Developmental changes of pancreas were studied in different age groups of female sheep by calculation of frequency and percentage of parenchymal and stromal structures of the gland, and measuring diameter of islets of langerhans. In this study, glands were selected from four different age groups included, fetus(2.5-3 months), newborn(1 week old), Sexually mature(6-7 months), and old (upper 3 years old). The results of histomorphometrical analysis showed that frequency and percentage of parenchymal and stromal structures in fetal stage were: exocrine secretory units 11.84±0.63 (%35.61), secretory ducts 3.72±0.37 (%11.19), blood vessels 1.66±0.89 (%4.99), islet of langerhans 2.26±0.13(%6.79) and stromal connective tissue 13.76±0.33 (%41.39); these findings showed that the minimum percentage belong to blood vessels (%4.99) and the maximum to stromal connective tissue (%41.39). Diameter of islet of langerhans in fetus was measured 43.59:1:21.9flm.In newborn stage exocrine secretory units were calculated 19.15±0.21(%65.85), secretory ducts 2.43±0.29 (%8.35), blood vessels 0.88±0.07(%3.02),islet of langerhans 2.29±0.08 (%7.87) and stromal connective tissue 4.33±0.21(%14.86); that the minimum percentage belong to blood vessels (%3.02) and the maximum to exocrine secretory units (%65.85). Diameter of islet of langerhans in newborn was measured, 52.75±1.35 mm. In sexually mature stage exocrine secretory units were calculated 18.85±0.15 (%63.66), secretory ducts 1.99±0.18 (%6.72), blood vessels 1.86±0.27(%6.28), islet of langerhans 1.74±0.06 (%5.87) and stromal connective tissue 5.17±0.39 (%17.46) that the minimum percentage belong to islet of langerhans (%5.87) and the maximum to exocrine secretory units (%63.66). Diameter of islet of Langerhans in sexually mature stage was ascertainmented 51.56±1.20mm. In old stage exocrine secretory units were calculated 19.37±0.36 (%64.07), secretory ducts 1.9±0.21 (%6.28), blood vessels 2.29±0.37(%7.57), isletof Langerhans 1.69±0.09 (%5.59) and stromal connective tissue 4.98±0.18 (%16.47) that the minimum percent belong to islet of langerhans (%5.59) and the maximum to exocrine secretory units (%64.07). Diameter of islet of Langerhans in old stage was measured 46.2±1.81mm. In comparison between different age groups, the frequency of exocrine secretory units showed a significant increase from fetal stage to newborn, sexually mature and old stages. On the other hand, there was a significant decrease in frequency of secretory ducts from fetal stage to newborn, sexually mature and old stages and there was also a significant decrease in frequency of blood vessels from fetal to newborn stage. Significant decrease was observed in frequency of islet of Langerhans from fetal and new-born stages to sexually mature and old stage (P<0.05). In comparison between groups there was a significant decrease in diameter of islet of Langerhans from fetal to new-born and sexually mature stage and from newborn and sexually mature stage to old stage (p<0.05) and there was no significant difference between the other structures. Our study revealed that, there was no significant difference in parenchymal and stromal structures and diameter of islets of Langerhans between different lobes of the gland in each age group. However, the above mentioned parameters often showed significant difference between different age groups. These differences were more prominent between fetal stage compare to the other age groups. Therefore, it can be concluded that structural changes of parenchyma and stroma of pancreas gland begin from prenatal period and will relatively continue in the period of postnatal development.