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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (پی آیند 46)
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کشت گونه Atriplex lentiformis در منطقه کویر چاه افضل اردکان با اهداف کاهش شوری خاک و بهره گیری از علوفه تولیدی صورت گرفته است که با گذشت چندین سال گونه فوق در معرض خشکیدگی قرار گرفته است و این تحقیق به بررسی برخی از عوامل که می تواند در خشکیدگی آن تاثیر داشته باشد می پردازد برای انجام این تحقیق از عرصه کشت آتریپلکس در منطقه یک سایت هم سن انتخاب و در آن شش گیاه شاداب و شش گیاه خشکیده به طور تصادفی تعیین شدند. برای هر کدام از بوته های آتریپلکس تعیین شده ضریب برگ به ساقه به دست آمده و به عنوان شاخص شادابی در داده های گیاهی منظور گردید. از هر بوته تعیین شده 30 گرم برگ و سر شاخه جهت آزمایش و تجزیه شیمیایی برداشت شد. در نمونه های گیاهی از طریق روش های استاندارد آزمایشگاهی میزان یونهای Cl-,K+,Mg++,Ca++,Na+ و- So4-تعیین گردید. تاثیر یونهای اندازه گیری شده در گیاهان بر روی شاخص شادابی از روش آنالیز رگرسیون چند متغیره (گام به گام) با استفاده از برنامه رایانه ای SPSS بررسی شد و در مورد تاثیر گذاری آنها اظهار نظر شد. نتایج این تحقیق نشان داد که بین یونهای تجمع یافته در گیاه، یون سولفات تاثیر بسیار معنی داری روی شاخص شادابی گیاه داشته و باعث کاهش آن می گردد.

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This paper presents the results of an elimination trial with 9 spieces, varieties and provenances under rainfed condition six years after astablishment in Kheyroud forest area of Nowshahr Mazandaran (North of Iran).The altitude of area is 450 meters above sea level and has a cool and very humid climate with about 30 days dry seasons. The results of 6 years (1990 - 1995) studies showed that:- Seqouia sempervirens (seed collected from Nowshar nursery) was the most promissing species.- According to survival and growth rate following are primissing species respectively:Pinus taeda (origin D.S.A), Cryptomeria japonica (seed collected from Kelardasht nursery), Pinus nigra var. calabrica (origin south France).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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سیف عبدالرضا

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در سخن جاودانه و شعر سحرآمیز حافظ شیرین سخن، هر چیزی به طرز رندانه ای جای گرفته آنچنان که گویی لسان الغیب آن را برای اولین بار در دیوان آسمانی خویش به کاربرده است و طرحی نو درانداخته. در بررسی دیوان حافظ شیرازی بی درنگ در می یابیم که باد جایگاه ویژه ای دارد، چرا که سریع و بی دریغ وظیفه آوردن و بردن خبر رابرای عاشق و معشوق بر عهده دارد. در سحر کلام خواجه شیراز، باد و انواع آن چون صبا، نسیم و شمال حضور دارند که این حضور عامل حرکت و شادابی گردیده است. در این تحقیق ضمن بیان ترکیبات و توصیفات باد و انواع آن، به نقش و هدفی که خواجه شیراز بر عهده آنها نهاده، اشاره شده است و سعی بر این است که زبان خاص حافظ در بیان مقصود، به طور اجمال بیان گردد.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Mulberry thrips Pseudodendrothrips mori Niwa is an introduced pest of mulberry in Iran. This insect widely attacks both native and hybrid varieties and this lowers the economic value of the leaves consumed by silk- worm. In order to investigate the biology of this pest in laboratory, a culture was established by releasing first and second larval instars on leaves whose petioles were inserted to wet cotton swabs placed inside disposable jars 5.24×5.5cm. capacity inside an incubator set at 25±1C°, relative humidity of 75±5% and photoperiod of 14:10h light- dark respectively. To determine seasonal variations in population of the pest in different generations, sampling was done every five days from first half of May- when wintering adult insect appeared - through the second half of October, when its population declined dramatically. Samplings, were performed in varieties of Shin Ichinoise, Kenmuchi, and Ichinoise, simultaneously. The results indicated that the life- cycle of this insect took 29.95 days from egg to adult in lab condition. The sexual ratio was 6.7: 1. The insect over wintered as adults, and had four generations in a year. The highest peak of first larval population in the month of August in Shin Ichinoise were 8.45 and 10.62 in each sample unit, that of Kenmuchi is 9.05 and 12.38 and that of Ichinoise were 5.89 and 16.05 for the years 2000-2001 respectively. The population of second instar and adult were relatively lower in all the generations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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INTRODUCTION: Nursing staff have important role in health and treatment in medical systems. This study was carried out among nursing staff of Sanandaj hospitals affiliated to Kurdistan university of medical sciences to investigate the rate of occupational burnout .MATERIALS & METHODS: with respect to the limitations of statistical population 277 employees (99 males & 178 females ) filled out the Geldard Burnout Inventory (GBI) by census method and collected data was analyzed by SPSS. 10 software. RESULTS: The results of this study showed that in 0.7% of the subjects under study the amount of burnout was low , in 96.4% it was high and 2.9% it was the highest. The highest mean of occupational burnout was belong to the following staff. Those who affiliated to Ghods-hospital, staff with the age range between 30-35, those who had 5-9 years work record, male nursing staff, fixed night shift staff , CCU staff and those staff whose education was under diploma.CONCLUSION: It looks that occupational burnout is a common phenomena among helping staff and a number of variables including work place conditions, job satisfaction, occupational stress, job experince and overtime working may affect that.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Happiness and Individual, Social and occupational function of students related to their mental health and removing even unimportant obstacles cause qualitative and quantitative progress in different aspects of individual and social life.The purpose of this study is understanding of students problems and examination of their mental states in dormitories related to shahid Beheshti University of Medical sciences and Health services with descriptive and sectional method.For this purpose/493 female and male students who live in Imam Ali (P.B.U.H.) and Hazrat Zahra (P.B.U.H.) dormitories (daily course) examine on the basis of psychosis prevalence and students problems. 3 Questionnaires:1. Student's attitudes about their problem in dormitory and university.2. General Health questionnaire (GHQ) 28 questions.3. Character questionnaire 90- questions (Sc1 90 -R) were distributed among students. After gathering questionnaire and getting information, above information were analyzed by statistical soft ware (Spss). It resulted 38 percent of students from GHQ and 27/1 percent from ScL 90-R Suspected to psychosis. The most prevalence existing disorders in male and female students were GHQ then psychosis and thirdly depression. psychosis prevalence with use of was 28/6% among female students and 25% among male one.Although psychosis percent was more in female students in comparison with male ones but there were no meaningful difference between male and female students.The other important note is the existing of statistical meaningful disorders between bodily health, from educational progress, nonnative students and strangeness problem, existing of addicted students in dormitory, personal and family problem of students, educational usability classmate’s problems, personal disease and persons with behavioral disorders in dormitory from one side and mental health from the other side.Students attitudes in different aspects compare with mental health grades and analyze statistically. Finally, different propositions offered for scrutinizing student mental health and removing different problems and emphasized on existing of active counseling center at universities and all great dormitories as important and necessary matter.

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Six cultivars of alfalfa (Hamadani, Ghareh- Yonjeh, kerisari, Simerchenskaya codi and Maopa) were compared in a randornized complete bock design with four replication in rain-fed areas of Zagheh and Ghaed Rahmat north-east of Khoramabad in Lorestan Province for 5 years. The mean annual precipitation of Zagheh and Ghaed Rahmat are 603.5 and 575.4mm. The experiment was established in the spring of 1985. Dry fodder per hectar, plant height, canopy cover, diameter, distribution and vigourity were recorded. Results show that there was not significant difference between dry matter and height of cultivars in level of 5%. Means compared with Duncan's new multiple range tests. Kerisari and Simerchenskaya coltivars with a production of 2217 and 2058 kg/ha highest forage production in Zaghe and Kerisari and Codi coltivars with 1321 and 1275 kg/ha showed highest production in Ghaed Rahmat. Dry fodder in two regions increased up to third year and then decreased, but in sum the total dry yield was higher in Zagheh than Ghaed Rahmat. Those cultivars with highest dry yield had highest height.

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This study was carried out to investigate, cypress habitat (Cupressus sempervirens L.) in Darab district from Fars province in Iran. This cypress accumulation is an old trees. Distribution is single or groups of old trees. In this study investigated ecological and morphological characteristics of cypress trees. The ecological study included soil, climate and water condition and morphological study was contained, tree length, bassale, diameter at breast height and canopy diameter and length canopy has formed. The mean of rain in this habitat is 298 mm and rain distribution is in autumn and winter. The climate of habitat is and texture of soils are light. The length of trees were between 16.5-23.6 meter and average was 19.77 meter. Diameter at breast height was between 118-203 centimeter and average was 166 cm. The age of trees estimated more than 1000 years old. The morphological characteristics of trees showed this trees are elder and invalvable genetic resourses but external condition showed this trees go to won ward trend and on this habitat the trees were not reproduction.

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Nameh Farhangestan

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    1 (17)
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Dr. Yahyā Māhyār Navvābī, who recently passed away at the age of 88, was an eminent authority on ancient Iranian languages, an untiring scholar and an influential educator. He will be long remembered by his many students and academic friends inside and outside Iran. He was a professor both at Tabriz and Tehran universities.Māhyār Navvābī was born in Shiraz in 1912, where he spent his childhood and had his early education. He moved to Tehran for his secondary schooling and then went on to Tehran University, where eventually he graduated in 1946 with a Ph.D. degree in literature, having written his dissertation on the Achaemenid inscriptions of Bistftn ("the Bistūn Rock"). After teaching for two years at Tabriz University, he had the chance to continue his linguistic studies abroad, first at SOAS in London with Professor Henning and later at Gottingen, in Sweden.Māhyār Navvābī 's academic career continued as a full professor at Tabriz University; several years later he moved to the capital, where he was offered the chair of ancient Iranian languages at Tehran University. After his retirement from Tehran University in 1973, he moved to the University of Shiraz, where he actively participated in editing and publishing the Asia Institute's research journal as well as a series of Pahlavi texts in facsimile.He was a prolific author who wrote numerous scholarly papers, in Persian and English, on linguistic and lexicographic questions. These have been collected in two volumes and published in Shiraz, in 1974 and 2000 respectively. Some of the topics in which Professor Navvābi was especially interested were the following:1) Obscure and problematic words, found in Ferdowsī's  Šāhnāme and other early Persian texts.2) The early language of Azerbaijan.3) The local dialect spoken in Shiraz up to the 9th/15th century.4) The House of Vesāl of Shiraz, whose members were prominent poets, painters and calligraphers in the Qajar period.Another major undertaking by Professor Māhyār Navvābī, which was an ongoing life-long project, is A Bibliography of Iran, which he compiled in ten volumes, nine of which have been published so far. These include about one hundred thousand entries, including both books and articles written by Iranologists all over the world on Persian/Iranian history, culture, religions and art.Professor Māhyār Navvābī died in Sweden of cardiac arrest on 2 October 2000 while visiting his daughter.

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