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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Effectiveness of Gamification-based education in the educational motivation students with mental disability




 Background and Objectives: Pillars of civilization of any society is based on the system and structure of education; and without any doubt health, comprehensiveness and efficiency of the education system of that society depends on the scope, breadth, diversity and quality of comprehensive educational programs and educational services that are offered to students in regular schools or special classes. We have often seen students who are very similar in terms of learning ability and talent; but there are many differences in their academic achievement. We see these differences not only in school learning but also in other non-academic activities. This aspect of human behavior is related to the field of motivation. Psychologists often see motivation as a process that is involved in motivating, directing, and sustaining behavior. Motivation is the basis of human behavior and the most important factor of various behaviors and in fact the driving force of human activities and their directing factor. Gamification is currently one of the techniques that can increase motivation. Gamification is a new method that has been translated as ‘ playmaking’ in some sources and means the use of playful elements and thoughts in areas that are not the nature of the game. Gamification has been one of the topics discussed in recent years, which can be used to increase efficiency and user interaction. Properly applied Gamification in educational environments will lead to better learning of users. This study investigates the impact of Gamification on Educational Motivation for Mentally Disabled Students. Methods: This research utilizes a quasi-experiment research method through which pre andpost-tests are organized for two groups of students, i. e., control and experimental. The reserach population covers all mentally challenged students in Kermanshah Providence in Iran. The experiment sample consists of 32 students selected using a convenience sampling method. They randomly formed two groups of 16 as control and experimental. The experimental group was taught by game-based instructions, whereas the control received ordinary lessons in the classroom. For this, a 20 sessions (ordinary and game-based) course were designed for both groups of students. Harter motivation test was used in this research to collect data from the students. The collected data was analyzed using a one-way analysis of covariance. Findings: In the descriptive statistics section, the studied variables were analyzed using statistical index tables, mean and standard deviation; and in the inferential statistics section, the research hypotheses were analyzed using analysis of covariance. According to the results, Game-Based Education has a positive impact on Educational Motivation for Mentally Disabled Students and the effect size of the Eta squared in research is 0. 49 on the internal motivation and 0. 51 is the external motive. Conclusions: According to the findings of the analysis of covariance, Gamification-based teaching methods have a positive effect on internal and external academic motivation (p <0. 01). It is concluded that motivation plays a key role in learning, specifically if the students with mental disabilities join Game-Based Educational environments.


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    APA: Copy

    ghasemi Arganeh, M., Pourroostaei Ardakani, S., Mohseni Ezhiyeh, A., & Fathabadi, R.. (2021). Effectiveness of Gamification-based education in the educational motivation students with mental disability. JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY OF EDUCATION (JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION), 15(3 (59) ), 429-438. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/402368/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    ghasemi Arganeh M., Pourroostaei Ardakani S., Mohseni Ezhiyeh A., Fathabadi R.. Effectiveness of Gamification-based education in the educational motivation students with mental disability. JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY OF EDUCATION (JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION)[Internet]. 2021;15(3 (59) ):429-438. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/402368/en

    IEEE: Copy

    M. ghasemi Arganeh, S. Pourroostaei Ardakani, A. Mohseni Ezhiyeh, and R. Fathabadi, “Effectiveness of Gamification-based education in the educational motivation students with mental disability,” JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY OF EDUCATION (JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION), vol. 15, no. 3 (59) , pp. 429–438, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/402368/en

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