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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Editorial, Aqua-gymnastic Unit of Sarem hospital




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 Aqua-gymnastic is a unit that is providing specific exercises appropriated for the pregnant women in order to prepare and strengthen physical ability of them and has necessary facilities for mothers and fetus and also has appropriate aiding facilities with professional and trained personnel. The term “ aqua” means water and term “ gymnastic” is a special stretched work outs that occurred during pregnancy. However, from the past, had been using aqua therapy in developed countries and after that, doing exercise in water for patients is considered and then it is carried out for pregnant women. This approach was performed in Sarem hospital for the first time in Iran and the major goal was to focus on respect and to “ Iraninan mother” have good relationship with them since the foundation. The goal of establishing aqua-gymnastic in Sarem hospital in 1385 (as a successful and accepted method for helping natural delivery) is clear. Since in this approach unlike other methods that is applied by anesthesia, the pain of delivery is reduced and newborn’ s Apgar is also better. With special training and using aqua-gymnastic as a part of pregnancy care with specific exercise according to standard principles leads to anxiety reduction due to physical, spiritual and mental changes, facilitate pregnancy period and also utilization of private counselling and effectiveness of this method of treatment properly. In short, the most important indicators of using aqua-gymnastic are; refusing unnecessary caesarean section, emphasizing on the importance of taking care of both mother and baby, and including the importance of breastfeeding on the health of children and prevention of arthritis and neck and cow back pain, varicose veins in the legs and perineum and muscle cramps, relieve gastrointestinal complications (fissure during pregnancy), depression and anxiety in mother. In addition to inviting medical centers especially specialized hospitals including special departments of obstetrics and gynecology to establish aqua-gymnastic unites, it is also expected academy of medical science to honor the Persian language and select appropriate word or term “ Ab-Varz” which is appropriate with this method of treatment and inform it if approved.


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    APA: Copy

    SAREMI, ABOTALEB. (2018). Editorial, Aqua-gymnastic Unit of Sarem hospital. SAREM JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH (SAREM JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE), 2(4 ), 1-2. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/404152/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    SAREMI ABOTALEB. Editorial, Aqua-gymnastic Unit of Sarem hospital. SAREM JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH (SAREM JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE)[Internet]. 2018;2(4 ):1-2. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/404152/en

    IEEE: Copy

    ABOTALEB SAREMI, “Editorial, Aqua-gymnastic Unit of Sarem hospital,” SAREM JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH (SAREM JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE), vol. 2, no. 4 , pp. 1–2, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/404152/en

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