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Many reported scientific misconducts included duplication, data fabrication and falsification; but recent fake peer reviews have become strange news for many researchers worldwide. Using Gmail and other non-academic emails to correspond with journals should be highly prohibited. Indeed, the dark part of this story is lack of conscience by editors who run some journals. Our suggestion in this paper can decrease the chance of repeating similar retractions in close future.

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Nasal swab tests are widely used to screen for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Pain, discomfort, and the urge to sneeze are the most common complications of this screening method. We report a case of a 55-year-old female patient with beta-thalassemia major suffering from a nasal septal abscess (NSA) as a complication of a COVID-19 nasal swab test. Following the test, the patient only had mild nasal congestion. However, three days later, her clinical condition deteriorated, and she developed fever, and her level of consciousness decreased to lethargy and drowsiness. Physical examinations revealed a bilateral nasal abscess. She underwent surgical intervention, and the abscess was removed. For the first time in Iran, a case of NSA after a COVID-19 nasal swab test is reported. It is strongly Correspondence: Leila Asadpour, MD,No. 7, Zohreh Alley, 22-Bahman St., Postal code: 74819-14965, Darab, Iran Tel/Fax: +98 31 37294005 Email: Leilaasadpour35@Gmail. com Received: 06 April 2021 Revised: 08 July 2021 Accepted: 28 September 2021 recommended to exercise caution while performing nasal swab tests, especially in the elderly and patients at risk of bleeding or hemoglobinopathy.

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Background: This research aims to evaluate the impact of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on the occupational stress and the anxiety of nurses. Methods: This was an experimental study with pre-test post-test design with a control group. We included all nurses caring for patients with COVID-19 in governmental hospitals in Tehran during six *Correspondence to Hasan Mosazadeh, Department of Psychology, Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Tel: +48570473606 Email: htmosazadeh@Gmail. com months of 2020. Beck’ s Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and Steinmetz Occupational Stress Questionnaire were used for data collection. Results: Box’ s test (P=0. 225) showed that the covariance-variance matrices were homogeneous. Levine’ s test also indicated that the assumption of variance equality was observed. The amounts of ETA square root showed that 66. 3% of the anxiety variance and 51. 3% of the occupational stress variance could be predicted in the posttest through ACT. Conclusion: The rate of occupational stress and anxiety of the test group significantly decreased compared with the control group after the intervention. Therefore, ACT could decrease the occupational stress and anxiety of nurses and the therapists could use this approach for improving the mental health of nurses.

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The purpose of this study is to analyze the content of the articles of "Journal of Science and Technology Policy" during the years 2008-2017. For this purpose, all articles published in this magazine have been evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively over the course of 10 years (231 articles) and their content has been reviewed in terms of their status and achievements in the course of the country's science and technology policy. The method of this research is synchronous and synchronous. To collect data from the checklist and to analyze the data, Excel software and descriptive statistics were used. The main issue of the research was that the role of the articles of the "Quarterly Journal of Science and Technology Policy" during the years 2008-2017 in helping the knowledge of science and technology policy policy? The research findings are summarized in 15 axes. From the author's point of view, the main focus is to examine the content of the published articles of the magazine in the last 10 years, from the perspective of the policy cycle. The result of this study shows that more than half of the articles (55%) have somehow tried to provide a part of a new theory, but lack of critical conditions such as critical articles * Corresponding author: hn. sbu. ac@Gmail. com and reciprocal discussions, use of the results of previous research and completion They have prevented the formation of comprehensive theories in the field of science and technology.

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The importance of managers learning in different organizations is clarified to everybody, but in Technology based firms (NTBF) because of their inexperience of managers and the complex nature of these companies, manager learning is more important. Actually, manager`s learning plays an important role in innovating these companies and overcoming the challenges of the changing and complex environment around them. However, the methods of learning in this managers have not been well studied. So, the aim of this study was to identifying the methods for manager`s learning in this firms. In order to attain this aim, the research data collected regarding to Interpretivism paradigm and qualitative approach. 19 managers and experts of new technology-based firms were interviewed with semi-structured interview questions. The data collecting in this way, coded and analyzed with thematic analysis method in three stages. For analyzing of this data, qualitative analysis software Maxqda used. Based on the extracted findings of this research, 30 incidental themes or methods identified which categorized in five main * Corresponding author: zeynoddini93@Gmail. com methods consist, “ learning from experience” , “ self-directed learning” , “ learning from stakeholders” , “ explicit learning methods” , “ benefiting of mentoring capacity in learning” . It can be said that the five identified methods of manager`s learning in NTBFs can be used both individually by the managers themselves and by the stakeholders of the NTBF`s domain and can be used for development of this managers and subsequently the success of NTBFs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Since corruption in higher education is a pervasive phenomenon that educational systems have always been involved with and paid heavily for it, The purpose of the present study is formulating a non-corruption university model based on upstream documents and the laws and regulations of the higher education system in order to pursue the key mission of the higher education system and to improve its quality. This study is an applied research that has been done through qualitative content analysis method and based on the deductive approach of textual content, upstream documents related to higher education are analyzed as communicated strategies, and corresponding concepts are derived in the form of open and axial codes. In the first section, 77 examples of the set of laws on higher education in the country were selected through non-probabilistic and targeted sampling, so a typology of the rules of the higher education system was presented. In the second section, by analyzing the content of the 7 upstream documents of higher * Corresponding author: maryam. ghaedi12@Gmail. com education, and deriving of the obligatory statements for universities and institutes, 19 main codes are extracted and grouped in four axes. These are: management and policy approach in higher education, providing infrastructure and financial resources, training of committed and expert human resources and policy implementation, which monitoring and evaluation of these has led to a model based on the standards of upstream documents in higher education. Finally, some suggestions for implementing this model are proposed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Research Article: Effects of dietary administration of Nettle leaves (Urtica dioica) hot water extract on health indices and immunity in Litopenaeus vannamei exposed to Vibrio harveyi M. T. Soltani, B. Ghaednia *, J. Mohajeri Borazjani, T. Maghsoudloo, M. Mirbakhsh Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran, babak. ghaednia@Gmail. com Abstract: (278 Views) This study investigated the effects of Urtica dioica (Nettle) on health indices, including total hemocyte count (THC) and differential hemocyte count (DHC), total plasma protein (TPP), and glucose level of hemolymph when the Litopenaeus vannamei was fed with diets containing different hot water extract concentrations of U. dioica (10, 50, and 100 mg kg-1) for 40 days. After 14 days of exposure to Vibrio harveyi, the survival rate was determined. The results showed that the use of U. dioica extract led to a significant increase in the health indices, (THC and DHC). The significant increase (p≤0. 05) was observed in the frequency of small and large granular hemocyte, as well as in the biochemical indices, the number of hyaline cells, TPP, and glucose level, particularly at higher concentrations of the extract. After 14 days, the survival rate of the shrimps fed with a diet containing 50 mg kg-1 of U. dioica extract, showed a significant difference from other experimental groups. Overall, the hot water extract of the U. dioica can improve health indicators, THC, TPP, and glucose levels, and also increase the survival rate of the shrimp infected with V. harveyi.

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Mehrpooya Abbas

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Looking through the lens of forensic pragmatics, this study aims to critically analyze a typical textual sample of cyber-fraud correspondence as addressed to a candidate email-user. As such, the virtual correspondence which is written by a seemingly legitimate sender seems to be authorized in its claims to the extent that even the Gmail spam-identifying system has not report it as devious. Due to the questionable subject of such virtual correspondence(s) (VC) or cyberspace correspondence(s) (CC) being issued, that is the claim of offering a huge winning bid to the addressee and the significance of identifying the authenticity of such abrupt proposals, it can be hypothesized that such a text consists of fraudulent claims and therefore is subject to forensic cyber-crime examination. As such, the present study plans to provide a discursive analysis of an authentic sample based on a CDA procedure itself based on Fairclough’s (1989) formula presented in his influential book titled ‘Language and Power’. There are two main questions this study has aimed to answer: 1) How the text at hand lends itself to CDA analysis in terms of the main tenets of discursive manipulation proposed in Fairclough’s CDA formula? and 2) What manipulative patterns might be detected in a discursive piece of email correspondence allegedly presumed to be fraudulent. The main findings of this study are: 1) The lexical, sentential, and textual levels in the Fairclough’s CDA formula are applicable to the email-correspondence text at hand, though modified in accordance with the text’s discoursal specifications, 2) The outcome of the CDA analysis of the cyberspace correspondence sample under study provided definitive clues to support the existence of manipulative intention(s) hidden in the text at hand, 3) The results might be applied to similar pieces of discourse at different levels of lexical, sentential, and textual composition.

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Background and purpose: Industrial development, on one hand, creates harmful chemical products and industrial waste, including heavy metals. On the other hand, it increases energy consumption and leads to the release of atmospheric pollutants, causing environmental pollution. Bandar Abbas, compared to other areas of Hormozgan province, has a high concentration of industries. Therefore, it is necessary to study the pollution caused by these industries in the region's environment. The general purpose of this study is to investigate the amount of heavy metals associated with industrial activity. mirzahosseini@Gmail. com. Nabiulah Mansouri Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. Received: 2022/11/11 Accepted: 2023/02/04 Document Type: Research article Materials and Methods: Ambient air sampling was conducted at seven locations in the region during winter and spring (2020). The sampling and preparation methods were based on EPA and NIOSH Standards. Sampling was performed using a High-Volume pump with a flow rate of 1. 7 cubic meters per minute for a duration of 24 hours. The sampling device was installed at a height of 3 meters above the ground. The heavy metals in the collected samples were measured using the Varian Z220 atomic absorption spectrometer with the furnace technique. Circular fiberglass filters with a diameter of 47 mm were used for environmental sampling. Results: Based on the analysis of air particles, the concentration of heavy metals showed a decreasing trend as follows: V < Cd < Fe < Pb. The average concentrations of these elements were 0. 0006, 0. 0060, 0. 0061, and 0. 339 micrograms per cubic meter, respectively. With the exception of lead, the average concentration of these metals exceeded the limit value. Conclusion: The amount of suspended particles at all sampling locations exceeded the environmental standards. Additionally, except for vanadium, the average concentration of metals in the samples from residential areas was below the limit value.

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Evaluation of architectural designs involves judging the design. In this way, it measures the amount of variables in the design from the desired aspect and then judges it. Due to the important role of arbitration in courses having architectural projects, if the type of arbitration is not clear, it will affect the appropriate atmosphere on arbitration, will cause unrelated demands related to educational goals and will destroy the development of students’ talents. The purpose of this study is to achieve the criteria and indicators of realistic judgment in the field of knowledge and professional ability of students majoring in architecture in Iran. The purpose of the present study is an attempt to answer the question of what are the factors that indicate the evaluation criteria and judgement of architectural projects in prominent universities in the field of architecture in Iran? And what is the viewpoint of the professors in this regard? The research method was mixed (quantitative-qualitative) and in terms of practical purpose Statistical population were 17 famous academic instructors of Architecture at Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, Science and Technology and Shahid Chamran Ahvaz universities. In order to achieve more accurate results, it was preferred to take the opinions of young and novice professors in the field of judging architectural designs, along with the opinions of experts. Accordingly, 25 young professors who were completing their doctoral studies at Shahid Beheshti University, University of Tehran, Tehran Azad University and University of Science and Technology and had a history of teaching in architectural design workshops at the university as a statistical population. were chosen. Which were selected according to the educational fields, due to the importance of scoring and its direct impact on the research results, sampling was done in a systematic and non-random was applied. Based on the studies, a model was developed to evaluate the architectural plans, then the professors were first interviewed, the validity of the evaluation model was assessed, and then a questionnaire of the Likert type, one question was selected for them in a contractual manner to determine the level of specificity for the specified criteria. Then, two questions were interviewed as open questionnaires, and finally, after the interview, the initial model was edited and the final model was obtained. Results and information were analyzed using SPSS software. This study showed that the final criteria for evaluating the design process are divided into two sub-branches of studies and design. The studies are divided into two sub-groups of basic knowledge and attention to technical studies. According to experts, studies and technical knowledge have the greatest impact on the final product. From the young professors point of view, advancement of the design process has the greatest impact on professors’ scoring, followed by the design skills and studies and technical knowledge. Finally, suggestions and solutions were presented to the jury, architecture educators and specialists to improve the quality of the judges’ level of arbitration.

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