Information Journal Paper
CopyEMADI, HOSSEIN, Saberi, Afra, Zorrieh zahra, Seyed Mohammad Jalil, KAKOOLAKI, SHAPOUR, & FATEMI, SEYED MOHAMMAD REZA. (2017). The possibility of VNN occurrence and the effects of nervous necrosis virus (NNV) on immunological and histopathological changes in Caspian Sea salmon (Salmo trutta caspius) fingerlings fed by Chlorella vulgaris. JOURNAL OF AQUATIC ECOLOGY, 7(1 ), 59-74. SID.
CopyEMADI HOSSEIN, Saberi Afra, Zorrieh zahra Seyed Mohammad Jalil, KAKOOLAKI SHAPOUR, FATEMI SEYED MOHAMMAD REZA. The possibility of VNN occurrence and the effects of nervous necrosis virus (NNV) on immunological and histopathological changes in Caspian Sea salmon (Salmo trutta caspius) fingerlings fed by Chlorella vulgaris. JOURNAL OF AQUATIC ECOLOGY[Internet]. 2017;7(1 ):59-74. Available from:
CopyHOSSEIN EMADI, Afra Saberi, Seyed Mohammad Jalil Zorrieh zahra, SHAPOUR KAKOOLAKI, and SEYED MOHAMMAD REZA FATEMI, “The possibility of VNN occurrence and the effects of nervous necrosis virus (NNV) on immunological and histopathological changes in Caspian Sea salmon (Salmo trutta caspius) fingerlings fed by Chlorella vulgaris,” JOURNAL OF AQUATIC ECOLOGY, vol. 7, no. 1 , pp. 59–74, 2017, [Online]. Available: