Information Journal Paper
CopyRouhi, Haydar, SALMAN MAHINI, ABDOLRASOL, & REZAEI, HAMID REZA. (2019). Modeling potential corridors for the Persian Leopard (Pantera pardus saxicolor) between the two habitats of Khoshyeilagh wildlife refuge and Golestan National Park based on the least-cost path analysis. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 21(3 (82) ), 195-209. SID.
CopyRouhi Haydar, SALMAN MAHINI ABDOLRASOL, REZAEI HAMID REZA. Modeling potential corridors for the Persian Leopard (Pantera pardus saxicolor) between the two habitats of Khoshyeilagh wildlife refuge and Golestan National Park based on the least-cost path analysis. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY[Internet]. 2019;21(3 (82) ):195-209. Available from:
CopyHaydar Rouhi, ABDOLRASOL SALMAN MAHINI, and HAMID REZA REZAEI, “Modeling potential corridors for the Persian Leopard (Pantera pardus saxicolor) between the two habitats of Khoshyeilagh wildlife refuge and Golestan National Park based on the least-cost path analysis,” JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 21, no. 3 (82) , pp. 195–209, 2019, [Online]. Available: