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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objectives: There is an increase in the number of chronic diseases as the age increases. These diseases may not kill but they threaten the quality of life of patients and could lead to premature and severe disability. This study was done to determine the relation between chronic diseases and disability in activities of daily living in elderly in Amirkola.Materials & Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was done on older people in Amirkola. The data were collected using questionnaire including demographic characteristics and questions on disability (KATZ indexes). The data were analyzed using SPSS software and statistical tests such as chisquare, t-test and logistic regression. The p-value was P<0.05 and was considered as significant.Results: In this survey,  1017older people were studied. 85% of them were independent in activity of daily livings (ADLs) and 15% of them were dependent. Stroke (OR=7.2, CI=3.97-13.04, p<0.001), cancer (OR=6.80, CI=2.53-18.26, p<0.001) and hearing loss (OR=4.58, CI=3.01-6.98, p<0.001) had the most important role in causing disability. Women were more disable than men in all ADLs and stroke (OR=10.12, CI=4.06-25.2, p<0.001), cancer (6.08, CI=1.29-28.6, P=0.022) and visual loss (4.26, CI=2.32-7.82, P<0.001) had the most impact on their quality of life.Conclusion: Our results indicate that chronic diseases and disability are more common among women and CVA, cancer, hearing loss and visual loss can have a negative effect on basic activities of daily living. Thus, appropriate interventions and plans for screening and reducing risk factors of these illnesses are necessary.

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Objectives: The aims of the present investigation was the evaluation of divided attention deficits in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients by using dual-task paradigm in order to ascertain whether this method can be useful in the early diagnosis of AD or not.Materials & Methods: A total of 23 elderly individuals (11 females and 12 males) voluntarily participated in the investigation: 13 patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and 10 healthy elderly individuals. The experimental setup consisted of (a) single -task and (b) dual-task trials at two levels of difficulty. In singletask condition, the participants were asked to recite the months of the year continuously with normal order (easy) and backward (difficult). They also performed a computerized visuospatial/motor tracking task. The participants then performed the tracking task in conjunction with each of the months reciting tasks as dual-task condition.Results: The results showed a significant interaction (disease × level of difficulty) effect. So that, the performance impairment on combine performance in two simultaneous tasks was related to task difficulty, but the elderly control group did not differ in the easy and difficult conditions.Conclusion: These findings not only increase our understanding of the attention deficits in AD patients, but also have implications for the mediating effect of cognitive load in using dual-task paradigm for studying attention mechanisms of cognitively suffered individuals.

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Objectives: The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of whole body vibration on improvement of performance of patients with Multiple sclerosis.Materials & Methods: In this study, 73 patients with MS a mean age of 73±2.63 years participated, out of which 20 patients took part with complete satisfaction. They had average disability ranging from 2.05 to 4.5. The subjects were divided into four groups based on Bosco plan: 1 control group and 3 experimental groups. The 1st group did their job in 6 sessions and within 6 weeks. The 2nd group did their job in 12 sessions and within 6 weeks and the last group in 18 sessions and within 6 weeks. The Vibration frequency was 15-25 Hz. Having finished the exercise, the neuromuscular function was assessed with the standard 5-chair and TUG test. In order to analyze the data, SPSS version 18 was used in level of significance of a=5.Results: The results of repeated measures analysis of variance and one-way analysis of variance showed that the whole body vibration exercise significantly decreased the time of 5-chair test (P<0.03) and tug test (P<0.03). The 5-chair test with three sessions a week training exercise had significantly better neuromuscular function than the two other groups (P<0.04).Conclusion: Whole-body vibration exercises in people with MS disease results in improvement of neuromuscular function.

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View 1153

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Objectives: Physical activities ameliorate elderly motor and cognitive performance. The aim of this research is to study the effect of sport and physical activity on elderly reaction time and response time.Materials & Methods: The research method is causal-comparative and its statistical population consists of 60 active and non-active old males over 60 years residing at Mahabad city. Reaction time was measured by reaction timer apparatus, made in Takei Company (YB1000 model). Response time was measured via Nelson’s Choice- Response Movement Test. At first, reaction time and then response time was measured. For data analysis, descriptive statistic, K-S Test and One Sample T Test were usedResults: K-S Test show that research data was parametric. According to the results of this research, physical activity affected reaction time and response time. Result of T test show that reaction time (P=0.000) and response time (P=0.000) of active group was statistically shorter than non- active group.Conclusion: The result of current study demonstrate that sport and physical activity, decrease reaction and response time via psychomotor and physiological positive changes.

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Objectives: In old age depression is common problem. Its rate at elderly residing at nursing homes is %30-50. Several types of medications are used to treat depression. However because elderly use many drugs due to their numerous problems, non pharmacological methods such as pet therapy can be considered. So the present study intended to assess the effectiveness of pet therapy on elderly depression.Materials & Methods: A quasi-experimental study was conducted with 60 elderly living at nursing homes. The elderly were randomly placed at two groups: intervention group (N: 29) and control group (N: 31). In both groups Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) and a questionnaire for demographic characteristics were used to collect data. Then research intervention including animal care program over a six-week period was performed. And the control group did not receive this intervention. Both groups were assessed by The Geriatric Depression Scale after the intervention period. Pretest score and posttest score were compared. To analyze the collected data Chi-square and independent t-test were used and the dependant t-test was applied to analyze the variables.Results: Findings of this study showed that depression of elderly of intervention group decreased from 8.55 before intervention to 4.79 after intervention (P<0.001). But no significant difference was observed in the control group. The comparison of depression scores mean in both groups before intervention shows no significant statistical difference (p=0.531) while the mean after the intervention in control group was significantly higher (P=0.001).Conclusion: Considering the results of this study, it can be suggested that pet therapy has positive effects on reduction of elderly depression. Therefore, non-invasion interventions such as keeping pet by nurses can improve elderly depression and can cause their active participation. It is strongly recommended to use this intervention widely at nursing homes. In addition, this study provided a new field for research and nursing services.

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Objectives: The present study, was carried out in the form of a MA thesis and with the of the validity and reliability of "dynamic gaiting index (DGI)" in elderly men.Materials & Methods This causal-comparative research was conducted on 180 elderly subjects living in Arak (aged 60 and over). The subjects were selected randomly and criterion for their admission was confirmation of a G.P. The data were analyzed using Exploratory Factor Analysis, main component analysis with Varimax rotation tests, Spearman’s correlation coefficient, Cronbach’s Alpha, and U-Man-Withney.Results: The results indicated that the Persian version of DGI among older adults consists of one factor. The specific value of the factor was 6.091 which predicted 76.133 percent of variance. Cronbach’s Alpha was calculated 0.953. Reliability between the measurers showed a significantly high correlation between the two collected data sets which were collected by two different researchers. The test-retest reliability was also high and significant.Conclusion: The research results showed that Persian version of the DGI among old men was acceptable and in accordance with its English version; therefore, it can be used in clinical and therapeutic settings to identify the elderly who are exposed to falling risk.

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Objectives: The aim of present study is to determine the effect of two methods of aerobic training on static and dynamic balance in old men.Materials & Methods: 37 aged people over 60 years old who were physically healthy divided into three groups after randomly carrying out pretest: 1) walking or running aerobic exercise group (n=12), 2) cycling aerobic exercise group (n=13) and 3) control group (n=12). Then groups 1 and 2, participated in running or walking exercise and cycling aerobic exercise as well with 60 percent of maximum heartbeat intensity. These two groups who were considered experimental groups of research appeared on exam site for 8 weeks, each week 3 sessions and each session 45 minutes. They rested one day between every two sessions of exercise. During the project group 3 (control) continued its daily activities and had no especial exercise. After the training period, all subjects participated in the posttest session. In order to measure the static and dynamic balance Sharpend Romberg test and balancing timber test were used. The covariance analysis test (ANCOVA) was also applied to examine the effect of exercise on the dependent variables and to study differences between group.Results: The findings showed that exercise training programs in both experimental groups in research compared with control group significantly improved static and dynamic balance of subjects. It was also showed that the development of the first group (walking or running exercise group) in both static and dynamic balance test was significantly higher than Group 2 (bike exercise group).Conclusion: According to the results, it is recommended that trainers, organizations and institutions that deal with the elderly, use the cycling and walking exercises, especially walking and jogging to reduce the risk of further problem in these people.

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Objectives: Plasmatic total ghrelin levels (ie, acylate & unacylated isoformes) are changeable during malnutrition, starvation regime, exercise bouts, obesity and hyperglycemia conditions. Studies have reported increases, decreases or no change in total ghrelin concentrations as a resultsresults of exercise. Walking Since walking is used as a movement current pattern with a different lifestyle conditions, especially in several social jobs activities of daily livings of the middle-aged and elderly, the aim of the present study is to evaluate whether the relationship between the number of step per day steps per day and with acylated ghrelin of menopausal women is related to different life well, the effects of physical activity volume on this peptide hormone.Materials & Methods: Daily step volumes voluntarily were measured in the health postmenopausal women (n=40) by the electronic pedometer. Subjects (aged 55.9±4.6) divided by as active group (AG=20) and sedentary group (SG=20).Results: Daily step average in the AG (8022±2659 step/day) significantly was higher than SG (3450±913 step/day) (p<0.001). Acylated ghrelin and Insulin concentrations were markedly not different in AG (195.4±131 pg/ml, 9.2±3.03 mU/ml respectively) and SG (165.4±73 pg/ml, 11.5±4.7 mU/ml respectively) as well, step per day were not associated with these hormones. There was a significant difference in body composition variables (BMI, %BF, WHR) among 2 groups and significant inverse correlations were found between activity and body composition variables in women.Conclusion: According to the results, it is recommended that trainers, organizations and institutions that deal with the elderly, use the cycling and walking exercises, especially walking and jogging to reduce the risk of further problem in these people.

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Objectives: The aim of the present study is to examine the prediction of the reminiscence functions in older adults on the basis of the five personality factor model.Materials & Methods: 242 elderly adults older than 60 were recruited from retirement clubs of the city of Shiraz via available sampling method. The participants completed the Reminiscence Functions Scale and Goldberg's International Personality Item Pool. Forty participants were deleted from the sample because they did not complete the questionnaires fully. All the participants took part in the study with their conscious consent. To conduct the necessary descriptive and inferential statistical operations, SPSS (Version 16) was used. Mean, standard deviation and Pearson correlation coefficient were utilized to analyze the data in the descriptive statistics section. And in inferential statistics section, simultaneous multiple regression was used to predict reminiscence functions.Results: According to the results of the multiple regression analysis, Neuroticism predicted the reminiscence functions of Bitterness Revival (b=0.28, P≤0.001) and Intimacy Maintenance (b=0.25, P≤0.001) and Extraversion predicted the reminiscence functions of Teach/ Inform (b=0.18, P<0.05).Conclusion: The results indicated that people with higher levels of psychological distress tend to rehash and ruminate on bitter memories and hold onto memories of intimate social relations who are no longer part of their lives. Moreover, extravert people tend to share memories to transmit a lesson of life and share personal ideologies and experiences. Clinicians should focus on more adaptive functions of reminiscence (e.g., identity, problem solving and teach/ inform) and teach such functions.

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Objectives: The Lawton IADL (instrumental activities of daily living) Scale is considered as one of the widely used tools to assess activities of daily livings in patients with dementia, but its validity and reliability has never been assessed in Persian-speaking populations. The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity and reliability of this widely used scale among patients with Dementia.Materials & Methods: International quality of life assessment (IQOLA) protocol was used for translating the Lawton Scale. After forward and backward translation, the 8 item questionnaire including use of telephone, shopping, meal preparation, housework, laundry, transportation, medication management and money management was evaluated for content validity by five experts in this field. Inter-rater and test-retest reliability assessment with one week interval were conducted by two occupational therapists. Results are reported based on data of sixty patients with Dementia referring to Iranian Alzheimer’s Association.Results: Experts’ agreements regarding the construct validity was very high in 6 items and moderate in 2 items. There was no significant difference in agreement among experts in all 8 items (p>.05). The correlations of test-retest with relative and absolute coefficients were high (r=0.993 and SEM=0.238), (CI: 0.988-0.996). Also, the correlation coefficients between the raters (r=0.961) were significant, indicating the high reliability of this test. The correlation of questions with total score of the test was average (0.606>r>0.427).Conclusion: These results confirm that the Persian version of the Lawton IADL Scale has excellent reliability and validity. The Lawton scale is an applicable tool to assess the functional capacity of patients with dementia and can be used by professionals and researchers.

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