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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Present study was carried out to study the effects of drought stress, combined application of chemical and biological nitrogen fertilizer, and planting pattern on maize (SC 704) in 2015 and 2018 in Dehloran city. The experiment was conducted as a split-split plots in a completely randomized block design with three replications. Treatments were three levels of drought stress in the main plots: optimum irrigation, irrigation cut in 12 leaf stage and irrigation cut at the cornflower emergence stage, three levels of nitrogen application in sub plots: application of 100% fertilizer requirements as urea chemical fertilizer, application of 70% urea fertilizer along with 30% Azoto-Barvar-1 biofertilizer, 40% urea fertilizer along with 60% Azoto-Barvar-1 biofertilizer and three planting patterns in sub-sub-plots: single-row, two-row and zigzag cultivation. The results showed that the combined application of biological and chemical nitrogen fertilizers under drought stress had a positive effect on leaf area index, stomatal conductance, chlorophyll, 1000-grain weight, grain yield and grain protein. So that the highest grain yield was obtained with 40% fertilizer required as urea with 60% Azoto-Barvar-1 biofertilizer (10870 kg). The interaction of treatments was significant on stomatal conductance, grain yield, grain yield at 1% probability level. The interaction of nitrogen fertilizer, drought and planting pattern was significant on seed filling rate, grain filling time and growth rate at 1% level. Generally, based on the results, optimum irrigation conditions, 40% fertilizer required as urea with 60% Azoto-Barvar-1 biofertilizer and zigzag cultivating pattern were selected as the best experimental treatment.

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MIRZAKHANI M. | Alibakhshi S.

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In order to investigate the effect of urea different levels and simultaneous cropping of some legumes on agronomic characteristics and total biomass of corn, the study was carried out in the field of agricultural research center of Markazi province in 2013. A experimental design was factorial based on randomized complete block design with three replications. Urea levels including N0= without urea (Control), N1= 75 Kg ha-1 of urea, N2= 150 Kg ha-1 of urea, N3= 225 Kg ha-1 of urea) and simultaneous cropping treatment, (S1= cultivation of corn, S2= cultivation of corn + chickpea, S3= cultivation of corn + cowpea, S4= cultivation of corn + mung bean) were assigned in plots. S. C 704 hybrid was used. Characteristics such as: wet weight of stem + leaves, wide of ear leaf, dry weight of ear + husk, nitrogen agronomic efficiency, number of legumes grains per m2, harvest index of ear, total biomass of corn + legumes, 1000 grain weight of corn + legumes and amount of nitrogen absorbtion were assessed. Results indicated that the effect of urea levels on the characteristics such as: wet weight of stem + leaves, wide of ear leaf, dry weight of ear + husk, nitrogen agronomic efficiency, number of legumes grains per m-2, total biomass of corn + legumes and amount of nitrogen absorbtion was significant. Effect of simultaneous cropping treatment on wet weight of stem + leaves, nitrogen agronomic efficiency, number of legumes grains per m2, total biomass of corn + legumes and amount of nitrogen absorbtion was significant, too. The maximum and minimum of total biomass of corn + legumes (36. 42 and 21. 47 ton ha-1) were obtained in 225 Kg ha-1 urea + Simultaneous cropping of chickpea and corn and non application of urea + Simultaneous cropping of corn and mungbean treatments, respectively.

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In order to study the type of action of genes and inheritance of traits in chickpea, the generation mean analysis was accomplished using the cross of six cultivars of chickpea called Pirouz, Bivanich, Flip51-87c, Iccv2, Kaka, and Azad. Parent seeds along with seeds of F1, F2, BC1, and BC2 were cultivated in a randomized complete block design with three replications, and eight traits including plant height, number of seeds per plant, number of pods per plant, number of hollow pods per plant, number of double-grain pods per plant, 100-seed weight, number of days to 50% flowering, and grain yield were evaluated. The variance analysis results indicated that the mean squares of generations were significant for all the traits, so the generation mean analysis for the studied traits was performed. Based on the results of generation mean analysis for all the studied traits besides the additive and dominant effects, epistatic effects were also fitted which indicates the complexity of the inheritance of these traits. The results also showed that the plant height was controlled by incremental and dominating effects. It was also determined that the dominant genetic effect has the most significant role in the inheritance of most of the studied traits.

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In order to investigate the effect of supplementary irrigation and consumption of bio-fertilizers on flaxseed, a field experiment was conducted at Urmia University as split plot based on randomized complete block design with three replications in 2015-16. Main plots consisted of three irrigation treatments (one and two times supplementary irrigation and rain-fed conditions) and a sub-plot in four fertilizer treatments (mycorrhiza, bio sulfur fertilizer, mycorrhiza + bio sulfur and control treatment (without fertilizer application). The results showed that two and one times supplementary irrigation compared to rain-fed treatment increased significantly grain yield to 51 and 35 percentage, respectively. The highest (788. 76 kg ha-1) and lowest (394. 81 kg ha-1) oil yield were obtained from two times supplementary irrigation and rain-fed conditions, respectively. Rain-fed treatment compared to supplementary irrigation cause to decrease biological yield, stem diameter, 1000-seed weight, plant height, number of seed per capsule and oil percentage. Under rain-fed conditions, inoculation with mycorrhiza, bio-sulfur and dial application of bio-sulfur and mycorrhiza fertilizer compared to control treatment (without fertilizer application) increased number of seed per capsule, 1000-seed weight, oil yield, biological yield and grain yield significantly about (15, 15 and 12), (17, 18 and 19), (32, 28 and 31), (45, 40 and 39) and (31, 26 and 28) percentage, respectively. According to the results of this study, applying supplementary irrigation especially two times irrigation and using bio fertilizers can be increase yield of flaxseed plant.

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This study was conducted as split plot factorial experiment was done based on a randomized complete block design with 18 treatments and three replications, on research field of the Gonbad Kavous University, Golestan, Iran in winter 2017. In this experiment the treatments of irrigation included; control (non-stress), irrigation cutoff at flowering stage and irrigation cutoff at seed filling stage) was the mainplot and factorial of salicylic acid (SA) (0, 0. 4 and 0. 8 mM), spermine (Spm) spraying (0 and 0. 02 mM) was as a sub-plot. According to the results of the experiment, the highest 1000-grain weight (2. 00 g) was obtained in irrigation cutoff at seed filling with 0. 4 mM salicylic acid spraying and biological yield (2472. 37 kg/ha) was observed under normal irrigation conditions and SA0. 8mM+Spm0. 02mM spraying. In addition, the most of Seed swelling factor (12. 42 ml) and seed mucilage percentage (21. 33%) were obtained in under moderate and severe stress conditions, respectively. Also, the highest grain yield (574. 05 kg ha-1), seed mucilage yield (102. 12 kg ha-1) and seed husk percentage (72%) were observed to foliar spraying 0. 8 mM salicylic acid and 0. 02 mM spermine in irrigation cutoff at seed filling. According to the results, the spraying of salicylic acid and spermine in irrigated conditions at flowering and seed filling stages prevented significant traits from being studied and the highest grain yield, biological yield, harvest index, seed husk percent, seed mucilage percentage, seed mucilage yield were caused. It is concluded that the effective role of salicylic acid and spermine in osmotic regulation, membrane stability and elimination of active cell radicals could increase the tolerance of isabgol herb in water stress conditions.

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Banisaidi A.K. | Motamadi M.

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Drought stress is one of the main factors limiting agricultural production in most parts of the world. Research showed the recognizing the sensitive stage of plant growth can cause appropriate in terms of crop water stress management. In order to assess the effect of the water stress and nitrogen on grain yield, nitrogen uptake efficiency, and dry matter remobilization on corn (Zea mays L. ), a field experiment was carried out in shushtar in 2013. The experiment was carried out in a split plot design based on randomized complete blocks with four replications. This study included drought stress as irrigation at different stages of plant growth (V1= withholding irrigation at the beginning of 10 leaves to emerge tassel, V2= withholding irrigation at rise of 50 percent of tassel, until becoming a brown silk, V3= irrigation according to plant requirement until the end of the growing season) as main plot and three levels of nitrogen rate (50, 100, 150 kg N/ha) as sub plots were investigated. The results showed that the grain yield significantly under the influence of stress the lack of moisture. The maximum dry matter remobilization was in the rise of 50 percent of tassel, until becoming a brown silk and increase N fertilizer, dry matter remobilization decreased. Treatment of no water stress (control) and application of 150 kg N/ha with an average of 7. 4% has a minimum rate of dry remobilization efficiency. The rise of 50 percent of tassel, until becoming a brown silk treatment, with an average of 29. 1% has the maximum contributions of dry matter remobilization in grain yield. Increase the amount of nitrogen was significantly reduced nitrogen agronomic efficiency. Applied moisture and N fertilizer on before flowering stage in the event of water stress at this stage was increased through stimulation of the amount of dry matter remobilization can be prevented to some extent a drastic reduction of grain weight.

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Rozrokh M.

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To study the response of wheat cultivars rainfed to the exogenous application of glycine betaine, a field experiment was conducted as a factorial based on randomized complete block design with four replications in the field research at Islamic Azad University of Kermanshah, Iran in 2015-2016. The design factors included four wheat cultivars (two drought resistant cultivars, Sardari and Azar 2 and two drought susceptible cultivars, Rasad and Owhadi), prepared by the seed and plant improvement institute and four levels of glycinebetaine application (zero millimolar or water Distillate as control, 50 mM, 100 mM and 150 mM) were sprayed in two growth stages; early heading and early grain filling. The results showed that in most traits there was a significant differences between the cultivars, and Sardari cultivar was superior to other cultivars in most studied traits, so that the highest grain yield and proline content were 3571. 88 kg/ha and 29. 94 μ mol/g respectively. Glycinebetaine spraying at 100 mM resulted in significant increase in spike length, 1000 seeds weight, grain yield, harvest index and proline content. interaction review between cultivars in glycinebetaine showed that in 100 mM glycine betaine, only two drought resistant cultivars, Sardari and Azar2, it was the highest and significantly different from other levels of spraying, but in the drought susceptible cultivars, Rasad and Owhadi, there was no significant difference in proline content for different levels of glycinebetaine concentrations, which may be due to the lack of changes in the incidence of related genes in response to osmotic stress. As a result, it can be concluded that there is a positive relationship between proline content and grain yield in drought resistant wheat cultivars.

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Owing to the great importance of vegetable in human diet and the huge side effects of chemical fertilizers on human health, the agricultural systems need to make decisions in meeting the nutritional demands of leafy vegetables in sustainable agricultural production systems. This study was conducted as factorial based on RCBD with different levels (control, 5 and 10 ton/ha) of organic fertilizers vermicompost and poultry manure and diverse levels of chemical fertilizer (KNO3 and CaNO3) (0, 50 and 100 kg/ha) at Azarbaijan Shahid Madani university with three replication. Total nitrogen content was influenced by interaction effects of experimental treatments and the highest amounts of nitrogen contents was recorded at 10 ton/ha vermicompost × 100 kg/ha KNO3 and 10 ton/ha poultry manure × 100 kg/ha KNO3. Different levels of chemical and organic fertilizer had positive effects on total chlorophyll content, ascorbic acid and flavonoid content. The highest amounts of aerial part dry weights were recorded at 5 and 10 ton/ha of vermicompost fertilizer. 5 and 10 ton/ha poultry manure were increased total soluble solid, phenolic and nitrate content in plants compared to control treatment. Furthermore, top amounts for total soluble solids and nitrate content was recorded at 50 and 100 kg/ha KNO3. Organic fertilizers had positive effects on K and Ca content. 100kg/ha KNO3 improved K content and the highest Ca content was recorded with 50 and 100 kg/ha CaNO3. 5 and 10 ton/ha poultry manure as well as chemical fertilizers improved total phenolics content. Considering, the positive effects of integrated organic and chemical fertilizers applications on vegetables productions, it seems that this way of nutrients management greatly reduces the chemicals input and environment pollution and would be a promising trend in the vegetables sustainable production industry.

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The aim of this research is to assess the ecological needs of Ephedra major as a medicinal and forage species and important for soil and water conservation in Rangelands of Bojnourd. In the site, the studies were climatically characteristic, geology, stand type, co-dominant plant and vegetable variation, Estimating biomass, physical and chemical analyses of the soil. The results indicated that Ephedra major could be adapted for regions with semiarid-cold climate to altitude climate, annual rainfall average of 332. 9 mm and annual temperature average of 9. 82 c . Ephedra major have dispersed in north, south, east and west slope and altitude 1400-2520 m of sea level in mountainous areas. The Soils physical and chemical analyses showed that the soil is very shallow with sandy-loom texture, Ph= 7. 75, Ec= 55. 88 μ s/cm and lime. The stand type was Artemisia aucheri-Festuca ovina and the co-dominant plants were over 86 species. Average of canopy covers and density were 2. 16 and 346 shrubs in hectare respectively. Principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that the variables of precipitation, saturation moisture percentage, pH, potassium, calcium and sand had significant correlations with the first axis and explained the 49. 84% variation. For the second component, the percentage of organic matter and nitrogen were more important traits and explained the 27. 94% variation. Because of the high ability of the species to adapt itself with hard environmental condition such as high percentage of Caco3, and also its medical and conservation values in arid and semi-arid regions, it can be used for proper management strategies, reclamation and preservation of its habitats.

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For evaluation of agronomical characteristics and dragonhead yield in different levels of nitrogen and microelements spraying (Fe, B, Zn), experimental was conducted in factorial in the base of randomized complete block design with three replications in 3 km west Khoy city at 2016 and 2017. The first factors include the three levels of recommended nitrogen fertilization, respectively, before planting, half before planting and half a month after planting, one third before planting and one-third one month after planting, and one-third 45 days after planting and the second factor was the use of microelements in five levels including non-consuming treatments, iron with boron, iron with zinc boron, zinc at concentrations of 2, 2 and 3 per thousand, respectively. According to the results, growth and yield increase was observed using fertilizers, so that the highest plant height was 70. 30 cm in two stages, the number of external branches was 6. 4, the fresh yield of 10805. 80 kg / kg, dry matter yield of 2898. 80 kg / ha in three stages, essential oil percentage of 0. 59% and essential oil yield of 16. 33 kg / ha in nitrogen application in two stages and iron, boron and was observed. Although the second treatment of nitrogen (half before planting and half after sowing) combined with the of boron and zinc micronutrients, the highest percentage of essential oil was 0. 59%, but the consumption of other micronutrients also increased the essential oil content. Meanwhile, the highest fresh yield of nitrogen in nitrogen application was obtained at 10805. 7 kg / ha during three stages. Recommended that in dragonhead planting, nitrogen using was several stage and with micronutrients usage improving the quality and quantity.

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In order to study the effect of various amounts of nitrogen (N) and zeolite (clinoptilolite) on the yield of winter canola (Brassica napuse L. ) and nitrogen leaching, in a light soil, a field experiment was conducted in the research farm of Tarbiat Modares University, on 2012-2013. The experiment was conducted as factorial trial in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The experimental factors contain zeolite (0, 3, 6 and 9 t. ha-1) and nitrogen (90, 180 and 270 kg ha-1 in urea form). The result showed that the highest grain yield (2452 kg/ha) obtained from N270Z9 treatment and N90Z0 produce the lowest grain yield (1569 kg/ha). Moreover using 270 kg N/ha without zeolite (N270Z0) has the highest amount of N leaching (142 kg/ha). Zeolite application has significant effect on the reduction of N leaching in each N level. It could be concluded that a combined application of zeolite (9 t. ha-1) and chemical N (270 kg ha-1) for canola production is recommended to ensure an acceptable yield and for environmental protection from excess N leaching.

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To investigate the effects of the residues of pre-cultivated plants on the physical and chemical properties of two types of soils and maize yield in the north of Khuzestan, an experiment was carried out at experimental farm of Shoushtar Faculty of Agriculture during 2014-15 and 2014-15. Two field experiments were performed in two years and two locations in a randomized complete block design. In this experiment, precultivated plants including wheat, rapeseed, bean and cabbage were cultivated in two types of soils, clay Loam soil and sandy Loam soil, and their crop residues returned in to the soil. The maize was cultivated in fields with these crop residues for two years, and then, soil properties, growth and yield characteristics of maize were studied. Measured values for such traits in sandy Loam soil were greater than clay Loam soil. The results showed that the use of the residues of pre-cultivated plants resulted in significant changes in soil quality as well as corn yield. The residues of pre-cultivated plants including beans, wheat, rapeseed and cabbage caused pH of soil by 2%, 3%, 2% and 2% showed significant reduce compared to control, respectively. Using residue of per-cultivated plants resulted in increased aggregate stability, organic matter, soil moisture, organic carbon, total amounts of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus by 50%, 49%, 40%, 33%, 22%, 24% and 70%, respectively, and this increase was remarkable in sandy Loam soils. Investigation of the effects of pre-cultivated plants over two years showed that the beneficial effect of the crop residues in the second year was better than the first year. The results of this study clearly indicated that the use of the crop residues of pre-cultivated plants in field increased growth, yield and yield components, and in this regard, the bean residues were more useful than other plants. The use of bean residues, as a pre-cultivated plant, in clay Loam soil and sandy Loam soil under cultivation of corn increased corn yield by 40% and 55%, respectively. Maintaining soil moisture and increasing soil nitrogen content in bean, wheat, and rapeseed and cabbage treatments were more than the control, caused to increased moisture by 29%, 32%, 25% and 19% and nitrogen by 88%, 25%, 40% and 40%, that was the most important reason for increasing corn yield by the crop residues of the pre-cultivated plants. In addition, the use of the crop residues of bean, wheat, rapeseed and cabbage compared to the control not only caused increase corn yield, but also improved the quality of corn protein (32%, 11%, 28% and 17%, respectively). These results suggest that the use of the crop residues in soil improves agricultural productivity by improving soil quality and acceptable maintaining soil moisture.

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Water scarcity is of most important limiting factor of sugar beet production in arid and semi-arid world, like Iran. Autumn cultivation of sugar beet has greater advantage in terms of water use efficiency and agronomic characteristics in comparison with spring cultivation. Due to the lack of autumn cultivation of sugar beet in Kerman province, using Agro-climate zoning, concerning various affecting factors on the growth of sugar beets is of the best and lowest-cost method for identification of prone areas for this crop species. In this study, using long-term weather data, occurrence probability of threshold temperatures and developmental stage were calculated. Due to influence of altitude on temperature variables, three-dimensional gradient equations were used for mapping of these factors in geographical information system. The results showed that in the South and east parts of Kerman province, the optimum planting date is the late of October and first days of November. But for the southern of Baft city, first half of October is suitable for planting. For a large parts of the cities of Rafsanjan, Sirjan, Zarand and Bardsir, appropriate planting date was obtained on second half of September. For southern of Kerman province, mid-May is determined of harvest date. Due to temperature limitations, length of growth seasons in these regions are less than central parts. However, these regions have more GDD and appropriate growth days than central parts. It seems that the southern regions of the province, including the cities of Manoujan, Jiroft, Arzuiyeh and Anbarabad with less than 30% probability of vernalisation risk and stemming are quite perfect for sugar beet autumn cultivation.

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Jafaraghaei M. | MARJOVI A.R.

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In order to evaluate the effect of saline irrigation on yield and yield components of cotton genotypes a field experiments were carried out at Rudasht saline Research Station in Isfahan during 2013, 2014 and 2015. In the first year, two cotton mutant genotypes and two commercial cultivars as control were selected for the second and third years. The second year experiment was split factorial based on randomized complete block design with four replications. In this experiment, the main plots consisted of irrigation with 4 (control), 8 and 12 dS / m saline water and subplots including factorial combining of three genotypes (mutant genotype 1673, LM 1303 and Shayan) with spraying three levels of potassium sulfate (2, 4 and 6 kg / 1000 liters of water per hectare and water). The results showed that salinity of irrigated water reduced linter percentage, yield and harvest index. Among the cultivars, the highest linter percentage and its yield were observed in the LM 1303 genotype. Spraying with potassium sulfate had a positive effect on these traits and increased cotton genotypes yield under salinity conditions. The results of this study showed that in saline conditions, soluble potassium sulfate was used to reduce the effects of salinity and increase the yield of cotton genotypes. Also, the results of this study showed that the LM 1303 mutant genotype during the two years of experiment had a higher yield compared to other genotypes, and this genotype could be recommended for planting in saline areas.

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Nowadays, the nutritional dimensions of some range and mountain plants for livestock are somewhat unclear, while awareness of the nutritional value of these plants can help the animal husbandries to provide an ideal diet. Hence, some chemical compounds, minerals, gas production parameters and other fermentation parameters of two plant species (including Salvia hydrangea and Sophora alopecuroides) growable in rangelands of Torbat-e Jam (spring 2018) were determined in two phenological growth stages (vegetative and flowering) and then they were compared in a completely randomized design using SAS software. Different chemical and mineral compounds were observed between the two plants and their two different growth stages. The highest amount of neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber (NDF and ADF: 42. 40 and 30. 60%, respectively) and acid detergent lignin (ADL: 11. 88%) were related to Sophora alopecuroides in flowering phase and the highest amount of crude protein, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium was observed in the vegetative phase. Gas production parameters and other fermentation parameters were also different between two plants, so that the highest amount of gas production after 12, 24 and 48 h incubation (40. 76, 51. 25, 53. 98 ml), potential gas production (57. 19 ml), organic matter and dry matter digestibility (DMD and OMD, 65. 90 and 69. 30%, respectively), metabolizable energy (ME: 9. 29 MJ/kg DM), net energy for lactation (NEl: 5. 54 MJ/kg DM), and total volatile fatty acids (TVFA: 56. 85 mmol/L) were observed in vegetative stage of Salvia hydrangea. Both two studied plants, especially in the vegetative stage, have a fairly good nutritional value, but according to the laboratory results in this experiment, Salvia hydrangea seems to have a higher nutritional potential.

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In order to study the corn response to the application of various chemical, nano, nano-biological fertilizers and organic extract of seaweed, an experiment was carried out at the research farm of agriculture Faculty-Islamic Azad university-Sanandaj branch during 2016-2017. The experiment was conducted as split plot in a completely randomized block design with three replications. The main factor included the application of different fertilizers in six levels (control, chemical fertilizer, nano fertilizer, nano-biological fertilizer, combination of 50% chemical fertilizer + nano fertilizer, combination of 50% chemical fertilizer + nano-biological fertilizer) and a sub-factor including application of seaweed extract in two levels (control: distilled water and application of seaweed extract) were considered. The results showed that the effect of fertilization was significant on the characters as: cob length, cob diameter, number of rows per cob, number of seeds per row, 1000 grain weight, grain and biological yield, protein and oil percentage. The highest grain and biological yield were obtained from a combination of 50% chemical fertilizer + nano-fertilizer, which increased 10. 52% and 14. 85%, respectively in comparison with chemical fertilizer. The effect of seaweed extract on all studied traits was significant, with except to number of cob per plant. The seaweed extract increased the grain and biological yield to 12. 48 and 11. 66%, respectively. The results of interaction effects on all traits were significant with except to cob number and protein percentage. Finally, the maximum grain and biological yield were obtained from the combination of 50% chemical fertilizer + nano-fertilizer and seaweed.

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In order to study the effect of irrigation limitations on some physiological characteristics of corn, an experimental in from of split-plot based on randomized complete block design with three replications was carried at the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources Mugan during cropping season in 2014-2015. Three irrigation regimes (full irrigation, deficit irrigation at flowering and grain filling stage) in the main plot and seven commercial hybrids of corn (Single cross 260, 301, 302, 400, 500, 704 and 370 double-cross) were in the subplots. Analysis of variance showed that the effects of irrigation, hybrid and interaction between irrigation and hybrid was significant for most traits (except LAI and grain yield and biologic yield). Under full irrigation, deficit irrigation at flowering and grain filling stage, hybrid single cross 704, accounted for the highest yield 14. 53, 9. 38 and 10. 53 tons per hectare respectively. Results of correlation analysis showed, the number of grains per corn, number of rows per corn, thousand grain weight, plant height, maize height deployment, total leaf area and flag and biological function positively correlated with grain yield and hectoliter weight and number of tassel branches have were negatively correlated. The highest correlation with grain yield to the number of rows per maize was allocated by a factor of 0. 908. Results Regression analysis also showed that the number of rows per maize and thousand kernel weight and number of branches has a significant effect tassel and grain yield were entered into the equation changes 0. 286 gradient of grain row has the highest effect. Path analysis results showed that biological yield and corn leaf area, showed the highest direct effect on grain yield. In general, result indicate hybrid 704 was observed compared to other hybrids are corn tolerant to drought stress during flowering led to a further reduction in yield.

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Water resource management is one of the major challenges in lawn management. Considering the fact that Iran is located in a dry and semiarid area, lawn water demand and resource management is very crucial. Therefore, in the present study, the effect of irrigation levels on some growth traits of turf sport mixture was studied. Irrigation treatments consisted of 50, 75 and 100 % of field capacity with one-day interval watering frequency which were applied when the plants were stablished. Morphological and physiological traits were measured at weeks two, four and six after applied levels of irrigation. Results showed that as the amount of watering decreased, turf longitudinal growth, dry matter, visual quality, relative water content and leaf phosphor content declined. This was while cell electrolyte leakage increased. However, at 75 % of field capacity irrigation level, leaf total chlorophyll and potassium content was more than 100% of field capacity irrigated plants. Based on the obtained results, there was no significant difference between two levels of 100 and 75% of field capacity irrigation levels for all measured traits. This was while both irrigation levels were significantly better than 50% of field capacity. Generally, the results indicated that reducing irrigation by one-fourth of field capacity maintains the quality and quality of “ Sport” mixture grass in normal conditions and at the same time, greatly reduces the amount of consumed water for irrigation.

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In order to evaluat the effect of nano-fertilizers on yield and yield component of grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) Payam cultivar, (And comparing this effect with the common chemical fertilizers of the area that are used in high quantities annually, with the aim of preventing the excessive use of these fertilizers and replacing them with the nanofertilizers) under different water stress an experiment was conducted as split plots arranged in randomized complete blocks design with four replications at Sistan region during summer 2017 and 2018. The experiment was conducted as split plot design in randomized complete block design with 4 replications. Main plots were three levels of water stress (water stress before flowering, after flowering and without stress) and sub plots were (micro nanofertilizers, macro nano-fertilizers, micro nano-fertilizers + macro nano-fertilizers, chemical fertilizers and control). Sorghum properties were significantly affected by stresses and fertilizers. Results showed that the interaction between water stress, nano fertilizers and chemical fertilizers in leaves number, stem diameter, panicle lenght, grain yield, panicle weight, weight of thousand seeds weight, flag leaf area and biological yield were significant. The highest biological and grain yields was achieved at normal irrigation + chemical fertilizers and normal irrigation + micro and macro nano-fertilizers, respectively. Overall, the application of nano-fertilizers with a concentration of 2 grams per liter of water can be recommended for more environmental protection.

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In order to evaluate the effects of plastic mulch, kaolin and atrazine as anti-transpiration materials on some physiological attributes and grain yield of rainbow corn grown under different irrigation regimes, a two-year field experiment was carried out in Borazjan, Bushehr Province in 2016 and 2017 growing seasons. A randomized complete block design arranged in a split-split plot with three replications was employed to investigate the following experimental factors. Main factor including irrigation regimes at three levels, (irrigation after 25%, 40% and 60% of field capacity water depletion), sub factor at two levels (with and without plastic mulch) and sub-sub factor at three levels (kaolin, atrazine and no antitranspiration material). The results demonstrated that interaction between irrigation regimes and antitranspiration materials was statistically significant on Fv/Fm ratio, and interaction between plastic mulch and anti-transpiration materials was significant on leaf soluble sugar content. At irrigation regime of 60% of FC water depletion, the highest Fv/Fm (0. 578) with increase of 18. 6% compared to the control treatment was found when atrazine was applied, whereas the lowest value (0. 468) was related to kaolin application. In addition, at irrigation regime of 60% of FC water depletion, the highest leaf soluble sugar (58. 5 mg g-1 fresh weight) was achieved in uncovered soil treatment. Interaction between irrigation regimes, plastic mulch and anti-transpiration materials was statistically significant on grain yield. At irrigation regime of 25% of FC water depletion, the highest grain yield (556. 2 g. m-2) was found when soil surface was covered with plastic mulch and plants were sprayed with of atrazine (equal to 1237. 5 m-3 saving water consumption compared to without plastic mulch and no anti-transpiration material treatment), which resulted in a 7. 7% increase compared to the control treatment; Also, the minimum grain yield (366. 6 g. m-2) was obtained when soil surface left uncovered and no anti-transpiration materials were applied. The obtained results suggest that in regions where water is a limiting factor, application of plastic mulch and atrazine wold improve crops quantitative and qualitative yield.

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To study the effect of seed priming with rhizobium bioinoculant and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria on chlorophyll, nutrients and grain yield in lentil rainfed, a factorial experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replicates in Karazan districts of Sirvan located in Ilam province during 2016-2017. Experimental treatments include the application of PGPR consists of five levels: inoculation seed with Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Pseudomonas individually, inoculation of seeds with mixed PGPR (Azotobacter + Azospirillum + Pseudomonas) and non-using of PGPR, and rhizobium bacteria factor at two levels: seed inoculation with rhizobium and non-use of Rhizobium. Simple and interaction effects of Rhizobium bacteria and PGPR bacteria application on all studied traits (except for interaction effect of experimental factors on grain yield and chlorophyll b content) showed highly significant (P <0. 01). In general, the results of the experiment showed that the use of Rhizobium bacteria with PGPR bacteria, in particular, combined consumption treatment (Azotobacter + Azospirillum + pseudomonas), increased the grain yield, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and chlorophyll a, b and a+b contents of leaf compared to Non-use rhizobium and PGPR bacteria. With regard to synergistic effects of Rhizobium and PGPR bacteria in improving the growth and grain yield of lentil plant, it is recommended to use the combination of Rhizobium and PGPR bacteria in the inoculum formulation used under arid and dry land areas.

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The genetic diversity of 29 varieties of citrus, including varieties of orange, mandarin, bergamot, pomelo and natural types through a variety of short repetitive sequences using 8 microsatellite markers were evaluated. Genomic DNA extracted from the samples using the amplification and products using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis instruments were Vasrshth. A total of 97 bands were scored for marker ISSR, 78 bands were polymorphic bands of 22/80 percent. The highest and lowest percentage of polymorphic ISSR-8 primers respectively with 90% and 73% polymorphic ISSR-5, respectively. The average value of PIC was 18/0 in this test. Most of the PIC into primer ISSR-6 and ISSR-8 with 27/0 and lowest primer ISSR-1 with 12/0 respectively. Study dendrogram of cluster analysis UPGMA method with simple matching coefficient, cultivars classified into five main groups. Pomelo in our study were in a separate cluster. ISSR molecular marker Satsuma mandarin and clementine Nvls Suji Yama were grouped into two distinct groups. Views about the use of ISSR markers to differentiate genotypes indicate that the indicator is able to differentiate between genotypes are very close and with the fewest mistakes possible genotypes evaluated each figure.

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