This study was done to compare the efficacy and side effects of methotrexate (MTX) and azathioprine (AZA) in treatment of patients with Rheumatoid arthritis (RA). 45 patients who diagnosed as RA according to 1987 revised criteria of ARA (American Rheumatism Association) envolled and randomly assigned in a double blind study, to recived AZA (100mg/dialy)or oral MTX (7.5mglweekly), clinical parameters; [morning stiffness, grip test, Number of tender and swollenjoints, ritchi index, pain degree based on visual analoge scale (VAS)] and paraclinical parameters; (ESR at first hours, Rhematoid factors, hemoglobin, platletes, WBC count) were analysed and compared in two groups as well as side effects.Paired t-test, t-test used in analysis of continous parameters and chi squared for non-parametric data.Comparison of clinical value at week 24 and 48 with baseline revealed significant improvement in two groups. Overall clinical improvement based on disease activity score was found in 14, 19patients in AZA group and 14, 13 patients in MTX group after 24, 48 weeks respectively comparing the reference show no significance P>0.05. The of withdrawals to side effects was the same, 2 patient in each group.Clinical improvement with azathioprine and methotrexate and side effect were the same in two groups of RA patients.