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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Effect of different irrigation regimes, plastic mulch and anti-transpiration materials on some physiological attributes and grain yield of rainbow corn




 In order to evaluate the effects of plastic mulch, kaolin and atrazine as anti-transpiration materials on some physiological attributes and grain yield of rainbow corn grown under different irrigation regimes, a two-year field experiment was carried out in Borazjan, Bushehr Province in 2016 and 2017 growing seasons. A randomized complete block design arranged in a split-split plot with three replications was employed to investigate the following experimental factors. Main factor including irrigation regimes at three levels, (irrigation after 25%, 40% and 60% of field capacity water depletion), sub factor at two levels (with and without plastic mulch) and sub-sub factor at three levels (kaolin, atrazine and no antitranspiration material). The results demonstrated that interaction between irrigation regimes and antitranspiration materials was statistically significant on Fv/Fm ratio, and interaction between plastic mulch and anti-transpiration materials was significant on leaf soluble sugar content. At irrigation regime of 60% of FC water depletion, the highest Fv/Fm (0. 578) with increase of 18. 6% compared to the control treatment was found when atrazine was applied, whereas the lowest value (0. 468) was related to kaolin application. In addition, at irrigation regime of 60% of FC water depletion, the highest leaf soluble sugar (58. 5 mg g-1 fresh weight) was achieved in uncovered soil treatment. Interaction between irrigation regimes, plastic mulch and anti-transpiration materials was statistically significant on grain yield. At irrigation regime of 25% of FC water depletion, the highest grain yield (556. 2 g. m-2) was found when soil surface was covered with plastic mulch and plants were sprayed with of atrazine (equal to 1237. 5 m-3 saving water consumption compared to without plastic mulch and no anti-transpiration material treatment), which resulted in a 7. 7% increase compared to the control treatment; Also, the minimum grain yield (366. 6 g. m-2) was obtained when soil surface left uncovered and no anti-transpiration materials were applied. The obtained results suggest that in regions where water is a limiting factor, application of plastic mulch and atrazine wold improve crops quantitative and qualitative yield.


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    APA: Copy

    Adelian, D., FARAJI, H., SALEHI, A., & MORADI, A.. (2020). Effect of different irrigation regimes, plastic mulch and anti-transpiration materials on some physiological attributes and grain yield of rainbow corn. PLANT ECOPHYSIOLOGY (ARSANJAN BRANCH), 12(41 ), 243-257. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/188433/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Adelian D., FARAJI H., SALEHI A., MORADI A.. Effect of different irrigation regimes, plastic mulch and anti-transpiration materials on some physiological attributes and grain yield of rainbow corn. PLANT ECOPHYSIOLOGY (ARSANJAN BRANCH)[Internet]. 2020;12(41 ):243-257. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/188433/en

    IEEE: Copy

    D. Adelian, H. FARAJI, A. SALEHI, and A. MORADI, “Effect of different irrigation regimes, plastic mulch and anti-transpiration materials on some physiological attributes and grain yield of rainbow corn,” PLANT ECOPHYSIOLOGY (ARSANJAN BRANCH), vol. 12, no. 41 , pp. 243–257, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/188433/en

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