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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Effect of Compaction and Soil Moisture on Apparent Electrical Conductivity of Soil and Rolling Resistance of Tractor Tire




 Introduction: One of the main factors affecting plant growth is Soil compaction. More attention should be paid to Soil compaction than the past. Soil compaction not only destroys the soil structure, but also leads to a heavier soil structure with natural cavities. The Rolling resistance reduces energy and occurs when the tire moves on a soft soil and Rolling resistance of the tire is brought about by two processes of soil deformation and wheel change. This force is influenced by the design of the tire, the parameters of the tire, and the characteristics of the soil. The apparent Electrical conductivity (ECa) indicates the direct conductivity of direct current in the soil. The Electrical conductivity is effective on chemical and physical properties, including the amount of soluble salts in the soil, salinity, cation exchange capacity, soil texture, organic matter content, Moisture content and water holding capacity, and compression. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Soil compaction and soil Moisture on the soil Electrical conductivity and Rolling resistance of the Messy Ferguson 285 tractor rear tire. This study showed the density and soil Moisture were associated with soil Electrical conductivity and Rolling resistance. Materials and Methods: This test had independent and dependent variables. The dependent variables including Rolling resistance and Electrical conductivity, whose values were measured by a torque meter and a portable EC meter. Independent variable comprised of Soil compaction and soil Moisture measured by Penetrologger and soil Moisture measurement tools including soil harvesting cylinder, scale and oven device. Experiments were carried out in the soil bin Laboratory with a 1. 7 m wide, 24 m long and 1 m deep with soil texture of clay loamy in Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (Karaj). The soil was prepared layer by layer and up to a depth of 20 cm by the soil preparation unit. In all experiments, the vertical load was fixed at 4000 N and the tire pressure of 6899 N. m-2. On each layer, the water was evenly sprayed to reach the desired Moisture. To do this research, factorial experiment with Soil compaction levels at 3 levels of 2, 4 and 6 roller passes, respectively, with the bulk density of 1. 47, 1. 54 and 1. 69 g. cm-3 and soil Moisture at 3 levels of 10%, 12% and 14% were used in 3 replications. Data were analyzed using SPSS software. The tools used included the tire test rig, the rear tire of a Massy Ferguson 285 tractor, the soil preparation unit, and the measuring instrument, including the torque meter, the penetrologger and the portable EC meter. Results and Discussion: In this experiment, it was found that as the amount of Moisture increased, the compaction was also increased. The test indicated that the soil Rolling resistance was increased by decreasing the soil Moisture content. Moreover, increasing in the Soil compaction ration led to decreasing the soil Rolling resistance. The CI was used at a depth of 20 cm to 0 cm. In these experiments, we concluded that the higher density of compaction resulted in increasing the soil cone index (CI). This index was directly related to the compaction, but it had an adverse relation with the Moisture. It means the lower amount of Moisture led to the higher amount of CI. The amount of Electrical conductivity of soil was measured at a depth of 0-25 cm. In this experiment, we concluded that the higher compaction ratio resulted in the higher Electrical conductivity. It means that Electrical conductivity had a direct relation with the compaction and the Moisture content. The lower Moisture content led to the lower Electrical conductivity of the soil. Conclusions: In general, considering all the tests and comparison between Rolling resistance, soil cone index and apparent Electrical conductivity before and after roller passing, it can be concluded that as the amount of Moisture content increased, the soil cone index (CI) decreased. The soil cone index (CI) had a relationship with the Moisture. The lower Moisture content led to the lower soil Moisture resistance, as well as the higher Moisture content resulted in the higher soil resistance. The lower amount of Soil compaction showed the greater soil Rolling resistance, and the greater amount of Soil compaction caused to the less soil Moisture resistance. The Electrical conductivity before and after the roller pass was different in the case of roller pass, and the higher amount of Moisture led to the greater Electrical conductivity, because the Electrical conductivity was directly related to the Moisture and the compaction affects all parameters.


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    APA: Copy

    Safar Alizadeh Herisi, Gh., BORGHEI, A.M., & SHARIFI MALVAJERDI, A.. (2021). Effect of Compaction and Soil Moisture on Apparent Electrical Conductivity of Soil and Rolling Resistance of Tractor Tire. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, 10(2 (20) ), 299-311. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/383243/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Safar Alizadeh Herisi Gh., BORGHEI A.M., SHARIFI MALVAJERDI A.. Effect of Compaction and Soil Moisture on Apparent Electrical Conductivity of Soil and Rolling Resistance of Tractor Tire. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY[Internet]. 2021;10(2 (20) ):299-311. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/383243/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Gh. Safar Alizadeh Herisi, A.M. BORGHEI, and A. SHARIFI MALVAJERDI, “Effect of Compaction and Soil Moisture on Apparent Electrical Conductivity of Soil and Rolling Resistance of Tractor Tire,” JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, vol. 10, no. 2 (20) , pp. 299–311, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/383243/en

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