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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper







 The Brachial ARTERY is main blood supply of FORELIMB. This ARTERY originates from axillary ARTERY and sends several branches into brachial region. There are several methods for studying of arteries, including injection contrast media in arteries, in both a live and dead cases, that is called angiography. In the present study, lead oxide and barium sulphate used in dead cases and angiographs were obtained. In order to detect the arteries in the body and to confirm the angiographs, the samples were prepared with latex, gelatin and silicon injection into the brachial ARTERY. Results indicated that: brachial ARTERY branches in the arm region and the most important branches of this ARTERY are: cranial circumflex humeral ARTERY, deep brachial ARTERY (that arise from caudal aspect of brachial ARTERY within the arm), then, it branches collaterally to make radial ARTERY. Except in one case, in all the other samples, superficial radial ARTERY arose from the collateral radial atary. Brachial ARTERY also branches into collateral ulnar ARTERY which joins in dorsal carpal rete with dorsal carpal rete. In all samples, bicipital ARTERY arose from cranial aspect of the brachial ARTERY with in distal collateral ulnar ARTERY. Transvers cubital ARTERY separates distally from bicipital ARTERY. This ARTERY supplies muscles in cranial region of the forearm and ends in the dorsal carpal rete as it anastomoses with them. The last branch arising from brachial ARTERY is called common interosseous ARTERY which is 2-3 cm long. This ARTERY divided into three smaller branches, namely, cranial, caudal and recurrent interosseous ARTERY. Branchial ARTERY continues as median ARTERY in forearm. Then it is divided into muscular branches and radial ARTERY. Radial ARTERY arises from median ARTERY within half distal part of forearm in deep flexur carpi unlaris. Median ARTERY continues distally within mediopalmar aspect of superficial palmer arch and ends into palmar digital ARTERY III. Based on the results of this study in BUFFALO, dorsal carpal rete is supplied by dorsal branch of cranial interosseous aretery, dorsal carpal branch of radial ARTERY and anastomoses branchs of collateral ulnar ARTERY. Deep palmar arch is supplied with deep palmer branch of radial ARTERY, deep palmar branch of cranial interosseous ARTERY and anastomoses branches of caudal interosseous ARTERY. The superficial palmer arch is supplied with superficial branch of radial ARTERY, superficial branch of cranial interosseous ARTERY and median ARTERY.


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    KARIMI HAMID, ARDALANI GH.. BLOOD SUPPLY OF BUFFALO'S FORELIM. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL KNOWLEDGE[Internet]. 2004;14(4):13-27. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/28796/en

    IEEE: Copy

    HAMID KARIMI, and GH. ARDALANI, “BLOOD SUPPLY OF BUFFALO'S FORELIM,” JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL KNOWLEDGE, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 13–27, 2004, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/28796/en

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