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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Effective Factors and Indicators on the Formation of Architecture and Urbanism of Historical Texture of Bushehr




Vernacular has been proposed as a common intellectual point of past architect. So many concerns, thoughts and Vernacular architectural strategies come from this common issue. The variety of Vernacular in each region causes a different concern for the architect, which makes it possible to reach different answers and architectural strategies. Actually, the Vernacular as a common feature in the formation of historical textures is problematic and also makes opportunity. Solving these two features at the same time has been the art of native architect. In most of Iran's cities, the Vernacular architecture has been applied and it has been effective in the formation of urban and architectural texture in a varied way. But the remarkable thing here is the distinction of urban development in Historical Texture of Bushehr than the other historical cities, and it finds in the structure and formation of this city. In historic cities, the city is a living creature that thrives on the bed of time and acquires its structure. It is evident that the Climate, nature and geography of the region is effective in the form and expansion of the city, but this is only a small part of the factors that influencing the architecture of historical cities. In the historic city, the most important part of the city is its citizen. The main factor in the formation of a traditional city is its citizens and the way of their livelihood, and other factors (such as Climate) are served in this factor. This Historical Texture of Bushehr is one of the most valuable and rarest examples of Architecture and Urbanism in Iran; despite the researches conducted in these areas, there is no comprehensive study on the elements and factors of this historical texture and it is not investigate as it is worthy. In historical cities, various factors have influenced in the shape and appearance of the city and its development pattern (urban development). These factors have all been achieved in order to create a city that service the man and answer the need. Accordingly the descriptive-analytic research was conducted to answer this question, what factors have been effective in the formation of this different historical context? Authors have done this research with using Library resources and field studies, and also applying historical documentation and imagery. Field studies using direct observation in the historical building of Bushehr texture, presence of researchers in the studied spaces to control the collected data and using observation cards. The city of Bushehr that located in the southwest of Iran and adjacent to the Persian Gulf Sea has a historical texture. This port, which has a peninsula state, is linked from three sides to the Persian Gulf and one side of it, connect to the land. The early-core of Bushehr's old texture is located in the Northern Cape of the city and consists of four old neighborhoods (Behbahani, Shanbedi, Dehdashti and Kuti). Several factors have been influenced in the formation of houses in old texture of Bushehr; including the climatic and environmental, cultural, economic, and security factors. The old texture of Bushehr has a valuable architectural structure of the Afsharyeh period on the coast of the Persian Gulf. This historical texture has unique features due to the different urban structure and architectural in the Qajar period. In terms of architecture, a two or three floor buildings with colored glass in Bushehr, proportional to the direction of the wind, especially in hot seasons, wind and air conduction is an unprecedented example of Iranian initiative in the South Iranian architecture. In this study, the factors that have been effect on the structur of city have been divided into five main characteristics; each of these factors has influenced the formation of the city by utilizing different ways. These factors are unique in every region, and their origin is also referring to the Vernacularism. Finally the study of the content that discussed in this study has shown that the Historical Texture of Bushehr city is one of the most valuable and unique examples of Iranian cities. A series of factors and indicators have led to the creation of different urban textures. A set of environmental, cultural, social, political, regional, economic and aesthetic factors has led to the formation of different Historical Texture of Bushehr, compared to other cities of Iran.


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    APA: Copy

    Kakizadeh, M.A., NASERI, N., & DABBAGH, H.. (2020). Effective Factors and Indicators on the Formation of Architecture and Urbanism of Historical Texture of Bushehr. GLORY OF ART ( JELVE-Y-HONAR), 12(3 (28) ), 65-80. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/956939/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Kakizadeh M.A., NASERI N., DABBAGH H.. Effective Factors and Indicators on the Formation of Architecture and Urbanism of Historical Texture of Bushehr. GLORY OF ART ( JELVE-Y-HONAR)[Internet]. 2020;12(3 (28) ):65-80. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/956939/en

    IEEE: Copy

    M.A. Kakizadeh, N. NASERI, and H. DABBAGH, “Effective Factors and Indicators on the Formation of Architecture and Urbanism of Historical Texture of Bushehr,” GLORY OF ART ( JELVE-Y-HONAR), vol. 12, no. 3 (28) , pp. 65–80, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/956939/en

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