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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Re-examination of late Early Permian fusulinids in North Tabas, East-central Iran and their palaeotectonic, palaeoclimate and palaeobiogeographic applications




 The upper Yakhtashian to Bolorian Bagh-e Vang Formation was studied in two stratigraphic sections in north Tabas, east-Central Iran. The examination of fusulinids and small foraminifers of the Bagh-e Vang Formation in two studied sections led to the identification of the new fusulinid and small foraminifer genera and species which are recovered from the upper Yakhtashian and Bolorian strata of Iran for the first time. Based on identified fusulinids, three biozones including upper Yakhtashian Pamirina darvasica-Sakmarella spp., lower Bolorian Chalaroschwagerina vulgarisiformis and upper Bolorian Misellina termieri in the Bagh-e Vang section and two biozones containing lower Bolorian Misellina (Brevaxina) dyhrenfurthi-Chalaroschwagerina vulgarisiformis and upper Bolorian Misellina cf. termieri in the Shesh Angosht section were recognized. Paleomagnetic data and time of volcanic activities in Cimmerian microplates along with fusulinid appearance in Late Paleozoic reveal that the Neotethys opening in these blocks did not happen at the same time and in the northern blocks (like Iran, south and central Afghanistan and southeast Pamir) was faster than those in the southern blocks (like Qiangtang and Baoshan blocks). The reason for the occurrence of warm water subtropic to tropic palaeoequatorial fusulinid fauna of verbeekinds and neoschwagerinids during the Bolorian in Cimmerian microplates is not only because of the northward drift of its blocks but also factors such as global warming in the Bolorian and warm water oceanic currents were effective.


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    APA: Copy

    Yasbolaghi Sharahi, Safoora, Yousefi Yeganeh, Bizhan, Arefifard, Sakineh, Farahpour, Mohammad Mehdi, & Vachard, Daniel. (2020). Re-examination of late Early Permian fusulinids in North Tabas, East-central Iran and their palaeotectonic, palaeoclimate and palaeobiogeographic applications. JOURNAL OF STRATIGRAPHY AND SEDIMENTOLOGY RESEARCHES, 36(2 (79) ), 51-74. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/379178/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Yasbolaghi Sharahi Safoora, Yousefi Yeganeh Bizhan, Arefifard Sakineh, Farahpour Mohammad Mehdi, Vachard Daniel. Re-examination of late Early Permian fusulinids in North Tabas, East-central Iran and their palaeotectonic, palaeoclimate and palaeobiogeographic applications. JOURNAL OF STRATIGRAPHY AND SEDIMENTOLOGY RESEARCHES[Internet]. 2020;36(2 (79) ):51-74. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/379178/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Safoora Yasbolaghi Sharahi, Bizhan Yousefi Yeganeh, Sakineh Arefifard, Mohammad Mehdi Farahpour, and Daniel Vachard, “Re-examination of late Early Permian fusulinids in North Tabas, East-central Iran and their palaeotectonic, palaeoclimate and palaeobiogeographic applications,” JOURNAL OF STRATIGRAPHY AND SEDIMENTOLOGY RESEARCHES, vol. 36, no. 2 (79) , pp. 51–74, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/379178/en

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