Narmashir located in southeastern of Kerman is located in the ways connected center and west of Iranian plateau to the Southeast and coast of Oman. According to this, the evidences of settlements were formed and the fortifications related to them were built in this region. The purpose of this study is to explain the architectural characteristics of these monuments. There are questions that what were the characteristics of the defensive fortifications of Narmashir plain and what factors might have influenced their locations and what patterns were followed? The data gathered through “ field and library method” and the methodology is descriptive-analytical. Some of the findings of this research that can be mentioned are as follows: there is a linear pattern in the spatial distribution of the defensive fortifications, there is a network of identical individual brick towers, the architectural elements follow the topography, there isn’ t any stable pattern in their plans, they were built over the impassable natural platforms, the buildings were constructed on the southeast – northwest axis to counter to the effects of the weather and strong winds, the materials are consistent with the climate and the thickness of walls for better insulation of places.