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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Investigation of In-Situ Compressive Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Mortar and the Effect of Fibers on the Adhesion of Mortar/Steel




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This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene engineering. This paper has investigated the effect of polypropylene fibbersfibbers fibbersfibbersfibbers on the on the on the on the on the on the Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist Bond between cement Mortar and Steel, using “ Twist-off” and “ pull off” and “ pull off” and “ pull off” and “ pull off” and “ pull off” and “ pull off” and “ pull off” and “ pull off” and “ pull off” and “ pull off” and “ pull off” and “ pull off” and “ pull-off” tests. 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The results show that the addition of polypropylene results show that the addition of polypropylene results show that the addition of polypropylene results show that the addition of polypropylene results show that the addition of polypropylene results show that the addition of polypropylene results show that the addition of polypropylene results show that the addition of polypropylene results show that the addition of polypropylene results show that the addition of polypropylene results show that the addition of polypropylene results show that the addition of polypropylene results show that the addition of polypropylene results show that the addition of polypropylene results show that the addition of polypropylene results show that the addition of polypropylene results show that the addition of polypropylene results show that the addition of polypropylene results show that the addition of polypropylene results show that the addition of polypropylene results show that the addition of 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to evaluate the compressive strength Mortars. instead of x, respectively, to evaluate the compressive strength Mortars.


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    APA: Copy

    Saberi Varzaneh, Ali, & NADERI, MAHMOOD. (2021). Investigation of In-Situ Compressive Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Mortar and the Effect of Fibers on the Adhesion of Mortar/Steel. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 14(2), 37-48. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/662241/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Saberi Varzaneh Ali, NADERI MAHMOOD. Investigation of In-Situ Compressive Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Mortar and the Effect of Fibers on the Adhesion of Mortar/Steel. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY[Internet]. 2021;14(2):37-48. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/662241/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Ali Saberi Varzaneh, and MAHMOOD NADERI, “Investigation of In-Situ Compressive Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Mortar and the Effect of Fibers on the Adhesion of Mortar/Steel,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 37–48, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/662241/en

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