The study area is located about 60 Km north-west of Shiraz, the capital city of Fars province. The mean annual precipitation and temperature are about 367 mm and 17°C, respectively. The climate is semiarid and the soil moisture and temperature regimes are xeric and thermic, respectively.The main objectives of this study were: 1- To study the morphological characteristics and pedogenic development of the calcareous soils formed on different physiographic units, and 2- To determine the mineralogical composition of these soils.In this research, the effects of topography on morphological, physical, chemical and mineralogical characteristics of calcareous soils of Beyza area were studied. Five physiographic units were distinguished, namely, alluvio-colluvial fan, piedmont alluvial plain, flood plain, river alluvial plain, and depression. Entisols, Inceptions, and Aridisols are the dominant soils in the area. The results showed that topography plays an important role in the development of the soils. The soils formed on high-lying land show little or no pedogenic development, while those developed on iow-lying areas have more horizon differentiation and pedogenic development. Soil texture, salinity and lime accumulation were affected by topography. The heavy-textured soils with a high salt and CaCO3 content were found on low-laying areas. Mineralogical study of the soils on different physiographic units showed that the composition of the soils consists of illite, chlorite, smectite and vermiculite. However, the proportion of clay minerals differs. The soils formed on high-laying areas contain more illite and chlorite than those of the low-lying lands.