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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Evaluation and Comparison of Morphological and Phytochemical Characteristics of 14 Ziziphus jujuba Mill's Ecotypes in Iran




 The Zizyphus jujuba Mill from Rhamnaceae family is a laxative, a blood purifier, and a nerves relaxant. The study was performed to evaluate the Morphological traits and the phenolic, tannin, and flavonoid compounds of Ziziphus jujuba Mill's ecotypes to achieve superior ecotype. 14 Ziziphus jujuba Mill's ecotypes from collection of ACECR in Southern Khorasan which had been obtained from flower and leaves in flowering stage and from fruit in fructifying stage, from different regions, in spring 2017. The Total amount of tannin and phenolic compounds were determined by Makar method the total amount of flavonoid was obtained using a high performance liquid chromatography apparatus. Grouping the ecotypes was carried out based on Morphological and Phytochemical traits, through cluster analysis. And correlation of quantitative traits was performed by Pearson method. The results showed that flavonoids yield had a significant positive correlation with fruit's length and width and length/width ratio. Phenol yield had a significant positive correlation with fruit's length and width. And tannin yield showed a significant positive correlation with phenol. The results of variance analysis, Morphological traits including leaf's length and width and length/width ratio, fruit's length and width and length/width ratio, and thousand-seed weight showed a variety of germplasms of Ziziphus jujuba Mill in Iran. In terms of Morphological traits, the coarse Ecotype had the maximum effective ingredient. showed a statistically significant difference in phytochemicals. Based on cluster analysis, 14 ecotypes were divided into two separate groups. The evaluation of Morphological and Phytochemical traits among ecotypes a high variation.


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    APA: Copy

    kohansal vajargah, sakineh, BARADARAN, REZA, mosavi, seyyed gholamreza, tolyat abolhasani, majid, & YAZDANI, DARAB. (2019). Evaluation and Comparison of Morphological and Phytochemical Characteristics of 14 Ziziphus jujuba Mill's Ecotypes in Iran. ECO-PHYTOCHEMICAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PLANTS, 7(1 (25) ), 55-67. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/365479/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    kohansal vajargah sakineh, BARADARAN REZA, mosavi seyyed gholamreza, tolyat abolhasani majid, YAZDANI DARAB. Evaluation and Comparison of Morphological and Phytochemical Characteristics of 14 Ziziphus jujuba Mill's Ecotypes in Iran. ECO-PHYTOCHEMICAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PLANTS[Internet]. 2019;7(1 (25) ):55-67. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/365479/en

    IEEE: Copy

    sakineh kohansal vajargah, REZA BARADARAN, seyyed gholamreza mosavi, majid tolyat abolhasani, and DARAB YAZDANI, “Evaluation and Comparison of Morphological and Phytochemical Characteristics of 14 Ziziphus jujuba Mill's Ecotypes in Iran,” ECO-PHYTOCHEMICAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PLANTS, vol. 7, no. 1 (25) , pp. 55–67, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/365479/en

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