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Polysemy is one of the main areas of logic and fundamental dogmas, and also one which is indirectly dealt with in the figurative use of language (irony and allusion), ambiguity, philology, and semantics. Since Koranic sciences draw on different disciplines, scholars studying these sciences have borrowed the concept of Polysemy and applied it to the verses of the Koran. It seems that this borrowing presupposes the fact that Polysemy in the Koran is an instance of Polysemy in the Arabic language, and that it is closely related to it, and also that the differing views toward one are applicable to those toward the other..

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present descriptive-analytic research uses the semantic model (Antonano, 1999 and 2002) and the semantic network of perception verbs (Afrashi & Asgari, 1396) to describe and analyze the Polysemy of the perception verb “ see” . For this purpose, the meanings of the verb “ see” in Persian were compiled using Dehkhoda dictionary, Moein dictionary, and Persian language databases. At this stage, 4500 sentences were used from the Persian language database, classified on the basis of extended meanings. Analyzes of this paper, which take more into account the capabilities of the human senses and the way we perceive the world around us, show that 'embodiment' is the source of the metaphorical conceptualization and semantic extension of 'see'. The Polysemy of “ see” is the result of the interaction of the semantic content of the verb with other elements of the sentence level. The findings of this study are in line with Antonano (1999) and Afrashi and Asgari (1396). There were also cases that Antonano (1999 and 2002) did not mention. On the other hand, the findings of this study are in line with the ideas of Antonano (2002), Evans & Wilkins (2000), and Koveceses, (2005) that have challenged Sweetser's (1990) idea of the “ universality of the semantic extension of perception verbs” .

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In allegories Polysemy relates not only to the context and the audience’s understanding but also to the structural characters of these texts. This paper investigates the function of structural and narrative properties in the creation of multiple interpretations of an allegory. Focusing on the events and following a unique story-line is the most important trait in helping to read the allegories. Thus, Polysemy in allegories is also related to the number of the story-lines. Therefore, Polysemy in allegories depends on two axes: paradigmatic and syntagmatic. In the first process, multiple interpretations are parallel with the various story-lines. These lines are themselves the result of the many characters and sequences. But in the second process, Polysemy is only one story-line and based on the various textual meanings may offer different interpretations of one allegory. This classification may lead to some important results in the Polysemy of literary symbols in literary texts.

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Homonymy, along with synonymy and contraries, is an important semantic discussion that has been studied and variously defined by linguists in the past. The contemporary linguists believe that in studying homonymy, one should differentiate between the two terms of “ Polysemy” and “ homonymy” . In homonymy, two lexical words may accidentally come to have a unified conjugational structure; they have similar pronunciation and written form, but each of them maintains its different meaning and has no semantic relationship with the other one. For instance, the word "al-Khal" has three meanings, namely mole, maternal uncle, and hill. In other cases, there is no relationship between the roots of the two words. For example, the word "Qā nic" has two meanings, namely satisfied and beggar, where the former is taken from " Qaniă n" and the latter from " Qunū ă n". Conversely, in the Polysemy phenomenon, one language unit comes to entail several meanings after it undergoes meaning changes over time. An example is the word "Sayyā rah", which was used as caravan in the past, but today is used as car. This article intends to investigate and analyze these two phenomena. Moreover, it examines the differences between homonymy and Polysemy, the ways to distinguish them, and the manner of their advent into the Arabic language.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This paper aims to study 7 to 12-year-old Persian-speaking children’s comprehension of Polysemy through semantics. The research method is descriptive-analytic, and two kinds of methodology in data collection such as documentary resources and fieldwork have been applied. For collecting data, each of the six elementary school grades course books ‘Farsi’ (2018) has been studied and all polysemous words within each of these course books have been extracted. Accordingly, to evaluate Polysemy comprehension in children, a multiple-choice test containing two questions was prepared for each grade and asked 25 participants to answer in each grade and each gender from among elementary schools in Tehran. In each grade, 100 answers were received and based on the number of correct answers children’s Polysemy comprehension was evaluated. These tests were administered under school authorities’ control and children had to answer in 15 minutes. The results show that most children found the polysemous words without problem only within a context and in relation to the collocated words. Also, children can comprehend the exact meaning of polysemous words based on the encyclopedic viewpoint of meaning which is rooted in human social and physical experience. Moreover, children based on their background knowledge differentiate between multiple meanings of polysemous words.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Khajowi Kermani has used various rhetorical devices and tools in his lyrical poetry to expand the scope of meaning, which in contemporary rhetoric are considered to be a subset of the iham industry and can be said to be related to the decorative categories of iham, including iham of proportion, iham of contrast, iham of contrast, iham Translation, synonyms, etc. are different. The different types of these methods are: verbal allusion, virtual allusion, ironic allusion, structural allusion, multiple reading allusion, additional allusion and employment allusion. The problem that is addressed in this article in an analytical-descriptive way is, which types of allusions did Khajovi Kermani use in his sonnets to increase the semantic capacity of his words? And what is the frequency of using these Ihamic methods in his words? After presenting the definitions of idioms in past and contemporary rhetoric and examining the types of idioms leading to multiple meanings, based on a comprehensive study of Khajo's poetry, the following results were obtained: First, Khajo in his sonnets, except for polyphonic idioms, of all meaning-making types of idioms, Has used; Second, among the types of polysemous idioms, he has used employment more and additional idioms less than other types. Other types of allusion used in Khajo's sonnets are, respectively: verbal allusion, ironic allusion, structural allusion, virtual allusion and additional allusion.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This article explores the Polysemy of four negative non-verbal prefixes in Persian language (zedd 'against, opposite of', bi 'without', nā 'not' and qejr 'not, non-') based on Principled Polysemy framework (Tyler and Evans 2001, 2003). First, the primary sense of each prefix is determined and then it is explained how non-primary senses are derived from the primary one, hence demonstrating the semantic network of each prefix as a radial category. In this research, using AntConc software (Anthony, 2014), first all the occurrences of the four prefixes were extracted from the Hamshahri Corpus Version 2 (AleAhmad, Amiri, Darrudi, Rahgozar & Oroumchian, 2009) and then in order to analyze research data, some of them were randomly selected. The findings of the study indicate that only in three of the four prefixes under study, Polysemy is observed, and that the frequency of use, ease of derivation and predominance in the semantic network are the best criteria for determining the primary sense. The conceptual phenomenon involved in the Polysemy of these prefixes is metonymy. Data analysis shows that metonymical shift occurs at two levels: at the level of morpheme/prefix sense and at the level of word-formation, and that the former leads to more straightforward relations within the semantic network. This is due to the fact that the latter requires a more complex line of imagination which automatically translates into a corresponding complexity of relations in the semantic network and significant reduction in the type frequency of non-primary senses as a whole.

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The prefix "hæm-" in Persian forms a noun, an adverb or an adjective by connecting to the bases such as nouns and adverbs. In this article, which is written in the framework of construction morphology, Booij (2010), the semantic domains of more than 500 derived gathered from Bijankhan corpus and some Persian dictionaries words with the prefix "ham-" have been investigated. Then, the schemas, subschemas and inheritance tree of them have been presented and analyzed. According to the results of this research, the prefix "ham-" has five semantic domains and 14 different meanings and functions; so it has multiple meanings. This Polysemy can be explained at the level of constructional abstract schemas and as a result it is called constructional Polysemy. Examining these derived words has shown that the prefix "hæm-" has more of an adjective-forming and noun-forming function than an adverb forming function.

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Light verbs are generally considered a special grammatical category which have little semantic contribution to verb phrases, and therefore few studies have explored the light-heavy verb semantic relationships. Drawing on Brugman’s version of force-dynamics, cognitive lexical semantics and examining around 130 compound and light verb constructions formed by gereftan, this paper showed that although this light verb is not as lexically rich as its heavy counterpart, there remain systematic semantic relationships between the two. Given the limited number of Persian simple verbs, heavy verbs allow the expression of new concepts by making complex predicates, and therefore it is expected that the heavy verb gereftan will participate in numerous compound and light constructions and lose aspects of its meaning in the process. However, this paper showed that the light verb gereftan not only maintains various aspects of meaning including force-dynamic ones, different light verb usages are also a function of the heavy verb’s Polysemy.

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Often, literary texts are influential, in addition of aesthetic and imaginations. One of the factors in the influence and rhetoric of the word in these texts is the multidimensional meaning of the text and its interpreting capability. In Hafez's poems, there are many couplets that are multi-dimensional and they have the capacity to interpret two or more distinct meanings. In this paper, by analyzing descriptive method, we will examine how Hafez has made his words polysemic and multi-dimensional and, finally, he made effective his speech with what tools, techniques and arrangements, and does Hafez use these measures deliberately and consciously? The results of the studies showed that some of Hafez's skills in creating the semantic capacities and fertility of text are: using of polysemic words, using of metonymy in new semantic contexts, the floating of different meanings in the general context of the word due to specific syntactic structures, suspension of meaning due to two-sided or multidimensionality of reference of the pronouns, the possibility of conversion of additional compositions, and simultaneous using of different capacities of the kind of “ ya” in Persian Language (Unity, indefinite, Infinitive). Moreover, Hafiz's frequent use of these techniques in many couplets Indicate his intention in this work and Conscious and purposeful presence of these devices in his poem.

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