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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: School is the second home of students. Thus it must be in appropriate position on safety and hygiene. Schools have great role in accidents. In this time, about 18 million students are studying in about 100000 schools in country. 30382 students are studying in 333 schools in Kalaleh and Maraveh Tappeh Counties. This study was performed to identify safety state of schools in Kalaleh County.Methods: This study was observational and cross-sectional. It performed in 1388 on 51schools enumeration ally. Method of gathering of information is performed with completing the questionnaire, observation and measurement. Data were analyzed with SPSS13.Discussion: 60.8% of schools were inappropriate of its made position. Steps of 56.9% of schools were safe. On the heating system, 70.3% of schools were having oil heaters without chimney. 94.1% of schools have appropriate fire engines. On the emergency exit, 21.6% of schools were having it. 39.2% of schools were having soil or sandy ground. On the state of electric wall plug, 58.8% of schools were having inappropriate wall plug. 71.4% of schools were having incomplete emergency medical box.Conclusion: Majority of schools haven’t appropriate safety state (windows guard, court revetment, fuel tank). On the basis of results of this study, safety states in schools have a lot distance with healthy schools criteria's and were inappropriate.Offers: More matching between medical university and education organization on complete perform of regulation of environmental health of schools, revision on sketching, making and tooling of schools, education of managers and teachers of schools, upgrade of health and safety culture, and elevation in schools budget can have important role in improvement environmental health and safety state of schools.

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Introduction: In recent years, using the mass media in planning and implementing the campaigns for risky health behaviors has been mentioned by health specialists. Knowing about the results and design of such campaigns in traffic injury prevention can lead us to select the appropriate and effective strategies for reducing the risky driving behaviors in Iran.Methods: In this study, we reviewed two main databases, related references and the papers belong to key persons in the field of traffic injury prevention. Target groups, details of intervention and outcomes were evaluated for mass media campaigns used for prevention of traffic accidents.Results: Access to large groups of audiences and effective communicating the health messages is the characteristic of mass media. Using the mass media as an important part of campaigns in traffic is most common for traffic injury prevention. Majority of mass media campaigns which had focused on reducing drunk driving and their outcomes were satisfied. Some campaigns had used for reducing the speed during driving and usage of the safety tools in cars.Conclusion: According to the effectiveness of mass media campaigns in increasing the awareness and changing the attitudes towards ant drunk driving in target groups, it seems that the general principles and concepts of mass media campaign can be used for other risk behaviors. Success in such interventions depends on combination of the campaign with school based or community- based programs and health education specialists can collaborate with media specialists in designing, implementing and evaluating of mass media campaigns.

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Introduction: One of the effects of social and economic developmental process without suitable cultural and social infrastructure for admission these varieties is that the rate of accidents, human damage and social, emotional damage increased during the last decade and this subject convert to a national problemin world and Iran. Creation of accidents is one of the most factors the effect upon style deasease burden, mortality and morbidity rate. A suitable solution for these problems is creation safety society that is a large step about the creation a newly existent believes toward crash surveillance process this subject needs to accomplish assessment about the accidents view and crash lookout. therefore we decided to accomplish a research by title: the epidemiologic assessment about the accidents in torbar heydarieh town ship and intervention related about this subject in 1385 -1387Methods: this research is a descriptive and multi variable survey the questionnaires and the record information forms are designed and the reliability and validity of these forms are supported and accepted by experts. The analysis of data accomplished by SPSS version 11. quantitive accomplished with draw of frequency tables and graphs ane oualitive assessment by phenomenology technique.Findings: The findings explanatory implicit that the incidence rate of accident in urban region is majority relation to rural region during the 85 until 87 .52-56 percent) the motor accident is the first preference and the fall crash is the second preference and the stroke is the third preference for the intervention in this township. Hazardous places in township are inclusive of house, alley and street, pathway and high way ,work place, general places hazardous age groups are the first: 20-24 years old (19 percent) then 15 19 years old (16 percent) and 25-29 years old (12 percent  During 85-87 many interventions done in township by constitude instructional meeting and lessons. manouvers and hyeginic visits from houses and extra places in town ship.Conclusion: With each other coordinating is a procedure that prevents the accident’s rate is increased. The outlook of crash must to drawed and the necessary interventions ought to accomplish for solving accident related problems in faces to the increasing the knowledge of individuals about the safety rules and creation a safe society.

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Today’s motorbike is a means for traveling into cities. They are undertaking in Iran to move population. The motorbike accidents are the second cause of death among totally accidents sand there is the second (1.5 in 100000 of people) cause of injuries after trauma in Iran.Method and Materials : Sample size were 1286 motorbikes in these cities who were traveling into these cities ,then data analyzed by spss soft ware and analyzed with chi-square test.Findings: From these 1286 motorbikes 7.9% had helmet and 92.1% did not helmet, 35% of them had t-heir own helmet and 6.4 % of them use it regularly. 7.5% of them said it was heavy and bothering and 78.4%of them were aware about the use of helmet. 2.8% ashamed, 8/.6% were forgetful and 2.1% said that it causes, hear less 78.4% of them were aware about the use of helmet.Conclusion: With these findings we can develop the safe community in all districts, and it can be the first items for best health security or for motorbikes.

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Background: Regards of development of metal industries and importance of accident control, this study focused on risk assessment of foundry unit by energy trace and barrier analysis (ETBA) method.Methods: the recent study is as a qualitative one to risk assessment in a foundry unites in Qazvin industrial city. In this study risks were founded by ETBA method and evaluated by MIL-STD-882B. All Steps of performing ETBA method were completed in the field of study. Data were collected by direct observations; interview with workers and supervisor and engineers, walking –talking through method, documents investigation of operational processors, preventive maintenances, equipment technical properties, accidental and medical documents, then had been completed ETBA work sheets.Findings: 154 risks have been found. 40 from total are been unacceptable risk, 68 unfavorable and also 46 acceptable but with remediation action. Foundry workshop had risks more than other workshops (with 74 identified risks). 108 from total risks are been unacceptable and unfavorable. Potential and heat energies were founded as most hazardous energies, with respectively 51 and 38 risk cases.Conclusion: This study recommended to be done actions for identification and control risk, such as: safety training, occupation training, preventive maintenance, contract safety, safety communication and safety audit group.

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Dangerous and accidents and crisis are the issues which all cities and human societies encounter with them, so managing the crisis and having proactive approach to them is very important. This study was aimed to change the reactive approach to proactive approach in managing non natural accident (human-made) and help in making strategic decision in proactive prevention by designing the Meta organizational systematic theories for Tehran province. The method of this research was fundamental and applied and the statistical population was the experts or the person whose occupation is about crisis management or has a book or article in the field of crisis management participated in this study-sample size was 32. The questionnaire distributed among sample group was good in content and validity and reliability 0.73 (Cronbach's Alpha) and the results of the analyzing the questionnaires and testing them by binomial and descriptive indicates the proposed definitions and models are proper for Tehran disaster management and mitigation organization.

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Objective(s): Formative research consists of audience analysis, market analysis and channel analysis, is the basis of the interventions based on social marketing model. In this study, the views of taxi drivers about risky driving behaviors were extracted in order to plan an intervention based on social marketing model.Methods: This qualitative research and phenomenology study was held through four focal group discussions by the participation of 42 taxi drivers in Tehran. The drivers' views about the components of audience analysis, market analysis and channel analysis were extracted, categorized and analyzed.Results: The participants believed that the best action for improving Tehran taxi driver’s behaviors is developing and communicating the persuasive messages for increasing the taxi driver’s concentration. Drivers’ gathering places, internal space of taxies, printed materials such as stickers and pamphlet and people who are opinion leaders for drivers like lines supervisors were suggested by most of the participants.Conclusion: Consumer orientation is the core and basement of social marketing programs. Increasing the taxi drivers' concentration during driving through persuasive messages, in the gathering and driving places of taxi drivers by using lines supervisors as opinion leaders, can be effective for modifying the risky driving behaviors.

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Objectives: Designing the Effective interventions for modifying the risky driving behaviors needs to know about audiences' attitudes and behaviors. In this study, we measured the attitudes, self-reported and observational behaviors among taxi drivers, a large group of professional drivers, in Tehran, the capital of Iran.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we selected two municipality district of Tehran which had the highest rate of traffic accidents among taxicabs. By using a questionnaire, we asked them about their attitudes and reports of their behaviors during driving and a checklist was used for observing their risky driving behaviors. Then, collected data were analysed.Results: We found that taxi drivers in Tehran had had desired attitudes toward risky driving behavior and had reported their driving behavior well and non- risky. There was a significant direct relationship between their attitudes and driving history. However, we found a reverse significant relationship between self-reported behaviors and literacy level. Risky driving behavior wrer different based on the time of observation. Using cell phone, tailgaiting and not moving between lines were three most common observed risky driving behaviors among taxi drivers.Conclusion: Taxi drivers, as professional drivers which form the large segment of our interventions for modifying the risky driving behaviors, have not desired behaviors regardless of their good attitudes and self reports. Thus, we should design and implement the interventions based on their driving history, literacy level, kind of the common behaviors and even the time of driving.

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Goal: The main goal of this study was to determine the association between spirituality (religious attitude) with mental health and job performance in relative with safe community among personnels Paxan Company.Study design & methodology: These descriptive studies have involved a sample of 450 Paxan personnels that selected by simple random Sampling. The data were collected through GHQ-28, Religiosity assessment Questionnaire, and a job performance Questionnaire. Pearson correlation and multiple co0rrelation coefficients were used for data analysis.Results: The study found that a significant relation exists between spirituality (religious attitude) and mental health, moreover, spirituality showed a positive significant relation with job performance. Regression analysis showed that among the four different aspects of religiosity, faithfulness and ceremonial aspect were best predicators for mental health; and the ceremonial aspect was the best predicator for job performance.Conclusion: There was a significant relationship between spirituality and mental health and job performance.

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Background: In Hospitals as a workplace there are many occupational hazard such as chemical, physical, biological, mental and social hazards that can cased damaged to health care staff. Safety attitude assessment, as a one of management control stages, could be useful for reduction of accident, unsafe condition and human error. Therefore these studies investigate the safety attitude among operating room staff of Qazvin university of Medical sciences in 1388.Material and method: In this study has used three parts questionnaire for data collecting. First part was about demographic characteristics, second part about job characteristics and finely part about safety attitude with 52 questions. Whole of operating room staff Qazvin university of Medical sciences (60 persons) have selected for this study.Result: This study has shown that 20 percentages of staff had favorable attitude, 67 percentage middle attitude, 11.5 percentage poor attitude and others had low level safety attitude. There were not significant correlation between age, sex and academic level with safety attitude.Conclusion: In order to promoting safety attitude must be used of management method for betterment of knowledge and safety attitude and reduction of unsafe behavior. This study recommended to be done actions for increasing knowledge, betterment of motivation, management of cooperation of staff, balance between activity and time and identification of causes of Conflicts.

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