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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Effect of Artemisia sieberi Extract Allelopathy on Emergence Characteristics and Nutrients Uptake of Prosopis cineraria




 Introduction: Allelopathic effects of plant on one another are one of the most important concerns in reclamation and rehabilitation of rangelands in Iran. Allelopathy refers to the deterrent effects of a plant on growth, development or emergence of another plant. One of the rangeland reclamation methods is planting suitable and compatible species. However, without considering the plant’ s allelopathis characteristic, it is highly likely that the project will be a failure. The present study sought to investigate the effects of Artemisia sieberi extract on seedling emergence, some morphological characteristics and nutrient uptake of Prosopis cineraria which has hard emergence. Materials and Methods: The present study was carried out under greenhouse conditions, with 23± 5 ° C, 60% relative humidity and 70% water-holding capacity of soil. The experimental design was a completely randomized one with four replications. Soil samples were selected from Deging village, located in the city of Khash (Sistan and Baloochestan Province). In order to prepare the plant extract, the A. sieberi samples were dried in the shade and were ground to powder. Then, 190 g of the powder was put in a plastic bottle, then filled with 1 L ethanol and placed on a shaker for 24 hours. The resulting solution was filtered out and the extract was obtained. The planting was carried out in plastic pots with the capacity of 6 kg which were filled with 3 kg of soil. In each pot, 30 seeds were buried, at a depth of 3 cm. The treatments were treated at concentrations of 0. 2% (2 ml in 1000 ml distilled water), 0. 4%, and zero along with plant irrigation. The parameters measured included Emergence percentage and rate, radicle and pedicel length, seedling dry weight, Photosynthetic pigments, carotenoid contents and nutrient uptake of P. cineraria. Results: The results showed that A. sieberi extract significantly decreased plant Photosynthetic pigments. The highest chlorophyll a, b, total chlorophyll and carotenoid belonged to the control treatment and by increasing extract concentration, Photosynthetic pigments decreased. In addition, the findings were that the highest and lowest nitrogen and phosphorus contents were obtained in the 0. 2 and 0. 4% treatments, respectively. Potassium and Manganese decreased with increases in extract concentration. However, with increases in extract concentration, zinc significantly increased in the plant tissues. In general, the results showed that A. sieberi extract increases P. cineraria emergence in the 0. 2% treatment. Conclusion: In general, morphological traits and Photosynthetic pigments of P. cineraria decreased with increases in the concentrations of A. sieberi extract. Artemisia extract had a different effect on the absorption of nutrients by P. cineraria. at low concentrations. It increased nitrogen and phosphorus adsorption and increased concentrations of Manganese in high concentrations. The concentration of 0. 2% of Artemisia extract had a positive effect on plant emergence. Given the positive effect of A. sieberi on the emergence of P. cineraria, plant extract at low concentrations can be used to increase emergence of P. cineraria, especially given that the P. cineraria has an emergence problem. However, due to the negative effect of A. sieberi on growth and absorption of nutrients in P. cineraria, the cultivation of these two plants is not recommended in dry rangelands.


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    APA: Copy

    RICKI MARYSHANY, ASMA, EBRAHIMI, MAHDIEH, & SHIRMOHAMMADI, EBRAHIM. (2018). Effect of Artemisia sieberi Extract Allelopathy on Emergence Characteristics and Nutrients Uptake of Prosopis cineraria. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SEED RESEARCH, 5(1 ), 21-32. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/367602/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    RICKI MARYSHANY ASMA, EBRAHIMI MAHDIEH, SHIRMOHAMMADI EBRAHIM. Effect of Artemisia sieberi Extract Allelopathy on Emergence Characteristics and Nutrients Uptake of Prosopis cineraria. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SEED RESEARCH[Internet]. 2018;5(1 ):21-32. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/367602/en

    IEEE: Copy

    ASMA RICKI MARYSHANY, MAHDIEH EBRAHIMI, and EBRAHIM SHIRMOHAMMADI, “Effect of Artemisia sieberi Extract Allelopathy on Emergence Characteristics and Nutrients Uptake of Prosopis cineraria,” IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SEED RESEARCH, vol. 5, no. 1 , pp. 21–32, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/367602/en

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