport divided two tendency of religion that is internal and external. results show that is relation between religion tendency with successful aging. External religion belief with disorder in mental health and depression ad too internal religion belief with mental health and correlation. mental disorder and depression is remarkable in aging house ages that society ages. Studies show that is correlation among age's depression with rang of attitude and efficacy in religion and spirituality.

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Objective: This article is focused on ageing and the rapid ageing population growth, from future health care costs prospectus. It reviews ageing population statistics in several courtiers as well as Iran, to illustrate the significance of the ageing population growth in the next decades.Nevertheless, the health care costs for elderly people are described and the considerable differences between health care costs of under 65 years and over 65 years population are verified. Then, the importance of ageing population and future health care costs studies concluded.Giving the fact, that Iran like many other countries will face a rapid increase in ageing population within the few decades, from raw information and data, it is roughly estimated that the net effect of the ageing population growth is to increase health costs per capita, more than 2.5 times in 2050compare to year2000. Finally, policy and decision makers were asked to pay attention to the magnitude of ageing population growth for planning and management of the future health care system in Iran, based on the reality of resource scarcity and increasing demand for elderly peoples, health care in the future.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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