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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


The Aesthetics of Bordem and Blasé Attitude in Cinema Based on Thoughts of George Simmel and Walter Benjamin: A Case Study of Gavkhooni (The River's End)




Gavkhooni )The River’s End)Q1


 In Iranian cinema, it is possible to find various films that have built their own structure on the depiction of Boredom of their heroes. In these works, there are passive characters rising from modernity that do not have an affinity with classical cinema’ s active characters. Since these characters are manifesta-tions of modern human conditions, it is possible to recognize their characteristics by investigating their encounter with modernity and urban influence. Despite the discourses related to modernity and that Flaneur is often considered a person who warmly embraces the stimuli and discord of the modern city, Some theoreticians believe that Flanerie might be read with what Simmel has regarded as a blasé characteristic of modern subjects. From Simmel’ s point of view, “ devaluating the whole objective world” is the experience of a blasé person who is devoid of “ qualities. ” This leads to a perception based on Simmel’ s analyses and thoughts that have left a great influence on Walter Benjamin’ s ideas in his discussions about concepts such as distraction and Boredom. Benjamin believed that when passing through the modern city, in confrontation with the assault of images, the eye would lose its ability to concentrate, and as a result, a new kind of perception would emerge, which is a perception based on the movement of eyes between countless and diverse surfaces and images, that is associated with the impossibility of contemplation and concentration: the distracted perception. The main point is that despite the existence of films focused on the concept of Boredom, very little research has been done about Iranian cinema that focuses on how to display Boredom and blasé thus far. In order to investigate the perception of this subject in confrontation with urban modernity based on the ideas of Simmel and Benjamin, this research focuses on Gavkhooni )The River’ s End) directed by Behrooz Afkhami. In most of the works that try to depict their character’ s Boredom, this concept appears more at a narrative/fictional level, and the filmmaker is not able to convert the sense into the cinematic matter. According to the discussed issues in the present article, Gavkhooni )The River’ s End) is declared a specific example of Iranian post-revolution cinema, which succeeded in developing the character/narrator’ s Boredom at various cinematic levels. For example, the relation between Boredom and the narrator is reproduced in the relation between him and the geography of the city of Isfahan. In order to visualize as much as possible the aimlessness and Boredom of the character, which emerges as a result of the daily routine that surrounded him, Afkhami creates a vague cinematic city that is far from the real geography of Isfahan. As a result, and according to the findings of this study, it can be stated that Gavkhooni )The River’ s End) goes beyond merely displaying a narrative about the Boredom and has succeeded in improving this sense based on the fundamental features of cinematic art.


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    APA: Copy

    SOTOUDEH, SAJAD, & SAYYAD, ALIREZA. (2020). The Aesthetics of Bordem and Blasé Attitude in Cinema Based on Thoughts of George Simmel and Walter Benjamin: A Case Study of Gavkhooni (The River's End). HONAR-HA-YE-NAMAYESHI-VA-MOOSIGHI (HONAR-HA-YE-ZIBA), 25(3 ), 5-14. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/402459/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    SOTOUDEH SAJAD, SAYYAD ALIREZA. The Aesthetics of Bordem and Blasé Attitude in Cinema Based on Thoughts of George Simmel and Walter Benjamin: A Case Study of Gavkhooni (The River's End). HONAR-HA-YE-NAMAYESHI-VA-MOOSIGHI (HONAR-HA-YE-ZIBA)[Internet]. 2020;25(3 ):5-14. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/402459/en

    IEEE: Copy

    SAJAD SOTOUDEH, and ALIREZA SAYYAD, “The Aesthetics of Bordem and Blasé Attitude in Cinema Based on Thoughts of George Simmel and Walter Benjamin: A Case Study of Gavkhooni (The River's End),” HONAR-HA-YE-NAMAYESHI-VA-MOOSIGHI (HONAR-HA-YE-ZIBA), vol. 25, no. 3 , pp. 5–14, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/402459/en

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