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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Effect of Xanthan Gum and Soluble Soybean Polysaccharide on the Characteristics of Functional Flixweed (Descurainia Sophi L. ) Syrup




 Background and objectives: flixweed (Descurainia sophia L. ) is an annual plant that is found in various parts of the world including Iran. flixweed seed and its prepared drink (Sharbatekhakshir) have been traditionally prescribed as a remedy for diarrhea, heatstroke, palpitation, upset stomach, impotence, intestinal inflammation, constipation, skin eruptions, laxative, and antipyretic since the ancient times. Despite the unique medicinal and nutritional advantages, flixweed drink production is faced with two major technological problems; first, it is not suitable for diabetics because of the high amounts of sugar in the drink formulation. On the other hand, sedimentation of flixweed seed in the prepared drink is the other common problem that restricts its commercial production. The aims of this study were investigating the possibility of replacing sugar with Grape syrup as a natural sweetener to producing functional drink and the possibility of stabilizing the flixweed drink using Soluble soybean polysaccharide and Xanthan gum as natural hydrocolloids. Materials and methods: The first step for producing the functional flixweed drink was to examine replacing sugar with Grape syrup in various ratios (0: 100, 10: 90, 80: 20, 70: 30, 60: 40, and 50: 50). Then, in order to stabilize the flixweed drink, the effect of various concentrations of Xanthan gum (0. 1, 0. 2, and 0. 3 % w/v) and Soluble soybean polysaccharide (1, 2, and 3 % w/v) was studied. For pasteurization, samples were heated in 80 ° C for 1 min, and then cooled to 7 ° C. Then, different properties of the prepared (Brix, pH, phase separation, colour, rheological and organoleptic properties) were analyzed and compared to each other. Brix and pH were calculated using refractometer and pH meter, respectively. Stability of samples was investigated according to phase separation after 30 days of storage in the refrigerator. Color characteristics including lightness (L*), Redness (a*), yellowness (b*), browning index (BI), and caramelization (Hue) were evaluated by means of Konica Minolta CR-400 apparatus. Rheological properties of the prepared were measured by Ultra DV3-LV Rheometer. Organoleptic features of samples such as color, flavor, odor, fluidity, mouth feel, and overall acceptability were evaluated by 10 trained panelists. The experiments were conducted in a completely randomized design and mean values were compared using Duncan method at P<0. 05. Results: According to the results, the optimum ratio of Grape syrup to sugar was 40: 60 in flixweed drink. The best formulation for flixweed drink was composed of 5% seed, 6% sugar, and 4% Grape syrup. The Results revealed that the addition of Xanthan gum and Soluble soybean polysaccharide had no significant effect on pH and Brix. In addition, Soluble soybean polysaccharide showed no effect on the stability of prepared drink, while Xanthan increased the stability. The use of Xanthan gum at 0. 3% concentration completely prevented the phase separation after 30 days of storage. The most appropriate model for both the control and samples containing Soluble soybean polysaccharide was Newtonian model, while a pseudoplastic model was found to be suitable for drink containing Xanthan gum. According to the results of colorometric tests, lightness, redness, yellowness, caramelization and browning indices increased after pasteurization. The sensory characteristics of stabilized drinks were found to be very similar to those of blank samples. Conclusion: In overall, it could be concluded that Grape syrup and Xanthan gum can be used for manufacturing the functional and stabilized flixweed drink with good organoleptic attributes.


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    APA: Copy

    JAFARI, S., HOJJATI, M., JOOYANDEH, H., & NOSHAD, M.. (2019). Effect of Xanthan Gum and Soluble Soybean Polysaccharide on the Characteristics of Functional Flixweed (Descurainia Sophi L. ) Syrup. ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION, 10(2 ), 63-80. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/392304/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    JAFARI S., HOJJATI M., JOOYANDEH H., NOSHAD M.. Effect of Xanthan Gum and Soluble Soybean Polysaccharide on the Characteristics of Functional Flixweed (Descurainia Sophi L. ) Syrup. ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION[Internet]. 2019;10(2 ):63-80. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/392304/en

    IEEE: Copy

    S. JAFARI, M. HOJJATI, H. JOOYANDEH, and M. NOSHAD, “Effect of Xanthan Gum and Soluble Soybean Polysaccharide on the Characteristics of Functional Flixweed (Descurainia Sophi L. ) Syrup,” ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION, vol. 10, no. 2 , pp. 63–80, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/392304/en

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