Background: Acne vulgaris is among the most common dermatologic problems, frequently reported in young adults, With respect to its high prevalence as wells the probability of inflammatory or non-inflammatory lesions, scar formation an dpsychologic effect, the present study was carried out among high school students of Hamadan in 1998.Materials and methods: For this cross sectional study, 720 students were selected through a Random multistage sampling Acne vulgaris and its severity were determined by clinical examination in accordance to standard criteria. Those presented with comedones, few papules and pustules, and lack nodules were classified as mild, however moderate acne was diagnosed when comedowns, many papules and pustules and few nodules were present. Finally, severe acne was manifested with comedones, many disseminated papules and pustules as well as many nodules and lack of sufficient response to therapy. Site of involvement, age, sex, age at disease onset were all recorded.Results: The study population included 365 boys and 355 girls, their age ranged of 14.20 years. Of 720 students, 574 (79.7%) were revealed to have acne vulgar is, among which 52.4% were females and 47,6% were males (NS), Acne was more commonly found in subjects aged 18.20 years, when compared to 14-17y ear- old individuals, thus the prevalence rises as the age going up. 60% had mild acne, whereas 31.5% and 8.5% had moderate and severe acne, respectively. Females were more frequently affected by severe acne (89.8% vs. 10.2% in males). In girls mean age at disease onset was 0.79 years earlier than boys.Conclusion: Acne vulgar is relatively prevalent in Hamadan. Since girls are more affected even in earlier age, further attentions should be paid to girls.