"Seven Tales of the Road collection" (1349) written by Akbar Radi one of the social critical collections in the solar forty decades. The main characteristic of this work is on the realistic approach on the regional literatures. In this collection, Radi tries to express the quality of mutual socialism through the dialectic relations and involving peoples. According to Bakhtin views, the dialogism lies in the nature of any artwork. This paper presents a discussion atmosphere of the quality of human life in Akbar Radi story, insisting on analytical-documentary approach and incorporation of elements of "self" from Bakhtin's philosophy of dialogism and symbolic action theory of Herbert Blumer. Its reading in the form of non-identity dialogism represents different aspects of contemporary human fragmented, bases and different social classes (urban and rural) in social relations. Metamorphosis of interactive dialogue with the provision of polyphony among characters of "Seven Tales of the Road collection" of Akbar Radi is upon the philosophy of symbolic action formed by the technological and conceptual developments during the lifetime of the author.