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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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View 1119

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Objectives: Elder abuse is a social and psychological problem of the community that has a significant impact in reducing mental health of the elderly. It can be considered as one of the factors predisposing to aging depression. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between age and depression in the elderly abused in Kashan, Iran, in 2014.Methods & Materials: This descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted on 500 people aged³60 years old in Kashan City, Iran, in 2014. Subjects were randomly selected from 10 healthcare centers of Kashan. The study instruments were demographic information, elder abuse questionnaire in the family (a=0.97), and geriatric depression scale (a=0.90).Results: Results of the current study showed that 80% of subjects have experienced at least one type of abuse during the last year. The highest rate of abuse was financial abuse (45.6%), and 79.2% had some sort of depression. Linear regression analysis showed that emotional neglect (P=0.001, β=0.20), financial neglect (P=0.036, b=0.117) and ostracizing (P=0.001, β=0.241) were significantly associated with depression. According to the test, a correlation was observed between the elder abuse and depression (r=0.490, P=0.001).Conclusion: The study results indicate the importance and necessity of providing health care services and support for the identification of depressed elderly victims of abuse and prevention to solve this problem and improve their situation.

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View 1137

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Objectives: This study was performed to evaluate convergent validity, test-retest reliability and internal consistency of the Persian translation of the Fullerton advanced balance (FAB) for use in Iranian community- dwelling older adults and improve the quality of their functional balance assessment.Methods & Materials: The original scale was translated with forward-backward protocol. In the next step, using convenience sampling and inclusion criteria, 88 functionally independent older adults were selected to participate in the study. Their mean (SD) age was 67.15 (5.79) years. The Persian version of the scale was administered to each participant twice with an interval of 2-4 days by the same examiner (occupational therapist). Convergent validity was assessed by correlating the scale with Berg balance scale, timed up and go test, and functional reach test.Results: The test-retest reliability of individual items indicated good to excellent reliability (Cohen’s Kappa=0.63–1). Intraclass correlation coefficient was excellent (ICC=0.98), standard error of measurement was good (SEM=0.17), and minimal detectable change was 0.46. Construct validity showed moderate to good correlation between the Persian version of FAB and Berg balance scale (r=0.65), functional reach (r=0.62), and timed up and go test (r=-0.77). Internal consistency was acceptable (Cronbach a=0.83-0.84) for both phases.Conclusion: The Persian version of the FAB Scale is an acceptable and excellent psychometric instrument in assessing the multiple dimensions of balance in Iranian community-dwelling older adults.

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View 1168

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Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the association of coping strategies and religiosity with life satisfaction of old people living in nursing homes of Ahvaz City, Iran.Methods & Materials: This was an epidemiological analytical study which was conducted on 100 elderly people (64 male and 36 female) living in nursing homes in Ahvaz. Coping inventory for stressful situations, Allport-Ross religious orientation scale and the satisfacation with life scale which have good reliability and validity were used for data collection. The inclusion criteria included understanding Persian language, having no dementia, willingness to participate in the study, and having at least 60 years of age. The exclusion criteria were having physical or psychiatry disorders, which cause severe depression or anxiety in elderly people, having dementia and not understanding Persian language. For statistical analyses, ANOVA, multivariate regression, and the Pearson correlation coefficient were used.Results: The results showed that there is a significant relationship between coping strategies and religiosity with life satisfaction of old people living in nursing homes (P£0.05).Conclusion: Coping strategies and religiosity significantly affect life satisfaction of the elderly. Findings of this study could help the nursing homes managers to help elderly people for successful aging through providing religious doctrine and guiding them to choose more efficient solutions to comply with stressors and problems associated with aging.

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View 1045

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Objectives: Elderly is a sensitive period and quality of life in the elderly is of great importance that should not be ignored. The purpose of this study was to compare 3 groups of active, passive, and ecotourist old age people on their mental health and happiness. The study participants live in Illam City, Iran.Methods & Materials: By multi-stage sampling method, 514 participants, over 60 years old and cognitively intact (152 active, 229 passive, and 133 ecotourist individuals), were selected to participate in the study. The data-gathering tool consisted of a 2-part questionnaire: short form of mental health (GHQ-28) and Oxford happiness inventory (OHI) which used to measure mental health and happiness, respectively. Analyses was based on 1-way ANOVA, and post-hoc Tukey test.Results: Findings showed that there were significant differences between 3 groups with regard to mental health, and only between ecotourist and others with regard to happiness. Regarding the results, the status of mental health and happiness in ecotourist elderly was better than active and nonactive ones.Conclusion: Doing exercise and participating in recreational activities such as hiking, walking, mountaineering with friends or family members are the best activities for the elderly people resulting in the improvement and reinforcement of their mental health and happiness.

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Objectives: Elderly people are the most vulnerable group of the society and elder abuse phenomenon is one of the most considerable challenges in the field of protecting and caring the elders. The present study was conducted in order to determine domestic elder abuse in rural area of Dezful City, Iran, and its relation with their quality of life in 2013.Methods & Materials: The present study is a correlational cross-sectional study. By cluster random sampling method, 210 elders, aged ³60 years and resident of Dezful City, were selected to participate in the study. Those elders, who had no cognitive disorder based on Persian version of short test of cognitive status, were entered into the study after obtaining their consent. Afterwards, the questionnaire of family elder abuse; Persian version of SF-36 questionnaire for measuring life quality from health perspective; and also questionnaire of demographic and personal information were fulfilled for them. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, the Chi-square, and t-tests.Results: Results of the present study indicated that 60.5% of studied sample experienced at least one type of abuse. Maximum prevalence of abuse was related to emotional negligence (38.6%) and minimum level to care negligence (7.3%). At the present study, group of elders without experience of abuse had significantly better life quality than others in all 8 aspects of life quality, except for 2 aspects of physical performance and general health (P<0.05).Conclusion: In spite of high emphasis on respecting elders in our culture, the elders experience different types of abuse. Hence, specific consideration and inducing sensitivity in relevant organizations and individuals is required to prevent the long-term consequences and effects of this issue.

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View 870

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Objectives: Aging is a process which causes some changes in physical, psychological, and social aspects of human body. These changes result in decrease in the quality of life and independency. Senility is an important part of the human society and the established changes in the elderly influence his or her relatives and the whole society. Regarding the importance of this topic and a few studies in this field, the purpose of the study is to study the physical activity, the balance control, and their relationship in the elderly.Methods & Materials: In this cross-sectional study, 1614 old people living in Amir Kola City, Iran participated. The research conducted between 2012 and 2013. Their physical activity was measured using standard questionnaire of the physical activity of PASE (the physical activity scale for the elderly), their balance control by Berg Balance test. Then, the data were analyzed through the Chi-square and t test using SPSS. P values less than 0.05 were considered significant.Results: A total of 1614 the elderly people were analyzed in this study (883 males and 733 females). The mean (SD) age of men was 69.96 (7.68) and for women it was 68.66 (7.02). The relationship between the degree of physical activity and balance control in studied people was statistically significant and direct (P=0.000).Conclusion: The results of this study indicate the existence of significant relation between balance control and physical activity in the elderly. The result also suggests that it is possible to improve the balance control in the elderly by planning to increase the physical activity among them and decrease the related problems such as falling.

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View 1074

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Objectives: Lifestyle and quality of life are closely associated with the prevalence of hypertension, which its lack of control can cause disability and low quality of life. This study aimed to study the impact of self management empowering model on the quality of life in patients with hypertension.Methods & Materials: This study was a clinical trial, conducted on elderly patients with hypertension in Bushehr City, Iran. They were selected by purposeful method and randomly divided into case and control groups. Intervention was done in 5 steps, based on the self-management empowering model (self-awareness of the performance level and self-expectations of the client, optimal goal setting by the client, planning, correcting the structure, and evaluation). Then, the data were collected by demographic data and SF36 questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS 18 with significance level set at £0.05.Results: By using the empowering program for elders, the mean quality of life level and its dimensions in the case group showed significant differences (P<0.05) after the intervention. Except for the activity restrictions, which showed increase in the score after the intervention, but it was not statistically significant. The scores of quality of life and its different aspects in the control group showed no statistically significant changes after the intervention (P>0.05). Difference between the total score of quality of life before and after the intervention in the case group compared to that difference in the control group showed a significant difference (P<0.05).Conclusion: Implementing the principles of self-management empowering model with emphasis on the elderly patients with hypertension could lead to a better quality of life among them. As a result, this model can be an appropriate approach in the health care programs and improve the quality of life in old age.

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View 978

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Objectives: Purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship and effects of family power structure, marital conflicts, and their components on mental health in male retirees of education in Alborz Province.Methods & Materials: In this research, a total of 341 male retirees of Alborz’s education department were selected by available sampling method. Research tools included general health questionnaire (GHQ_28), power structure in family and marital conflicts. The obtained information was separately analyzed by Cranach α Coefficient, Pearson correlation coefficient and Stepwise regression.Results: This research showed that there were significant negative correlations between family power structure (r=-0.527, P=0.000), scope and power of the family (r=-0.437, P=0.000), the power of family (r=0.484, P=0.000), mode power couple (r=-0.414, P=0.000), alliances and coalitions (r=-0.411, P=0.000), and leadership (r=-0.479, P=0.000) with mental health. There were significant positive correlations between marital conflicts (r=0.56, P=0.000), increase in child support (r=0.46, P=0.000), and increase relationship with relatives (r=0.435, P=0.000), decrease relationships with the wife’s relative (r=0.432, P=0.000), separating financial matters (r=0.448, P=0.000), reduction of working between couples (r=0.432, P=0.000), increased emotional reactions (r=0.564, P=0.000), decreased sex (r=0.372, P=0.000), and reduction in effective communication (r=0.506, P=0.000) with mental health. Increased emotional reactions (P=0.000), the power of family (P=0.000), scope and power of the family (P=0.000), decreased sex (P=0.008), reduction in effective communication (P=0.000), alliances and coalitions (P=0.014) and reduce in relationship with the wife’s relatives (P=0.022) can predict mental health of retirees.Conclusion: The results of the research indicate that power structure of family and marital conflicts can affect mental health of male retirees. And more unequal power structure of family and more marital conflicts can lead to decrease in mental health of male retirees.

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Objectives: Given the vulnerability of a lot of old people due to various physical, psychological, social, and family problems, we aimed to develop a theory in the field of aging based on systematic data collection.Methods & Materials: The current study is a type of qualitative research tradition method called information Grounded theory. The study sample consisted of 20 old age adults (10 women, 10 men), who were selected through purposive sampling. The statistical population comprised all old people in public places such as community parks, entertainment venues, offices, waiting rooms, and hospitals. After semi-structured interviews with 20 old people in the city of Tabriz and reviewing their opinions about their family members, a set of initial themes were collected and then some categories were extracted from them. Afterwards, during the core coding stage, the connection between these categories were determined in the frame of a paradigm with the following topics: causal conditions, phenomenon oriented, strategic issues, environmental conditions, intermediate category, and outcome categories. Next, in the stage of selective coding, the components of coding paradigm were described, the aging process was drawn and a theory awas developed.Results: Base on the study results, 6 main components and 39 subcomponents were extracted for aging and were presented in a theoretical model based on Grounded theory.Conclusion: Our findings, besides pointing to the mental health needs and emotional/family issues of the elderly, have emphasized the identification and conceptualizing of the different variables affecting old people lives based on Grounded theory.

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Objectives: Increasing the prevalence of elder abuse has become a health issue in developing countries, including Iran. The purpose of this investigation was the study of the effect of social work intervention with a cognitive behavioral approach on the reduction of the elderly abuse experimentation.Methods & Materials: Twenty-nine elders participated in this study in the intervention (n=14) and control (n=15) groups. In a randomized clinical trial, elder persons and their families who met inclusion criteria were recruited from August 2014 to January 2015. They were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups. Intervention group received a 5-session family based cognitive-behavioral social work (FBCBSW) intervention. The domestic elder abuse questionnaire was administered to evaluate the elder abuse at baseline, immediate post-intervention, and at 30 day post-intervention. Repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Wilcoxon test were used for data analysis.Results: All participants reported at least one type of abuse and almost 75.9% of them reported that their children were main abusers. Repeated measures ANOVA revealed that FBCBSW was successful in reducing elder abuse (total score). Wilcoxon test illustrated significant reduction in subscales of neglect care (P=0.01), psychological abuse (P=0.003), financial abuse (P=0.01), loss of personal autonomy (P=0.005), and financial neglect (P=0.02) in the intervention group while the intervention was not effective to reduce physical abuse (P=0.31).Conclusion: The result of this study showed that FBCBSW is an effective intervention to decrease elder abuse. For future studies, implementing the same clinical trial with bigger sample size and 3 and 6 months follow up is recommended.

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View 1664

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Objectives: Our community which is walking into aging, is facing with various health care problems. Existing evidence has shown that the major cause of many mortalities is the unhealthy life styles, which are worsen with aging and senility, causing many problems in old age. Due to the importance of prevention of risk factors and continual caring of the elderly, as well as few studies done in Iran on elderly life styles with qualitative method, the current study was conducted aiming at clarifying the concept, structure, and nature of choosing life styles among Iranian elderly population.Methods & Materials: To achieve the objectives of this study, a qualitative research was performed according to grounded theory. We attemptted to explore the concept, structure, nature, and process of choosing life styles among the elderly population, by purposeful sampling at first and then by theoretical sampling until data saturation achieved. Unstructured interview was used for data collection. Participants of this study were elderly people (living with their families). In total, 29 in-depth individual interviews were done with 23 male and female participants. Collected data were transcript immediately and analysis was done using Strauss and Corbin approach (1998).Results: The following 8 main categories were emerged from the data analysis: aging restrictions, daily living behaviors, unsuitable sociofamilial structure, self-management, health deficits, insufficient efficacy, insufficient readiness, and sprituality. Category of daily living behaviors represented phenomenon, self-management displayed measures taken by individuals and the category of health deficits was the consequence of these strategies.Conclusion: According to the consequences of the strategies adopted and based on health definitions, it could be argued that older people do not have a perfect healthy life style and their health is deficient. Based on the results of grounded theory, correction and promotion of unhealthy life style behaviors are considered essential.

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Objectives: Healthy lifestyle, as a social determinant of health, is an important source of health promotion, especially in older adults. Given the association of lifestyle to social context, interpreting and recognition of the healthy lifestyle concept may greatly impact on making more appropriate the health promotion interventions. This study aimed to describe the healthy lifestyle as older adults perceive it.Methods & Materials: A qualitative content analysis approach was used in this study. A purposeful sample of 16 community dwelling older adults aged 60 years or older were interviewed. Peer check, member check, and prolonged engagement were considered for building trustworthiness.Results: The healthy lifestyle is composed of 2 main personal and social health related behavioral categories and 12 subcategories of doing healthy habits, having social roles, maintaining inter-personal relationships, having good quality sleep, stress control, prevention of health deterioration, doing daily living activities, observance on healthy food, passing good leisure time, having purpose in life, and being mentally active.Conclusion: Behaviors related to healthy lifestyle in Iranian older adults are influenced by Islamic-Iranian culture and can be divided in 2 major groups: Personal and social.

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Objectives: This study aimed to examine the effect of exercise in and out of the water on the balance level and falling risk of healthy male older people.Methods & Materials: A total of 45 old men, ³65 years, were randomly selected and divided into 3 groups of exercising in the water, exercising out of the water, and control. Each group included 15 people. Two groups of exercising in and out of the water participated in the similar exercises for 12 weeks, 3 sessions per week, each session lasting 60 minutes.Results: The findings of the study showed that exercise programs in and out of the water have significant effect on the static and dynamic balance and the falling risk of older people (P£0.05). The results indicated significant differences between the subjects of exercise and control groups (P£0.05) after the exercise program. However, the results did not show any significant differences between 2 groups exercising in and out of the water (P³0.05).Conclusion: According to this study, doing the exercises in or out of the water is effective on improving the static and dynamic balance of old people and reducing their risk of falling.

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Objectives: Fear of falling may restrict activities that can increase risk of falling. The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of falls and fear of falling and their relationship.Methods & Materials: This descriptive cross-sectional, and analytical study was performed on 160 institutionalized old people (130 females, 30 males) aged 65 and older that all of them were enrolled by sampling. After receiving their informed consents, data were collected by demographic form, fall frequency form and falls efficacy scale (FSE) questionnaire. Descriptive statistics was used for data classification and inferential statistics including 1-way ANOVA, Independent t test, and the Pearson correlation were used for data analysis. Validity and reliability of FSE questionnaire was confirmed after its analysis (The Cronbach a=95%).Results: Among 160 subjects, the majority of the elderly were women (81.2%), the mean (SD) of participants’ age was 67.63 (9.07) years. The mean (SD) of falls was 2.6 (0.85). About 46.9% of the elderly have fallen 3 times, 33.8% of them have fallen 2 times and 9.4% have fallen 1 time in the past 6 months, while the majority of the elderly (76.2%) had moderate fear of falling. There was significant difference between factors of sex and using drugs with the number of falls (P<0.001). Significant difference was seen between fear of falling and sex (P<0.05) and residence time (P=0.02). The Pearson correlation showed a significant relationship between the number of falls and fear of falling with confidence level of 99% (P<0.001).Conclusion: Because of the high prevalence of falls and fear of falling in the elderly and their direct relationship with each other, necessary measures should be taken for prevention and controlling them to improve the welfare of the elderly people.

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Objectives: Aging and its subsequent issues must be considered as the main challenges of the future. Studies on abuse of the elderly are very limited. This study which was conducted in 2013 and aimed to determine the prevalence and types of domestic abuse in the elderly referred to health care centers in Gorgan and Aq-Qala cities, Gorgan Province, Iran.Methods & Materials: In this cross-sectional analytical study, through a random sampling, 465 elders aged 65 or older (125 men and 254 women), residing in the health care centers in Gorgan and Aq-Qala, were enrolled. A face-to-face interview was carried out with all participants at the health care centers. First, their cognitive states were evaluated using the Iranian version of abbreviated mental test score and if they obtained the score of 6 or higher they would be entered in the study, after taking their informed consents. Then, the domestic elder abuse questionnaire for elderly people and a questionnaire designed by the authors for collecting demographic and personal data was administered. Descriptive (percentage, frequency, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (The Chi-square, t-test) were performed using SPSS (version 16).Results: The total frequency of elder abuse was 63.3%. The highest frequencies were related to care neglect (59.8%) and psychological abuse (53.3%) and the lowest ones belonged to physical abuse (8 %) and abandonment (8.2%). Some factors, including sex (P<0.034), ethnicity (P<0.0001), location (P<0.0001), and age (P<0.035) were significantly different between the 2 groups of abused and non-abused.Conclusion: Because of the high level of elder abuse by family, providing awareness programs for seniors, caregivers and health care providers seems to be essential to prevent and reduce the neglect and abuse of older people.

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Objectives: Approaching the old age and living in care homes may lead to decrease in the life satisfaction of the elderly people. The present study aimed to determine the effectiveness of group forgiveness intervention on life satisfaction of the elderly people living in care homes.Methods & Materials: The research method of the study is interventional, quasi-experimental. A total of 55 participants from 4 elderly care homes in Tehran, Iran were selected by random cluster sampling method and randomly divided into 2 groups of experimental and control. They completed questionnaire of life satisfaction and 8 sessions of group forgiveness intervention were held for the experimental group and control group received conventional treatment interventions. Finally, their life satisfaction was assessed in both groups again. The instruments for data collection were demographic information form and life satisfaction inventory-Z (LSI-Z) (1969) and the obtained data were analyzed by SPSS ver.16.Results: There was no significant differences between 2 groups with regard to life satisfaction before the intervention. But the results of independent t test revealed that life satisfaction in the experimental group has increased compared to that in the control group and this difference is significant (P<0.001).Conclusion: Participating in forgiveness group sessions has impact upon the life satisfaction of the old people living in care centers and implementing a protocol to increase the forgiveness can help promote the quality of life of old people living in care homes.

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Objectives: So far, The Persian Aphasia Battery (PAB) has been widely used by clinicians as the first clinical linguistic test to assess and rehabilitate aphasia and language impairments among adult Iranian brain damaged aphasic patients (Fluent/Non-Fluent). The first version was provided based on linguistic and cultural adaptations on healthy Persian speaking adults and has been used by clinicians for more than 20 years. The purpose of this study was to report on the validity and reliability of PAB, based on the results obtained from aphasic patients.Methods & Materials: In this research we report on data obtained from 57 Persian speaking brain damaged patients with the age range of 19 to 83 years who were recruited from clinics in Tehran, Mashhad, Karaj, Yazd, Isfahan, and Shiraz cities, Iran during 2006 to 2011 through purposeful sampling system. The clinical language profiles of the patients were checked by an experienced speech language pathologist (SLP) for diagnosis. The internal consistency of the Battery, the subtests and items in each subtest were assessed based on the Cronbach α index. The internal consistency of the structure of the Battery was based on the correlation between its subtests and each language skill.Results: The overall measure of internal consistency of the Battery was 0.93 and the internal consistency of major language skills was significant (r=0.3-0.76, P<0.05). The subtests had high to medium internal consistencies (r=0.63-0.83, P<0.01). The profiles of different language skills and subtests of PAB are consistent with the diagnosis of aphasia type by expert SLP clinicians.Conclusion: Based on the obtained validity and reliability measures, the Battery has high internal consistency and clinical utility and can be used for differential diagnosis and measuring severity of aphasia in clinical linguistic studies among adult Persian speaking brain damaged patients.

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Objectives: Elderly population is dramatically increasing across the world and Iran is not an exception, as well. As the most leading causes of death in the age group of over 50 years can be prevented through lifestyle change, healthy lifestyle seems to be beneficial for this time. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the lifestyle of the elderly who reside in nursing homes.Methods & Materials: This cross-sectional study was descriptive and analytical. Study population comprised 350 elderly people residing in a nursing home, in Isfahan, Iran. Data were collected through standard questionnaire, including demographic characteristics and lifestyle aspects. After completing questionnaires, the obtained data were analyzed using SPSS (ver.20) through descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, Spearman test, and Independent t test.Results: The results showed that the total mean score of lifestyle was 49.81±8.71. The Pearson correlation coefficient indicated a significant statistical relationship between total mean score of lifestyle with education (r=0.171, P<0.05) and illness (r=-0.14, P<0.009). Moreover, the Pearson correlation test showed significant relationships between different aspects of lifestyle (P<0.05) but the mental health and nutrition.Conclusion: Regarding the study results, it is suggested that health policymakers make appropriate plans to promote elderly lifestyle in nursing homes. With regard to seclusion and loneliness of old people, using strategies to alleviate stress and depression and also prevention of its physical and mental effects, seems to be absolutely needed. It can be a step toward promotion of health status of this vulnerable group.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objectives: Perception of ageing has been introduced as an independent predictor of functional disability and mortality in older adults. The present study aimed to investigate the perception of aging in the literature and reach a more comprehensive understanding of this concept.Methods & Materials: A comprehensive search of electronic databases of ProQuest, Web of Science, CINAHL, Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, ISC, Iran doc, Magiran, and Iranmedex was conducted using the English and equivalent Persian keywords of “Aging Perception”, “Meaning of Aging”, “Experience of aging”, with no time limitation.Results: Perception of aging refers to how older people feel about their aging in their socio-cultural context. It comprises all aspects of the awareness, perception, experience, evaluation, interpretation, and identification of own aging process. Factors which can affect the perception of aging can be divided into 2 groups: Personal factors (attitudes, subjective age, health status, economic status, material status, religion, knowledge about aging, satisfaction with aging, extent of believing in internal control compared to external one) and social factors (age discrimination, modernity, social and family relationships). Accurate measurement of aging perception can be used as a good indicator of predicting person’s future health status, determining his or her life satisfaction, and adaptation to life changes in this period.Conclusion: The context-based concept of aging perception in older people could be a good predictor of health status, determining factor of life satisfaction, and adaptability to changes in old age. Further investigation is recommended in this topic.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objectives: An important part of health status assessment of older adults is measurement of their perceived social support. Choosing a sound scale with good psychometrics properties is a prerequisite for proper assessment. The aim of this review article was to analyze the psychometric properties of perceived social support scales to help researchers become more familiar with positive and negative aspects of these instruments and select a more valid and appropriate one.Methods & Materials: A comprehensive search of databases of Medline, Google scholar, and Scopus was conducted, using the keywords related to design and process of psychometrics scales of perceived social support. In this regard, the articles published from 1970 until 2014 were collected. Then, the psychometric properties of the selected scales, including validity, reliability, responsiveness, and interpretability were assessed using the COSMIN comprehensive checklist.Results: Most of the scales had not reported a complete and desirable psychometrics properties. Some of them, despite of being developed for adult populations, lacked the capability for using in older adults (length of scale, length of questions, special questions).Conclusion: The results revealed that despite the lack of an appropriate scale for measurement of old adults perceived social support, the MOS is the only scale which can be recommended to gerontologists until now. However, a vital need is felt for developing an instrument based on cultural and social characteristics of different societies with acceptable psychometrics properties for measuring perceived social support in older adults.

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