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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Effects of Dietary Supplement of Organic Acids Induced Protective Immunity against Coccidiosis




 This study evaluated effects of three products of dietary organic acids (Acidomix® AFG; Activate® AD and Lacplus) on protective immunity against coccidiosis. Two hundred and eighty 1-day broiler chickens were randomly divided into 8 groups by 5 replications (7 birds per replicate), comprising 2 controls (nega-tive=N; positive=P) and 6 supplemented organic acid groups (1% AFG, 1% DA, 1% Lacplus; 2% AFG, 2% DA and 2% Lacplus). With the exception of N control (uninfected), all 7 groups were orally challenged with 8 × 105 sporulated oocysts of Eimeria tenella at day 12 post-hatch. Samples of blood, spleen and ceca were collected on day 22 and 35 post-hatch. Body weight gain, fecal oocyst shedding, lesion score, mortal-ity rate and pH of the ceca were assessed. ELISA was used to detect Cluster of T cell differentiation (CD4+, CD8+) molecules and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was employed for detec-tion of pro-inflammatory chemokine (IFNγ-) and cytokines expression (IL-8, IL-15 and IL-17). The result revealed that supplementation of organic acids significantly increased body weight gain, improved feed conversion ratio (FCR), reduced lesion scores and oocyst index (P<0. 05) compared to P control (infected non-supplemented). The mortality rate was higher in P control. The pH of ceca was significant (P<0. 05) and maximum was observed in P control. Chicks fed 2% DA and 1% Lacplus had greater percentages of CD4 T-cell molecules, but had decreased CD8 T cell molecules, suggesting a protective function of these T-cell subsets in innate immune response against E. tenella infection. The cecal and splenic chemokine and cytokines mRNA expression encoding IFN-γ , IL-8, IL-15 and IL-17 showed higher levels of transcript compared to N and P controls, indicating the organic acid products might have exerted their protective ef-fects by improving their production. It is concluded that the Activate® DA at 2% and Lacplus 1% levels at both 22 and 35-days post-hatch have shown best anticoccidial effects.


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    APA: Copy

    ABDULLAHI, A.Y., Yu, X.G., Fu, Y.Q., WANG, M.W., Qi, N.S., Xia, M.H., KALLON, S., Pan, W.D., Shi, X.L., FANG, Y., WU, S., HU, W., TAN, L.P., Li, K.X., WANG, Z., Zuo, J.J., Feng, D.Y., & Li, G.Q.. (2020). Effects of Dietary Supplement of Organic Acids Induced Protective Immunity against Coccidiosis. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANIMAL SCIENCE, 10(1), 119-129. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/777007/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    ABDULLAHI A.Y., Yu X.G., Fu Y.Q., WANG M.W., Qi N.S., Xia M.H., KALLON S., Pan W.D., Shi X.L., FANG Y., WU S., HU W., TAN L.P., Li K.X., WANG Z., Zuo J.J., Feng D.Y., Li G.Q.. Effects of Dietary Supplement of Organic Acids Induced Protective Immunity against Coccidiosis. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANIMAL SCIENCE[Internet]. 2020;10(1):119-129. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/777007/en

    IEEE: Copy

    A.Y. ABDULLAHI, X.G. Yu, Y.Q. Fu, M.W. WANG, N.S. Qi, M.H. Xia, S. KALLON, W.D. Pan, X.L. Shi, Y. FANG, S. WU, W. HU, L.P. TAN, K.X. Li, Z. WANG, J.J. Zuo, D.Y. Feng, and G.Q. Li, “Effects of Dietary Supplement of Organic Acids Induced Protective Immunity against Coccidiosis,” IRANIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANIMAL SCIENCE, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 119–129, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/777007/en

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